Oregon ACTE Newsletter
April 2022
Seaside Conference Success!
We are always striving to improve! You can let us know what worked and what didn't, and we can use this to help us plan our next conference. Feedback forms here (thanks to those of you who already completed these!)
2022 Post-Conference Feedback Survey
National ACTE presentation slides
2023 Conference: See you in Bend, at the Riverhouse Convention Center, April 12-14.
"What is CTE" and "CTE Works" Infographics
Oregon ACTE Scholarship reminder
Input Invited on Career and College-Readiness and the High School Diploma
The Oregon Higher Education Coordinating Commission invites college and university staff, faculty, and administration input on the evaluation of Oregon's high school graduation policies. The Oregon Department of Education is evaluating its graduation policies and requirements pursuant to Senate Bill 744 (2021) and will make recommendations to the Legislature and the State Board of Education about a possible redesign by September 1, 2022.
We need your expertise about college and career-readiness for students in Oregon! Please complete the survey based on your professional insight about recent high school graduates, in particular, based on your understanding of the skills and knowledge expected for education and training beyond high school. Your feedback will be used to draft recommendations to the Oregon Legislature.
The opportunity to review and provide feedback on the recommendations—once they are drafted—will be offered over the summer, 2022. Please watch for that opportunity. We invite representatives from postsecondary institutions to be involved in these discussions, to help ensure that recommendations support the equitable success of students in pursuit of their career and college goals. Survey Due May 2.
CTE in the news!
Two Douglas County students nominated for national robotics leadership award
La Pine High students throw axes, climb trees, gear up for fire seasons in forestry program
Hermiston School District receive $1.5M for pre-apprenticeship construction center
New aerospace classroom opens for Hillsboro high schoolers
Sandy robotics teams collect funds for world competition
Questions are young woman’s most powerful tool
You can also find us on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/OregonACTE.
OREGON ACTE BOARD MEMBERS, 2021-22 (Your name here?)
-We are looking for more board members, especially CTE teachers! Contact us if interested!
- Alan Kirby, President, North Santiam SD, CTE/Pathways Coordinator
- Caitlin Russell, VP, IMESD, CTE Regional Coordinator
- Heather Ferrin-Myers, Treasurer, Director of School to Career, Washington Co. Chamber
- Lisa Klingsporn, Secretary, PPS, Strategic Business Partnerships Manager
- Lee Kounovsky, ECCO High School (Eugene)
- Kristin Gunson, former Oregon ACTE president
- Luis Juarez, Higher Education Coordinating Commission
- Regine Childs, High Desert ESD
- Robin Taylor, Chemeketa Community College Dean
- Art Witkowski, ODE
- Tom Goodhue, Executive Director (contact, tgoodhue@ocweb.com)