Wrangler Round-Up
Legacy Ranch High School Family Newsletter
Welcome to the Ranch
December 16, 2024
Winter Break: December 20, 2024-January 6, 2025
Upcoming Dates
Monday, December 16, 2024 - A Day
Tuesday, December 17, 2024 - Midterm Exams (daily schedule below)
- Boys Basketball Navy Team @ Lorena @ 5PM AWAY
- Boys Basketball White Team @ Killeen Chaparral @ 6:15PM - AWAY
- Girls Soccer @ Lockhart @ 5:30PM AWAY
- Girls Basketball White Team @ Belton @ 6:15PM - AWAY
Wednesday, December 18, 2024 - Midterm Exams (daily schedule below)
- Winter Band Concert @ 7PM - LRHS Cafeteria
Thursday, December 19, 2024 - Midterm Exams (daily schedule below)
Friday, December 20, 2024
- Student Holiday/Staff Workday
- Girls Basketball vs Killeen Chaparral @ 3:30 & 5PM - HOME
Saturday, December 28, 2024
- Girls Soccer @ Burnet @ 9AM - AWAY
Monday, December 30, 2024
- Girls Soccer vs Lockhart @ 12PM - HOME
Welcome to 2025
Friday, January 3, 2025
- Girls Wrestling @ Delco Center @ 11:30AM
- Girl's Soccer @ McNeil HS @ 12PM - AWAY
- Girls Basketball vs Anderson HS @ 5:30PM - HOME
- Boys Basketball vs St. Dominic @ 5:30PM - HOME
Saturday, January 4, 2025
- Boys Wrestling @ Delco Center @ 9:30AM
- Boys White Basketball vs Killeen Chaparral @ 12PM - HOME
Tuesday, January 7, 2025 - A Day
- Students return to school
- Girls Basketball Navy Team @ McCallum HS @ 5:15PM
- Boys Basketball Team vs Lake Belton @ 5:30 & 7PM - HOME
- Girls Soccer @ Killeen Chaparral @ 5:300PM - AWAY
- FFA Meeting @ 6PM
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 - B Day
- Wresting @ Liberty Hill - Time TBD
Thursday, January 9, 2025 - A Day
- Girls Soccer @ Belton Tournament @ 1PM - AWAY
- Boys Soccer vs LASA @ Stony Point High School @ 3:45PM - AWAY
Friday, January 10, 2025 - B Day
- Girls Soccer @ Belton Tournament @ 11:45AM & 2:15PM - AWAY
- Boys Soccer vs Georgetown @ Stony Point High School @ 1:25PM - AWAY
- Boys Basketball @ NB Long Creek HS @ 5:30PM
Saturday, January 11, 2025
- Choir TMEA Area Auditions
- Band TMEA Area Auditions
- Wrestling Boys & Girls @ Delco Center @ 10AM - AWAY
- Boys Soccer vs Liberty Hill @ Stony Point High School @1:15PM - AWAY
Midterm Exam Schedule - December 17-19, 2024
Band Winter Concert - December 18th
Stocking Stuffers
Registration Coming Soon!!
Softball Tryouts-January 10th & 13th, 2025
Run the Ranch 5K - Registration Now Open!
Early Registration = Best Price!
Register TODAY!
Save the Date - Golden Spurs Auditions for 25-26 School Year
Stop the Bleed Training for Students
Please scan the QR code below to register your student for Stop the Bleed training. It will be held at Legacy Ranch High School.
Be A Student’s Lunch Hero!
The goal of the Liberty Hill ISD Child Nutrition Department is to provide nutritious meals to children during the school day. Children may receive breakfast and lunch at no cost to them if they are categorically eligible for free or reduced meals based on Federal poverty guidelines. Sometimes, however, children who do not qualify based on these standards need breakfast or lunch but do not have money in their student account or in hand to cover the cost of the meal at the time of the meal service.
The unpaid meal charges represent a difficult and complex issue directly impacting the children we serve. Be a Student’s Lunch Here and Donate Today! Thank you for making a positive impact on our children's day so no child will go home hungry.
Yearbook Sales
Clubs & Organizations
Ranch Counseling
The LHISD Anonymous Reporting System, which can be found on all campus and district websites and our mobile app, allows you to submit secure, anonymous safety concerns to help someone who may hurt themselves or others.
Flex time info
All students will log into the Flex Securly system today. This is where they will sign up for any flex time activity. Students must select their Activity of choice by 11AM.
When students log into the Securly system, they should see all the options to choose from. If students sign up in that Activity, their attendance will be recorded by the host of that Activity. Students will be counted absent if they do not report to their chosen Activity.
