Hello from Principal Gordon
August 6th, 2024
A Little About Me...
Hello Willow Families,
I am so excited to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year. This first communication has some quick information for you as we near the end of summer.
A little about me, I am the mom of 2 (4 if you are counting my bonus children), a dog mom, and my fiancé and family recently relocated to Flossmoor. We are excited to be your neighbors, and I am even more excited to learn about the Homewood community.
I started my career as an educator in 2007 as a teacher in Chicago Public Schools and started my administrator journey in 2018. I served two years as an assistant principal at Julian Middle School before transitioning in 2020 to the role of principal at Lincoln Elementary School in Oak Park. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and a Master's of Education in Educational Administration. I have the strong mindset that all students can learn and believe in our district vision that, “All children will learn; all children will be served.” I am a leader who puts children first, one who uses data to drive my decisions, both quantitative and qualitative, and an educator who collaborates with stakeholders to drive change. I believe in being an ethical decision-maker, a leader who exemplifies professionalism, uses great communication skills, and creates inclusive, engaging opportunities for teaching and learning.
Learning does not happen by accident. Meeting the needs of all learners, including the diverse learners’ population, should be evident in all aspects of educating a child. It is through planning and knowledge of students that we reach our goals of student achievement. Creating a common goal with the inclusion of stakeholders is not an easy task, nor do I take it lightly. Fostering lifelong learners, empowering students to be critical thinkers who can compete in a global society, and supporting the reflective practices of teachers and staff are a part of how, along with my leadership, we can work together!
I look forward to serving as a leader of Willow and being a meaningful part of children’s lives.
Take care,
Ms. Gordon
Important Dates
12 - Class Placements Emailed
21 - School-wide Supply Drop-Off
22 - First Day of School (All students in Willow)
24 - Back to School Party (Homewood Village Hall Parking Lot)
30 - Early Dismissal (11:40 am)
2 - No School (Labor Day)
Supply Drop-Off
All families are invited to visit Willow School to drop off school supplies, meet the teacher and see your child's classroom. Please be on the lookout for information from your child's teacher regarding sign-up time frames.
First Day of School
This year, all students in Pre-kindergarten through 2nd Grade at Willow will start on Thursday, August 22nd. As we get closer to the first day of school, I will send a communication regarding line up/dismissal, staffing updates, breakfast/lunch, and any other pertinent information for you to be prepared for day 1.
Class Placements
Class placements will be emailed on August 12th to all families. If you are fully registered and do not receive your placement after that date, please contact the main office at 708.798.3720.
Health Forms
Don't be left with FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) for the first day of school! If you haven't already, please provide your child's health records directly to Nurse Soto via email at Kattia.Soto@hsd153.org or by dropping them off to Willow's main office.
All incoming students, both pre-k and kindergarten, AND new students to Willow must have updated school physical exam forms completed. Please click this link to review the required documentation.
If your child requires any additional prescribed medication, please contact the nurse and complete any medication authorization forms ahead of time.
Please see the summary from the nurses in District 153:
Deadlines & Exclusion Dates
Homewood School District 153 has established the following exclusion dates in order for students to meet the requirements for health exams and immunization records as described by the Illinois Department of Public Health. Appointment cards will NOT be accepted.
- Willow School – First day of student attendance
- Churchill School – October 1
- James Hart School – October 1
New students transferring into Willow School from out of state/country must submit their most recent required physical (see below) and complete immunization record within 30 days of registration to avoid exclusion from school.
New students transferring into Churchill or James Hart Schools from out of state/country must submit their most recent required physical (see below) and complete immunization record by October 1, or within 30 days if registered after the start of the school year (whichever is more lenient) to avoid exclusion from school.
Health Exams
A student must have a School Physical Exam within one year prior to entering:
- First year of pre-school
- Kindergarten
- 6th Grade
7th and 8th graders who wish to participate in sports must have a new Sports Pre-Participation Physical Exam submitted each year. While the school physical form can be used in place of a sports physical, a sports physical will not qualify as a school physical. Please be sure to have the correct form completed by your student's practitioner.
According to the Illinois Department of Public Health Guidelines, students must show proof of basic immunization and required boosters for:
- Diphtheria
- Tetanus
- Pertussis
- Polio
- Measles
- Mumps
- Rubella
- Varicella
- Haemophiluis Influenzae Type B (required for pre-school only)
- Meningococcal (6th-8th graders)
- Pneumococcal (24-59 months)
- Hepatitis B (required for pre-school and 6th-8th graders)
- Tdap (required for 6th-8th graders)
Additional Requirements
Lead Screening: Students entering pre-school and kindergarten must show proof of lead screening.
Dental Exams: All Illinois children in Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades are required to have an oral health exam by a licensed dentist prior to May 15 of the school year.
Eye Exams: All Illinois children enrolling in Kindergarten and any student enrolling for the first time in an Illinois public, private, or parochial school are required to have an eye exam before the first day of school. The exam must be completed by an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Waiver: The Department of Public Health shall establish a waiver for children who show an undue burden or lack of access to obtain either a dental or eye exam.
Religious Objection: Children whose parents or legal guardians object to health or dental examinations, or to the required immunizations, may submit and Illinois Certificate of Religious Exemption from their doctor’s office. In the case of an outbreak, any student without proof of immunization on file will be excluded from school according to IDPH Communicable Disease School Nurse Guidance.
These required health examinations, immunization and lead screening may be obtained at the doctor’s office or clinic of your choice. If you need information on other local resources, please call the nurse at your student’s school.
About Us
Website: https://willow.hsd153.org/
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL 60430
Phone: 708-798-3720