October Newsletter Greenacres
Friday, October 11th 2024
From the Principals Desk
As I have come to Greenacres and gotten "the lay of the land", there is a student group here that has consistently shown amazing things; the helping hands club. This group has served in many areas around our school for which we are grateful. More importantly, the reason I want to highlight this group is because of the life lessons our students learn from being a member.
Fred Rogers or more affectionately known as Mister Rogers, lived by a motto "life is for service". He truly felt that his life was better lived in the service of others as his world was made better when he made the world a better place. Our students in the helping hands club have the opportunity to live this out and I feel so grateful that they have the opportunity to do so while a student at Greenacres. It is our joy to partner with parents in the pursuit of character education and helping hands does just that. My hope is that your student leaves here having grown academically, successfully set-up for the next school experience, and given the skills to positively impact those around them. In closing, I leave with another famous quote from Fred Rogers book, "If only you could sense how important you are the lives of those you meet and how important you can be to the people you may never dream of".
On another note, please know that you student will bring home a pumpkin on Friday, October 18th as our amazing PTA is providing a pumpkin patch here at school!
Brandon Dunn
Picture Retakes
Monday, October 14
Just a reminder that Monday, October 14th is a teacher work day and there is NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS!
This Week's Events
😴Monday Oct 14😴
No School! Teacher work day
😄Tuesday Oct 15😄
Cross Country Practice 8:10 - 8:40
Hearing Screening
👬Wednesday Oct 16👭
Hearing Screening
🌸Thursday Oct 17🌸
Cross Country Race at CV High School
Hearing Screening
💛🖤🏈Friday Oct 18🏈🖤💛
Picture Retakes
PTA Pumpkin Patch
Hearing Screening