If you have any questions about how to operate the Securly system, you can find the tutorials below. Some of these were shown during Flex last week and some might be new.
What's Happening on the Ranch - Student Highlights
Legacy Ranch FFA
Cailyn Langley got Reserve Champion Hampshire in the Breeding gilt show at our chapter's first appearance at Williamson County Livestock Show!
Breading Gilt Show - Hampshire:
- Cailyn Langley - Reserve Grand Champion
Class 1 Hampshire:
- Kendall Odom - 11th place
Class 2 Hampshire:
- Aubrey Martin - 9th place
Class 1 Dark OPB:
- Eva Caveness - 10th place
Class 2 Dark OPB:
- Tinley Tate - 10th place
Class 8 Cross:
- Maci Partin - 15th place
Legacy Ranch FCA
Our Wrangler FCA crew shopped for our 4 Angel Tree Recipients this year. In total, our FCA students raised over $900 and were able to buy some incredible gifts for children this year.
LRHS Choir
On December 12th, the choir had a wonderful day of caroling at our feeder schools! Thank you for having us Santa Rita Elementary, Santa Rita Middle School, Bar W Elementary School, and Rancho Sienna Elementary School!
Girls Soccer
Wrangler Girls Soccer scrimmaged Connally High School at a soggy Wrangler Stadium and they traveled to Glenn High School to take on Vista Ridge.
Boys Soccer
FC Wranglers outscored Jarrell two - nil in a scrimmage at JHS this evening.
Legacy Ranch @ the Liberty Hill Christmas Parade
LRHS Winter Art Showcase
December 13, 2024 - Legacy Ranch students were able to show off their amazing talent in the first Art Showcase for Legacy Ranch
Dress Code & Student Code of Conduct
Every student is expected to follow the LHISD Dress Code & Student Code of Conduct everyday.
24-25 LHISD Student Code of Conduct
Here are some highlights of the dress code:
#5 -Students’ faces must not have any facial hair.
#6 - Piercings are allowed in the ears, but gauges are prohibited. A small nostril stud piercing is allowed but bridge and septum piercings are prohibited. All other facial piercings are prohibited.
This means that hoop nose rings are prohibited
#8 - Tops must meet the beltline and should not expose the midriff at any time.
#10 - Pants must be sized appropriately and worn at the natural waistline. Sagging pants and the revealing of underwear, undergarments or private areas is prohibited. Sleepwear, pajamas, and swimsuit bottoms or shorts are prohibited.
If students are out of dress code, Administration will ask the student to change. Change of clothes will be available in the front office. If dress code violations persists, students will be assigned additional consequences.
Academic Waiver Information
Please review the policy in order to understand the eligibility options if a student receives a failing grade in an AP or honors course.
The new policy can be found by clicking the link below.
Lunch information
Students will enjoy lunch based on the location of their 3rd and 7th period classes. All lunches are located in the cafeteria. Students are permitted to sit in the cafeteria, outside at the back tables, or in the library. Students are NOT permitted to leave campus during lunch.
- A Lunch: 11:55am - 12:30pm
Skyward Family Access allows you to:
view daily purchases;
see current food service balance;
select an option to receive an email reminder when a meal account balance has dropped below a set amount*;
deposit funds via credit/debit card or checking account via the RevTrack website;
submit a free/reduced meal application;
set limits for your student's ala carte/snack purchases.
Please note that cafeterias only accept cash or checks.
(*) Low and negative balances will be emailed weekly.
High School Breakfast Paid $1.95 Reduced $0.00 Adult $3.00
High School Lunch Paid $3.25 Reduced $0.40 Adult $4.50
Student Restroom Policy
Here are some important things for students to know about using the restroom at LRHS:
- There are 4 Different Student Restrooms at Legacy Ranch High School: Cafeteria, Upstairs Academic, Downstairs Academic, and Downstairs CTE.
- When students use the restroom during class, they will receive a LRHS hall pass.
- Students cannot use the restroom during the first 20 minutes or last 20 minutes of class.
- Students cannot bring their backpack or phone to the restroom during class. If there is a medical need students can discuss these exceptions with their teachers.
- Students are encouraged to use the restroom during passing period in order to maximize the time spent in class.
Transportation Information
If your child will be riding a bus to and from school please make sure you sign up for a bus on the Transportation Website.
Please complete the following steps:
#1 - Registration form to receive bus services.
Link: 2024-2025 Bus Registration Form
(A form must be filled out for each student.)
#2 - The 1-time Smart Tag registration.
