GPPSS Update

German National Honor Society at South
On Wednesday, January 29, 12 oustanding South German students were inducted into the German National Honor Society, - Delta Epsilon Phi chapter Michigan Alpha Mu. These students have qualified by having an overall GPA of at least a 3.0 and a minimum of a 3.4 in their German courses for the past 2 (or in most cases more) semesters.
Pictured from left to right: Back row: Lucas B.; Sam B.; Mason Z.; Ian D.; Addie H.; Ella S. and Brigid W.. Front row left to right: Jonah B.; Gabe F.; Cash L.; Alex C. and German teacher Rebecca Petrilli. Not pictured: Elena M.; Ashton Z. and Tristan W.
Chinese New Year at Kerby
A Kerby parent, Mr. Whittingham, came in to first grade (Mrs. Loch's classroom) and second grade (Ms. Kuczewski's classroom) to share about Chinese New Year and why it is a special holiday for many. The students learned what animal they are from the lunar calendar based on their year of birth and about the traditions of the holiday. They also all received a special red packet with some chocolate coins for good luck and a Chinese dragon craft to complete! It was a fun celebration of learning!
Spelling Bee at Brownell
The Brownell annual spelling bee took place on January 24th. Several rounds lasted throughout the day as over 500 words were given plus several "championship" words before our winner was announced. Congratulations to Sam B. (1st place) and Ann K. (2nd place)! Both students were the final two standing in the 2024 Spelling Bee and Sam is only the second person in Brownell history to be a repeat champion. By the way, in case you were wondering, "chilaquiles" was the winning word, which is a Mexican dish. Sam B. will represent Brownell in the upcoming Regional Spelling Bee. Thank you to teachers Pat Brown and Corey Ernst for producing our spelling bee and working with our students prior to the competition.
Hands-Only CPR at Defer & Ferry
Mrs. Kliman's students at Defer and Ferry learned how to perform Hands-Only CPR during Physical Education!! While in P.E. this week, students used their stuffed animals from home and practice models provided by the American Heat Association to learn how to give Hands- Only CPR. They also learned signs to look for if you see someone having a Stoke using the F.A.S.T. method. Students learned about the difference between a heart attack and cardiac arrest by doing a comparison using a heart model graciously donated by the Pierce science department.
Quiz Bowl at South
A huge congratulations to Grosse Pointe South's Quiz Bowl team for finishing their season with a perfect 15-0 record and winning the MAC Tier One Tournament in a thrilling showdown against Utica Academy of International Studies, clinching victory with a final score of 460-420! This incredible team has has worked hard and their practice and quick thinking have really paid off! Now, they set their sights on the state tournament in April.
Steam Museum at Ferry
Ferry had a fun day yesterday! Thanks to the GP Steaam Foundation, students had a wonderful day of learning that encouraged critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.
Repairs at Maire
Matt McGuire, a retired South Physics teacher, modified and repaired building automation at Maire as Senior control tech for JCI!
Grosse Pointe Foundation for Public Education Spring Grant Cycle
The GPFPE Spring Grant Cycle is now open, with a submission deadline of March 1, 2025. Forms, as well as an online grant application, are also available on their website at www.gpfpe.org.
With their fall cycle they awarded over $58,000 in grants across the district, spanning all grade levels and disciplines. They look forward to receiving innovative proposals to continue the success of funding these valuable educational opportunities for our students!
Unified Basketball
On February 26th at 2:30 PM, our Unified teams will face off against each other at Little Caesars Arena. After the game, attendees are invited to stay and watch the Detroit Pistons host the championship-winning Boston Celtics!
Event Details:
Game Time: Unified Basketball game at 2:30 PM, followed by the Pistons game.
Tickets: Every ticket purchased will send $5 directly back to support the Unified Basketball program.
Seating: Use the correct link for GP North or GP South to ensure you can sit with your friends.
Special Option: Tickets in sections 201 and 202 include an all-you-can-eat package (hot dogs, popcorn, chips with cheese, soda, and water).
Want to support our programs but can’t attend the game? Contact Coach Kisskalt at kisskad@gpschools.org for GP North or Coach Smith at smithk@gpschools.org for GP South to learn how you can help!
Softball Clinic at South
South will be hosting a softball clinic on Saturday, March 15, from 9am to 12 pm. This clinic is open to grades K-8. Make sure to register early, the clinic always sells out! Find the form here.
