Monthly Parent Newsletter

November 2024
As you may have heard and I can't believe that I have to discuss this with high school parents, but we have had a few instances in both the girls and boys bathrooms where students are not picking up after themselves. We seem to have students that think it is okay not to put trash in the barrels, to leave paper towels in the sinks and to put things in the toilets that do not belong there or just hang out in the bathrooms which prevents others from using the bathroom. It is also unfortunate that we have some students who do not pick up after themselves at breakfast and/or lunch by not throwing their trash away or making a mess on the tables and expecting others to pick up after them. While we address these behaviors at school using a variety of strategies, I am looking for your assistance in discussing with your students what is appropriate behavior in both the bathroom and lunch area. We have a beautiful school that our staff members and the majority of students take pride in and work hard to keep it looking new, so I am asking all of you to reinforce appropriate behavior with your students.
I also want to take a moment to remind everyone that there are no deliveries to school of outside food/drink and that students should not be dismissed from school to go get food/drinks from area establishments. We offer breakfast( 6:45 - 7:10am) and lunch(each student has 30 minutes for lunch) at NMRHS with many different options and both breakfast and lunch are free to all students.
On a more positive note, we have great things happening in our classrooms and NMRHS Community as a whole. Please read below to find out more about what is going on in our different departments and classes. Time is moving fast and the first quarter is coming to an end at NMRHS and report cards will be issued via Aspen on Tuesday, November 5th. If you have any questions about your students progress, please reach out directly to your students teachers.
Lastly, I wanted to wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable Thanksgiving at the end of the month!
Laurie Smith, Interim Principal
Special Education Department Update -
A note from Kristi Montolio - Special Education Department Chair
Take a peek at the resources provided to all families on the NMRSD.org website. Recently we have added a document to the District website that is geared toward helping students as they transition to life beyond high school. It is a community resource map that provides contact information for a variety of resources in this and neighboring communities, including housing, education, employment assistance, health and mental health resources as well as other possible areas of need. The document can be located under the Special Education Tab for Transition Planning by clicking on the link for the Transition Planning Website and going to the additional information page of that website. While it is housed in the Special Education Tab, the resources on that document can be helpful to students beyond those with disabilities. This document is meant to be used as a starting point and offers suggestions for agencies to contact.
On Monday, October 21st, a team from the Department of Developmental Services visited NMRHS to present information about transition services to our families with students receiving special education services. They worked together to provide guidance, and even applications/paperwork that caregivers might need. Caregivers were acquainted with the various stages/ages of transition and what was required at each to ensure their students continued to receive whatever services they need and are eligible for. DDS representatives also made themselves available to answer any questions our students/caregivers may have had after their presentation. The special education department is hopeful to hold this transition night again in the future, please keep an eye out for forthcoming information.
Science Department Update-
A note from Christy Kervin - Science Department Chair
Chemistry students have been learning about atomic structure and subatomic particles, including electron configuration and excited and ground state electrons. AP Chemistry students are moving through the electrochemistry unit and beginning to recognize oxidation and reduction reactions.
Students in Medical Interventions dove into the world of diagnostics and microbiology through hands-on labs. In the ELISA simulation, students tracked the spread of bacterial meningitis on a college campus, learning the vital role of diagnostics in controlling infectious diseases. Through careful lab work, they traced infection pathways and developed critical thinking around epidemiology. In another lab, students explored antibiotic resistance by simulating how bacteria gain resistance through conjugation. They examined how antibiotics work to fight bacteria and witnessed firsthand how resistance develops, gaining valuable insights into the challenges of treating bacterial infections in modern medicine.
Physical Education/Wellness Department Update -
A note from Jeff Waldron - Physical Education/Wellness Department Chair
For Team Sports, we just finished our Tchoukball Unit! In Personal/Group Fitness students just wrote their Personal Fitness Programs and are officially in week 1 of these semester long programs! Lifetime Fitness as well as Mind/Body Fitness have taken advantage of the nice weather to conduct yoga outside and enjoy some beautiful walks on the track! Fundamentals of Fitness students are working towards writing their Personal Fitness Programs as well.
Social Studies Department Update -
A note from Becky Jackson - Social Studies Department Chair
Our Government & Politics kids have been learning about the Electoral College and preparing to host a school-wide mock election on Monday 11/4 during lunch in the library. We have many students who are planning on voting for the very first time in the actual election this year on Tuesday 11/5.
The Student Council and social studies department are teaming up to plan and host a Veterans Day breakfast and assembly on Thursday 11/7. We are always looking to update our local veteran mailing list so if you are or know a veteran who would like an invitation, please email Department Chair Rebecca Jackson at rjackson@nmrsd.org by Tuesday 10/29.
Students in Mr. Pearson's US History I classes are currently working to create their own government including what domestic and foreign policies they'd practice. In order to carry out these policies, students are also filling their Presidential Cabinet with friends, teachers, historical figures, and celebrities they feel best embody the roles necessary to successfully run their government.
AP Psychology students are currently learning about Sensation and Perception. They will be running through modified labs of the senses next week. In the Intro to Psychology and Sociology classes, we started a dive into the Brain, more specifically the nervous systems and will build neurons out of playdoh next week.
