May Extras
Our last edition of news for the 2023-24 year
We have made it to the end of this school year! Congratulations to students and families for the hard work that has been put into learning this year. Students and staff are all ready for a well deserved break and change of pace this summer.
There are a few important dates to remind you of, see below.
May 23 - Keep Learning all Summer information session for caregivers 6:00pm in the school gym.
May 27 - No School; Memorial Day
May 28 - Field Day for Students; students should bring water to keep hydrated and wear sunblock due to outside games (weather permitting).
May 29 - Kindergarten Graduation at 9:30am, families of kindergarteners welcome to attend. 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony at 2:15pm, families of 5th graders welcome to attend.
May 30 - School Picnic Lunch, families welcome to bring a lunch and blanket to eat with their student(s). Pre-k through 2nd grade lunch begins at 12:00pm. 3rd grade through 5th grade lunch begins at 12:30pm.
August 21 - Students return for the first day of the 2024-25 school year!
Changes to Bussing Notifications
• Transportation eligible families will now receive their child's bus routing information through the Parent Portal.
• You can access your child’s bus information within the Parent Portal by clicking to open the Menu (3 lines in the upper left corner) -> click the "More" link -> Click the "Transportation" link.
• Students enrolled in the District by August 12, 2024, will receive their updated transportation information in the Parent Portal after August 15, 2024.
• Students who enroll after August 12 may experience a delay in their bus routing for the first day of school.
Check the Parent Portal regularly for updates to bus stop times and locations! For timely updates, make sure your contact information is up to date. For more info about the Parent Portal and how to activate, update and more go to ccsoh.us/page/2437
Back to School Resource Fair
Save the date for this popular event! The Back to School Resource Fair offers school supplies giveaways, up-to-date information on after school programs, wellness exams, safety information, social services and more.
When: Saturday, August 17, 2024 10:00am - 2:00pm
Where: Fort Hayes Campus
546 Jack Gibbs Blvd, Columbus, OH 43215
Watch the Columbus City Schools website here and here for more information (parking instructions, etc.) as the date approaches.
Summer Activities!!
Kids Bowl Free
Registered kids receive 2 FREE GAMES of bowling each day of the "Kids Bowl Free Program" all summer long!
Answers to frequently asked questions about the program can be found here.
Summer Reading Challenge at the Library
The Columbus Metropolitan Library (CML) will launch its Summer Reading Challenge on Saturday, June 1 and conclude the program on Wednesday, July 31.
CML will also hold Kickoff Parties at all locations. Main Library’s Kickoff Party will be held on Saturday, June 1 from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., featuring family fun with activities, music and refreshments. CML’s 22 branches will host Kickoff Parties throughout the week. For details about branch parties, customers can visit columbuslibrary.org/events.
Culture Passes for Free Admission to Area Events and Organizations
Culture Passes can be checked out from a variety of Columbus Metropolitan Library locations. Passes can be obtained for BalletMet, CAPA, Columbus Children’s Theatre, Columbus Clippers, Columbus Gay Men’s Chorus, Columbus Museum of Art and the Pizzuti Collection of the Columbus Museum of Art, Columbus Symphony, Columbus Zoo and Aquarium, Dawes Arboretum, Franklin Park Conservatory, Ohio History Center, National Veterans Memorial Museum, ProMusica
It is recommended to call library branches in advance to first check on availability. Not all branches have access to every type of Culture Pass.
Movies with Amazing Scenery
The CAPA Summer Movie Series is back! The 55th series of classic films and popular favorites will run July 12 - August 25 at the historic Ohio Theatre and feature 28 films.
Now celebrating his 33rd year as featured organist for the CAPA Summer Movie Series, Clark Wilson will again provide pre-show entertainment at the keyboards and controls of the Ohio Theatre’s treasured “Mighty Morton” theatre organ 30 minutes prior to each screening.
The full schedule of films can be found here! There are several great family friendly options.