High School Weekly Update
February 2, 2024
Principal Thoughts
Integrity is one of our three core values (the other two are Service and Responsibility). The way I explain integrity to students is doing the right thing even when nobody else is watching. As adults, it is our job to help instill this value in young people. Having children of my own has certainly showed me the influence my actions have on the behavior of my children. I will be the first to admit that I haven't always set the best example. We are all human and make mistakes, but as adults, we are the ones who set the standards for our children.
Beyond our core values, another critical element for us is student safety. We have striven greatly to increase our safety efforts over the last couple of years. Primarily, we have installed several cameras in our buildings (which we continue to expand), we have upgraded our doors so that they remain locked throughout the day and visitors have to be buzzed in, and we have added a School Resource Officer this year. One of the things that often gets overlooked in discussions on student safety, although it is a fundamental element, is how to get traffic in and out of school property as efficiently and safely as possible. This is something all schools must deal with, and this is where we need help from everyone who is bringing/picking up students. Thus, this week I am writing to remind everyone of the following guidelines:
- Be patient and drive slowly. Don't make your rush someone else's problem.
- You should never drop your student off or pick them up in one of the staff/student parking lots. These lots are for staff and student use only between the hours of 7:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up occurs in the space between the middle and high schools.
- Please follow the directions of the SRO when he is giving traffic directions on Highway 52.
Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of our parents do exactly as we ask without us having to monitor them. However, it only takes a few folks not following our traffic procedures to put others in danger. In fact, we had a close call this week due to a parent pulling into the student lot. This situation could have easily been avoided had the parent gone to the correct place to drop off their student. We are currently working on upgrading our signage, but we need everyone's help with this. Remember, this is for the benefit of all our students, and they are watching what we do.
Prospective Student Night
All prospective students and families are invited to attend a Prospective Student Open House at Gray Stone Day School on Tuesday, February 20 at 6:00 p.m. in the high school. Guests will learn more about curriculum offerings, extra-curricular activities, clubs, and tour both the middle and high school.
Last Day to Apply for the Lottery
The last day to apply for the lottery for the 2024-2025 school year will be Thursday, February 29. All applications received after that date will be placed on the waiting list. Apply today by clicking here.
GS Has Talent
Calling all actors, musicians, singers, dancers, comedians, jugglers, and others...we'd like to see you perform at the Gray Stone Talent Show on Thursday, February 29th. Auditions will be held during Knight Time on Thursday, February 8th. Please see Mr. Hodges to pick up a form and to sign up for an audition time.
Knight of the Week
We are proud of you, Camryn!
Upcoming Athletic Events
State Soccer Championship Shirts Available
New Gray Stone State Championship shirts are available! Purchase now with a Promo!
Help Needed - Click Below to Sign Up
Friday Drink Sales
High School Basketball Concessions
Attention Juniors and Seniors
Jostens visited recently to discuss Class Rings & Cap and Gown orders. If you missed this meeting, packets are available in the office or you may visit the links below:
Class Ring Orders:
Cap & Gown Orders:
Lunch Menu
Monday Pasta (Meat or Alfredo Sauce), Garlic Bread, Side Salad
Tuesday Baked Potato Bar, Soup, Salad Bar
Wednesday Beef or Chicken Tacos, Black Beans, Rice, Salad Bar
Thursday Corn Dogs, Mac & Cheese, Salad Bar
Friday Pizza (Cheese or Pepperoni)
Spirit Wall
Don't forget to reserve our Spirit Wall for upcoming special occasions! Renting the wall will allow you to display school spirit, celebrate your child’s birthday, or post staff/student appreciation. Please read the guidelines highlighted below before making your reservation online.
Reservations will be available on a first come, first served basis.
Driver's Ed
About Us
Email: slisk@graystoneday.org
Website: graystoneday.org
Location: 49464 Merner Terrace, Misenheimer, NC, USA
Phone: 704-463-0567
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GrayStoneDay/
Twitter: @graystoneday