Pleasant Valley Family Newsletter
October 11, 2024

đź’™Panther PRIDE - A Focus on Kindnessđź’›
Hello PV Families,
Happy Friday! Please take a moment to read through the entire newsletter for all upcoming events and announcements.
- Readathon Fundraiser: Our Readathon is still ongoing! If you haven't signed up your child yet, please do so.
- Fall Book Fair: The Fall Book Fair is scheduled for October 22-25, with Family Night on the 25th.
- Fall Festival: Please note the change in date for the Fall Festival. October 19th at 6pm.
- PTO Meeting: The PTO will hold a special meeting to elect a Treasurer on Wednesday, October 16th at 7:30 PM. For more information, please visit the PTO site.
Unity Day
Next Wednesday, October 16th, is Unity Day, the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month. The key message for this day is to unite for kindness, courage, and inclusion. To show our solidarity against bullying, please have your child(ren)wear orange on Wednesday, Oct 16th.
Lastly, there will be no school on Monday, October 14th in recognition of Indigenous Peoples' Day. Have a fantastic three-day weekend!
Esther and Jenna
Below are pictures of Ms. Drake and Ms. Sawn's classes enjoying a fall class party.
Wednesday. October 16th
Unity Day: wear orange to show that we are united against bullying
Early Release - 1:15 p.m. dismissal
Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Brochure
An MTSS Brochure was developed that is being used across elementary schools. Click on the link to find out what Multi-Tiered System of Supports means.
Note from the Pleasant Valley Health Office
-Please pack an extra pair of clothes to keep in your students backpacks in case of a bathroom accident or food spill. While we do have some clothing available to students in the health office, we do not have every size. Packing a spare change of clothes will prevent us from having to call home to bring some in.
-If your child is going home ill, please make every effort to come in a timely fashion. We understand that sometimes this can't happen but please make every effort to do so.
-With the changing of seasons, please dress children in layers as the mornings can be chilly and the afternoons quite warm. With winter approaching, all students do go outside for recess unless the temperature is below 20 degrees Fahrenheit.
Picture Retakes
Picture retakes will be November 12
Kindly take a moment to review our upcoming events and important links below. Your participation and volunteer efforts with the PTO are highly encouraged as they play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition into the school year and in fostering a strong community connection. The links provided include essential information about arrival and dismissal procedures, FAQs, PTO details, and a link to our school website.
Trunk or Treat: Oct 19th (DATE CHANGE!)
Read-a-thon: October 2nd -23rd
Our readathon fundraising event is a friendly competition/ challenge for our students to read as many books or for as many minutes as possible over a set period of time. Sponsors pledge donations based on the amount of reading completed. This event encourages literacy and raises funds for schools or charitable causes. Click on the link to register your child.
Book Fair: Oct. 22-Oct. 25th
BINGO- November 8th
Tickets for Bingo went on sale last Friday. Click on the link to sign up.
Here is the link:
This event is an amazing way to support our 5th graders and is a tradition at PV that is in its 51st year! Contact Abby Bernd (Abigailbernd@gmail.com)
Volunteers Needed: The Bingo team is asking for volunteers. You can sign up using the SignUpGenius link here: Bingo Volunteer Sign-Up.
Volunteer Registration
Throughout the school year, there are many volunteer opportunities for parents/guardians (for example - chaperoning a field trip, helping at a PTO event, etc.) If you would like to volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Registration form-
Bike Week Volunteers
Do you love to ride bikes? Are you willing to help 4th graders learn to ride? We would love to have your help. Dates for Bike week are April 23, 22, 24, & 25. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Registration form above and email Kristin Carmon to let us know you are interested.
If your child is going to be absent, please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out the Attendance Monitor prior to the start of the school day. It is very important that the office be aware of your child's absence. Attendance Monitor Instructions can be found under Important Links, below.
If you would like to pick your child up early, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291.