The Paw Print
News and Happenings at Pepper Ridge Elementary
JULY 2024
Important Dates
- 8/13 - Kindergarten & Preschool Orientation
- 8/14 - FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL! Meet and Greet 8:15-9:00am. (Full Day)
- 8/30 - August Spirit Day
- 9/2 - NO SCHOOL -Labor Day
- 9/18 - NO SCHOOL-Teacher Collaboration Day
- 9/26 - Fall Festival
- 9/27 - September Spirit Day
- 10/9 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (Evening)
- 10/10 - Parent/Teacher Conferences (ALL DAY) - NO SCHOOL
- 10/11 - NO SCHOOL- End of First Quarter
- 10/25 - October Spirit Day
- 10/31 - Halloween Parade
Welcome 2024-25 School Year
Dear Families,
As we begin another exciting school year at Pepper Ridge, I want to take a moment to express my gratitude for your continued support and partnership. Your involvement plays a crucial role in our students' success, and we appreciate you being an active part of our school community.
I am eagerly looking forward to a fantastic year ahead filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences for our students. Together, let’s make this year truly special.
Thank you for being a valued member of our Pepper Ridge family!
Warm regards,
Alisa Tueller
Kindergarten Orientation
- Last Names A-K 9:00am - 9:30am
- Last Names L-Z 10:00am - 10:30am
Meet & Greet Grades 1-5
Wednesday, August 14th 8:15am - 9:00am (Open House Style)
Come anytime on the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL between 8:15-9:00am to:
- Tour our building
- Meet your teacher
- Drop off your supplies
9:00am - 9:20am Students will play on the playground and reconnect with friends. The bell will ring at 9:20am.
Please enter classrooms from their interior doors and exit to the playground through their exterior doors. Interior doors will be open at 8:15am and supervision will be provided on the playground. An announcement will be made at 9am for students and parents to exit the building through the exterior doors. The bell will ring at 9:20am and all students will line up in their assigned spots.
Please note: Kindergarten classrooms will be closed. Students will meet their teachers during Kindergarten Orientation on August 13th. Kindergarten students will line up when the bell rings at 9:20am.
First Day of School
Wednesday, August 14th (LATE START)
The first day of school is a full day.
- 9:20am - 3:55pm
Meet and Greet: 8:15 - 9:00am (Supervisor will be available on the playground from 8:15am - 9:20am)
Parent Action Needed-Update School Forms
*Class lists are subject to change depending on additional enrollment and class sizes.
School Supplies
For those families interested in or in need of transportation (bussing) for the 2024-25 school year, the transportation request in “Update Contact Information” through School Forms MUST be submitted in PowerSchool. Prior to July 31st.
In PowerSchool…head to FORMS / SCHOOLFORMS then…Select “Update Contact Information”. Complete the form that says REQUEST FOR TRANSPORTATION.
Bus Request Deadline: July 31st.
Eligible students needing a bus during the 2024-2025 school year must fill out the Request for Transportation form when registering for school. Bus stop assignments will be available in early-August in the My Ride K-12 app. New stops will not be added during the first 2 weeks of school, however eligible students will be allowed to use existing stops during that initial window.
Who can ride the bus?
Transportation is provided for students who live in the bus zone (i.e. over 1.5 miles to their appropriate school). Non-bus zones are based on a 1.5 mile distance utilizing pathways, neighborhood streets, and arterial streets with sidewalks and crosswalks. Consideration is given to hazards. For more information regarding busing eligibility, please visit the following link: West Ada School District - Attendance Areas.
RFID Badges
We're excited to introduce a new initiative designed to enhance the safety and efficiency of our school bus transportation services. Students at all levels will begin carrying a Bus Badge when boarding the bus. Parents will have access to information through the My Ride K-12 app when students scan on and off the bus.
My Ride K-12
My Ride K-12 is our primary communication for bussing needs. Push notifications about late buses or any vital information that is pertaining to your child's bus information will be sent via the My Ride K-12 message center. Bus stop assignments will be available in early-August in the My Ride K-12 app.
The applications for free/reduced meals are now open. Families can visit LINQ Connect - Making Schools Stronger to fill out an application to see if they qualify for free or reduced school breakfast and lunch. In addition, families may use the same link to add money to their student’s meal/nutrition account.
If you or any member of your family needs any help filling out an application, you are welcome to reach out to the Nutrition Team at 208-855-4575.
Technology Updates and Important Reminders
We hope you're enjoying your summer vacation. As the 2024-25 school year rapidly approaches, we wanted to remind all of our families about the Optional Device Protection plans. These plans offer a smart and practical safeguard to your family from the expense of repairing any accidental damage to your school-provided devices. Without an Optional Device Protection plan, loss or damage to school-issued devices or accessories can result in a charge of either $30 or $150 per incident. Purchasing a $25 plan covers the first incident for free, and then $20 for subsequent incidents. Furthermore, families who enroll before August 1st can enjoy the Early Enrollment price of $20.
Important Dates:
July 31st: Last day to sign up for Device Protection at the discounted Early Enrollment rate of $20.
September 30th: Last day to sign up for Device Protection at the regular rate of $25, without a device inspection.
Families may still sign up for Device Protection after this date but will be required to have their school-issued device inspected by a District technician to ensure it has not already been damaged. Students can accomplish this by bringing their device into their school's library or designated technical support location.
New students to West Ada will have 30 days from the student's first day at their new school to sign up for Optional Device Protection.
Changes to Device Protection Tracking & Balance Notifications for 2024-25:
This year, we are adjusting how we track and accept payments for Technology fines for middle and high school students. Starting in August, fines will remain in our existing Payment Portal until the first Thursday of every month and will then be transferred into MySchoolFees. This change will provide improved visibility for outstanding Technology fine balances, and a single point of contact at each secondary school for students and parents to work with.
For any questions about Optional Device Protection or outstanding Technology balances, families can still send an email to
How to Purchase Optional Device Protection:
- Login to PowerSchool (
- Click on the Payment Portal in the left sidebar
- Click on the name of the child you would like to purchase protection for
- Click on either Early Enrollment Optional Device Protection or Optional Device Protection
- Click Add to Cart
- Click the cart icon in the upper, right-hand corner.
- Enter payment information and click Submit to complete your purchase.
For more detailed information and answers to frequently asked questions, please visit our website:
Reminder of our Check Out Procedures
Parent Volunteers!
Be on the lookout in the coming weeks for volunteer sign-up information from your child's classroom teacher! Volunteers are required to check in at the front office (please bring your ID) and must be scheduled with a classroom teacher prior to arrival.
Other Helpful Parent Links
- Curriculum - Questions about West Ada curriculum? This link will help to give you an excellent overview of the standards covered throughout the year.
- Elementary Handbook
- Health Services - You will locate information about immunizations, clinics, and flow charts.
Stay Connected!
(Coming Soon)
(Coming Soon)
Pepper Ridge Webpage
Pepper Ridge Elementary
- Follow us on Instagram: pepperridgeelementary
- Follow us on Facebook: Pepper Ridge Elementary School
Location: 2252 South Sumpter Way, Boise, ID, USA
Phone: (208) 855-4130