Monthly Newsletter
May 2024

January SLV 4-H Monthly Newsletter
Important Dates:
SLV Extension Office will be closed January 20th and February 17th
January 26th- Re-Enrollment Deadline
January 25-27- LDC @ Denver
January 29- Dist. 8 Meeting @ Extension 7pm
February 1- Beef Weigh-In @ McMullin Meeting 8 am
February 10- Fair Board Meeting @ Ski Hi 7pm
February 11- Dist. 8 Meeting @ Extension 7pm
If your 4-H club has any important dates or announcements, please email them to mollie.wells@colostate.edu by the 10th of each month.
2024-2025 4-H Dates
2024-2025 Fair Schedule
Sponsorship for the SLV 4-H Livestock Judging Team
Want to help sponsor the SLV 4-H Livestock Judging Team?
Important Dates for Livestock Projects!
Important Dates for Livestock Projects!
Beef Weigh-In
Beef Weigh-In
February 1st
McMullen Building
4-H Enrollment has begun!!
If you need help enrolling as a family or as club, please reach out to Cody and me. cody.groff@colostate.edu mollie.wells@colostate.edu
Colorado 4-H Project Information – Colorado 4-H Youth Development is part of CSU Extension
Please use the link above to learn more about all the 4-H projects that Colorado 4-H has to offer!
Cloverbud January Meeting
Join us January 24th as we build snowman for the January Clovebud Meeting!
5:30pm at the SLV Extension Office
Cloverbuds is for youth ages 5-7 years old
New Record Books for Livestock and Dog Projects
New Supplemental Pages for Breeding Projects
SLV Livestock Judging Team News!
SLV Livestock Judging Team at Arizona Stock Show
Senior Team was 12th overall in the Senior Contest
Team C Jr took 5th overall in the Junior Contest
Team A Jr took 16th overall in the Junior Contest
Durae Naranjo 10th individual overall
District 8 T-shirt Fundraiser
Club Plaques!
4-H Enrollment Open
Deadline for New Members March 31st