Cougar Weekly
Week of September 21 - 25, 2020
It was a hard day yesterday...
Please pray for clarity for our leaders, for peace and understanding for those affected by this situation, and for our students and families that will be affected by losing a teacher they have bonded with over five of the most difficult weeks we've had to face. I don't need to say any more at this time, because I'm still battling it in every way that I can. I will let you know the outcome at some point early next week. God is in control, and we must try and "be still".
Week at a glance
Tuesday (22nd) - Board meeting, 6:00 PM. Dr. Craft will most likely talk about the status of whether we are going to designate virtual and face-to-face teachers.
Thursday (24th) - Title One parent engagement zoom - 4:00. Awareness zooms for ESL, GT, and Dyslexia will follow at 4:30. These are AWARENESS presentations, not meetings - I will send a connect-ed message on Monday for parents with the zoom invite for the 4:00 zoom. ESL, GT, and Dyslexia will send their own invites. All are welcome!
Monday (28th) - SBDM/CEAC in the cafeteria, 3:15.
Friday, Oct. 9 - PD day (planning/recording); no students.
Oct. 2, 5, and 9 - BOY conferences with TTESS appraisers; look for the invite! Make sure to work on your SLO and professional goals. These have to be submitted before your conference.