Blue Devil Digest
Click here to see the latest athletic news from South.
Wayne State University Honors Orchestra Day
Members of the South Symphony Orchestra took part in the Wayne State University Honors Orchestra Day, working with Kypros Markou and members of the Wayne State Music faculty on their campus. South Orchestra alum Chenoa Gachupin made an appearance on the cover of their most current literature!
GP CTE Hosts Parents Night Out
The event was held on January 17, 2025. We had over 100 little kids from the community for a Superhero themed event planned and prepared by GPS Child Care Services student Lottie Gates.
Kids enjoyed pizza and snacks, and were grouped with a high school or middle school student leader. Children played games, and created crafts before they were treated to Superhero training and conditioning from Spiderman, Batman, Spider Gwen, and Captain Marvel heroes from the Enchanted Princess Party.
We were absolutely overwhelmed by the community response to our event! We had parents reaching out trying to add their littles but we really simply ran out of big kid helpers and space. Our goal was to give our high school students some childcare experience while providing parents well deserved break.
The GPPSS CTE department is excited to announce their newest MDE approved program “Education General” which is the sequence of Child Development and Child Care Services courses offered at both Grosse Pointe North and South high schools. This work based learning experience affords students the opportunity to work in the district elementary and preschool classrooms; learning how to be a teacher from the exceptional GPPSS staff.
Child Development is available to all students 9-12 grades, with Child Care available to 11th and 12th graders.
Ideally, any student who is planning a career with children or related to children would enroll in Child Care Services. However, this experience would benefit anyone who has an interest in children or a desire to one day be a parent.
This class is strongly recommended for college-bound students pursuing a degree in Early Childhood Education or for students seeking employment in the field of Child Care directly out of high school.
For more information, please contact your counselor or Andrea Gruenwald gruenwa@gpschools.org.
Inside the TV Studio
Click here to see the latest news from the TV Production program.
Off & Out of Sight Reminder
All secondary students are to have access to a technology learning device. The GPPSS BYOD Handbook supports the district's strategic plan for student learning and growth. Students use their technology learning device to access Schoology -- the GPPSS's Learning Management System.
Additionally, cell phones are OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT all day for middle school, and during class time for high school students. If students need to be reached during the school day, please continue to contact the main office.
Middle school students may use their phones before the first school bell and after the final school bell. High school students may use their phone during passing time and at lunch, as well as before and after school.
How Snow Day Decisions Are Made in GPPSS
As winter approaches, we wanted to provide you with important information about how inclement weather may affect school operations. Our top priority is the safety of our students, staff, and families, while also striving to maintain as much instructional time as possible.
Decisions to close school or adjust schedules are made thoughtfully, with careful consideration of the impact on our community. While the District reviews all available information to make the best possible determination, we recognize that winter weather brings inherent risks. Ultimately, parents have the authority to decide what is safest for their students under their unique circumstances.
Meeting Summary
On Tuesday, Jan. 21st, the Board of Education held a regular meeting where they approved the following:
- Regular Meeting Minutes for January 7, 2025
- HR Report for January 21, 2025
- Special Meeting Minutes for December 26, 2024
- GPEA Update - LOA
- Interim CFO Contract
- Paving Contract
- Superintendent to Continue to pursue Bond Proposal
- Vacate Resolution for Independent Board Counsel
- Reinstatement Committee’s recommendation
On Monday, Feb. 10th, the agenda action items will be:
- Approval of Regular Meeting Minutes for January 21, 2025
- First read through of Budget Parameters
- Approval of Out-of-Country Field Trip - Rebecca Petrilli
You may review each item on the Board of Education agenda by visiting the district calendar and clicking the date of the meeting, then clicking the agenda, then each hyperlinked action item.
Please watch the district calendar on the website for the latest information on board and committee meetings. Upcoming BOE meetings now include:
- BOE Regular Meeting, Monday, February 10, 2025, 7:00 pm, Brownell
- BOE Regular Meeting, Monday, February 24, 2025, 7:00 pm, Brownell
Upcoming Events
Feb. 10- Communities United in Diversity
Feb. 17-21- Midwinter break, No School
Feb. 25- Special Needs Resource Fair
Feb. 26- Unified Basketball at LCA
Feb. 27- Skilled Trades Night