Visual Arts Department Update-
A note from Anissa Plante - Visual Art Department Chair
In Photography class with Ms. Wiechers, students are creating Fall themed images using the Bokeh effect, which refers to the aesthetic quality of the blur in out-of-focus areas of an image. Student work by Samantha V.
World Language Department Update -
A note from Mike Chew- World Language Department Chair
The World Languages department is off to an exciting start to the school year! Students in French 1 recently completed a research project on a topic of their choice, while French 2 worked on research projects around castles and fine homes of France. French 3 is learning how to analyze film in the target language.
In Spanish 1, students are becoming acclimated to the sounds of the new language and having conversations about themselves and their friends, as well as cats that think they are dogs... Spanish 2 Accelerated students are talking about fashion both here and in Venezuela and will begin turning the topic to what they wear in different weather. Spanish 3 Accelerated just reviewed clothing so they know what to pack as we begin a unit on travel.
The International Club is an extracurricular spot where students can learn more about other cultures in a relaxed and fun atmosphere. This week, they learned more about the Hispanic celebrations of el Dia de los Muertos ("The Day of the Dead"): its purpose and similarities and differences to Halloween, as well as variations on how it is celebrated.
Math & Business Department Update -
A note from Ed Logiudice - Math & Business Department Chair
When you are reading this Newsletter, the first quarter will have just ended. Students will have received their report card for the first quarter on 11/5 via Aspen. In the Mathematics & Business Department, we look at the end of the first quarter as a time to pause and reflect on how well the first quarter went for us.
Students should be doing this as well. What worked for you? What did not work for you? Did you get the grade you expected? The end of quarters is a good time to re-evaluate yourself and your performance in all of your classes. Are you doing what you need to be successful? Is there more that you can be doing? What supports do you need to become more successful? There is still a lot of time left in the school year, so take the time to reflect upon the first quarter and make some positive changes now.
Mathematics is a skills-based subject. The best way to get better at math is to practice, practice, practice. The more practice problems you can do, the better you will get at those types of problems. The first question you should ask if you are struggling is “Am I practicing enough?”. Sometimes, a little bit of extra practice can go a long way.
For students who have been struggling, a great idea is to register for Flex with your specific math teacher to get extra help. Be proactive and sign up for Flex ahead of time. That sends the message to your teacher that you really want to get some help so that you can do better in their class. Another idea is to reach out to the National Honor Society. The NHS offers a free tutoring program for students at NMRHS. Either reach out to a member of the NHS or ask your teacher to help you to make an arrangement with the National Honor Society.
The teachers of the Mathematics & Business Department are committed to help you succeed in your classes. If you find yourself struggling and want to do better, have a conversation with your teacher. Your teacher will be able to help you to put a plan together to help you to perform better in class.
English Department Update -
A note from Katie Maly - English Department Chair
In the English Department all 9th grade students just wrapped up Homer's The Odyssey, and will be starting their very first major unit project. This project is a fan favorite as it includes writing and creative arts. Students have two options to choose from, which is either creating an artifact or creating a game board focusing on the seven deadly sins that students tracked throughout their reading of The Odyssey. Featured below are some pictures of past projects. All projects will be displayed in the Media Center upon completion.
Tuesday, November 5th - REPORT CARDS - released via Aspen
Tuesday, November 19th - 5-7pm - Powder Puff - Turf field
Wednesday, November 20th - Powder Puff rain date
Game #1 - Freshmen vs. Sophomores - 5pm
Game #2 - Juniors vs. Seniors - 6pm
Game #3 - Winner of Game 1 vs. Winner of Game 2 - 7pm
Entrance fees are - $3- Students, $5- Adults, $3- Seniors
Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024, 05:00 PM
NM Turf
Attention Senior Parents
NM Senior Portrait Information
Email your image as - LASTNAME_FIRST.jpg
to: oconnoryearbooks@gmail.com
DEADLINE - November 22, 2024
Student Handbook
Please see our new K-12 Student handbook for the 2024-2025 school year.
Click on the link below to read.
Looking to support NM and get your own NM patriots gear, here is your opportunity!
The NM School store will now be open every Friday during lunches for students to purchase NM gear!
Cash or check only (made out to NMRHS)
To report your students tardy or absence -
If your student will be tardy or absent from school, please contact NMRHS on the absence phone line at 978-597-8721 or email at hsattendance@nmrsd.org. Please make every effort to notify NMRHS of your student being tardy or absent from school.
Counseling Department Information
To contact your students school counselor, please call the counseling department at 978-597-8196 to speak with the counseling secretary, Mrs. Tiana Babin or contact your students counselor directly.
School Counselors
A - F - Mrs. Julia Mancini - jmancini@nmrsd.org X2453
G - M - Ms. Beth Romano - bromano@nmrsd.org X2454
N - Z - Mr. Tim Robertson - trobertson@nmrsd.org X2452
North Middlesex Regional High School
- Email: nmrhs@nmrsd.org
- Website: https://www.nmrsd.org/Page/9
- Location: 19 Main St. Townsend, MA 01469
- Phone: 978-597-8721
- Fax: 978-597-3180