(Registering on the smart tag portal will be where we upload the bus#, stop location, & times of pick up and drop off, as well as adding people to release to for Kinder - 1st grade)
Link: Smart Tag Portal
#3 - Let the campus know when you would like your student to start riding, once step #1 & #2 are complete. Visit our Transportation Change Request page, and select the email for your campus.
To view your student/s bus route information, please use the following link for Smart Tag Parent Portal.
Need to check out your student early?
Car-Rider Drop-Off & Pick-Up
Please follow the traffic pattern as outlined in the pictures and video below.
Please note: The campus doors open at 8:00 am and close at 4:20 pm Monday through Friday.
Showing up for school has a tremendous impact on a student's academic success. Even as children grow older and more independent, families play a key role in making sure students get to school every day. Making school a priority promotes your student's success in school.
What Can You Do?
- Talk about the importance of showing up for school every day.
- Help your student maintain daily routines, like completing homework and getting a good night's sleep.
- Promote good health habits.
- Monitor your Child's attendance and academic progress and seek support when needed..
Students are counted tardy if they arrive to a class in the first 10 minutes. After the first 10 minutes, students are counted absent.
It is the responsibility of the parent and student to cooperate and communicate with the school on all attendance matters.
Notes need to be turned in within 48 hours of student absence
Email or send notes to attendance office
All notes from parents/guardians should include the following: Full legal name of student - no nicknames please, student's ID number, date(s) of absence, reason for absence, parent's signature, and current date.
Students please review your attendance record weekly. All notes are due to the attendance office two days after the absence. If you have been marked absent by mistake, please have your teacher email the attendance office.
Hours Owed, Make-Up Hours, and Saturday School
In Section 25.092 of the Education code it states that a student may not be given credit for a class unless the student is in attendance for at least 90% of the days a class is offered. This part of the law is commonly referred to as the 90% Rule.
Students are in violation of the 90% Rule after missing 5 or more class periods in one or more classes in a Semester. ALL absences, including excused absences not exempted by the law count toward the 90% Rule.
To be awarded credit, your student must make arrangements with their assistant principal to make up time outside of the normal school hours. If the required hours are not made up within the established time, your student will have to repeat the course. Senior students will not participate in the May graduation ceremony if required hours are not made up prior to graduation day.
The Texas Education Code also requires that a student must meet the 90 percent requirement in order to obtain or renew a driver's license. Students must make up the required time and maintain good attendance for a 6 week period following their loss of credit.
Student can restore held credits by:
Attending Saturday School
Attending before or after school tutorials
Up to 50% of make up hours can be done by volunteering at a non profit organization (requires Assistant Principal pre approval)
*Note if a student has 10 or more days or partial days of unexcused absences, the student is considered truant and making up attendance hours does not eliminate the truancy.
Athletic Information
Athletic Tickets
Each week fans can check here for ticket information:
This is a Multi-Sports pass option and here is the link:
Clear Bag Policy
A clear bag policy will be enforced for ALL Liberty Hill ISD athletic home events. Approved and non-approved types of bags are shown below.
Campus Procedures
- School day begins at 8:45am every day.
- Doors open at 8:00am
- Students who arrive early can wait in the cafeteria or library. Breakfast will be served starting at 8:15AM
- Students will report to their first period class at the 8:35AM bell.
- All staff will be in the hallway helping students locate their classrooms.
- Supplies needed: Bring a charged device, a charger, and/or pencil and paper. Teachers will share other supply needs in each class.
- School day ends at 4:20 pm every day.
Student Cell Phone & Headphone Use
Student cell phones and wireless headphones must be on silence/off and out of sight unless approved for educational use by their teachers from 8:35am -4:20PM
We will start allowing phones at lunch on a trial basis. This will start tomorrow and we will monitor if we need to pull back or allow phones during lunch moving forward.
We do encourage to remind your Wrangler that their phones are not to be out during class time unless approved for educational use by their teachers
Wreck 'Em Wranglers
Parent Square - Stay Informed
Parent Square | Turn on Notifications!
We're all about staying CONNECTED, and we want to make sure you are too! Our district is stepping up its communication game with Parent Square (ONLY) – your one-stop hub for all things school-related!
If you haven't hopped on board yet, now's the perfect time to do it! Just head over to the app store, snag the Parent Square App, and dive right in! Get ready for a whole new level of engagement!
Why do we love Parent Square? Let us count the ways! Choose how you want to stay in the loop: emails, texts, app notifications – you name it! It's all about YOUR preferences. Plus, get this: you can decide whether you're all about that real-time update life or if you prefer a neat and tidy daily digest at 6:00 pm.