August/September 2024-2025 Newsletter
Principal's Corner
It is with great excitement that I write to you as the principal of Ptarmigan Elementary for the 2024-25 school year.
My name is Ellen Drake, and I am eager to meet with and get to know all of you! I am starting my 20th year of working in education. For the last two years I served as the Assistant Principal at Tyson and Kasuun Elementary, an Instructional Coach for 3 years at Susitna Elementary, and a General Education Teacher. I worked as an educator in rural Alaska for Kuspuk, Kashunamiut, and Aleutians East School Districts. I started my career as an educator in Florence, Arizona.
I was born and raised in Texas. My husband, Kyle, and I have 3 children who attend schools with ASD. My oldest child is a Senior in high school this year. My husband also works for the school district as a music teacher at Aurora Elementary.
My plan this year is to learn more about the school, community, and the unique needs of our students and staff. I am committed to embracing the positive traditions and practices that are already in place while working diligently to ensure success in the years to come. My door is always open to you, and I sincerely welcome your input and support. I am excited about all we will accomplish together for our students and look forward to celebrating our collective success this upcoming school year.
Mrs. Ellen Drake
Ptarmigan Elementary Principal
Septermber 2nd:
- NO SCHOOL. Observation of Labor Day Holiday.
- Implementation of Dismissal Procedures w/ Dismissal Tags for Parents/Guardians.
- MAP and mClass testing window opens
September 4th:
- ALICE Drill (Violent Intruder/Active Shooter drill) @ approximately 8:30am.
September 19th:
- OPEN HOUSE @ 5:00pm-6:30pm.
The attachment below has important drill information. We will be having an ALICE drill on September 4th at approximately 8:30am. ALICE drills are Violent Intruder/Active Shooter drills.
mClass Screening Window- September 3rd-13th
Dismissal Tag Implementation
We have been hard at work on preparing Dismissal Tags for the new 24/25 school year!
Dismissal tags have been handed out to classroom teachers. Our goal for an implementation deadline is Tuesday, September 3rd, 2024 (give or take a few days since we have been short staffed this week). Parents/guardians that don’t have a dismissal tag with them will be directed to the front office for verification that they are approved to pick-up. We will not be releasing to anyone that isn't an approved contact in Q. Picture ID will be required for verification.
Things to know:
1. We have new tags for the new school year. Please discard last years tags. They are no longer valid. If using car line, place tag on the vehicle dashboard or hang on mirror, visable through the window. If walking or picking up in person, hand carry tag.
2.. Three Tags issued per household. More tags may be requested either through the classroom teacher or front office.
3. Please make sure the person with the tag is an approved pick-up contact, either a primary or emergency contact in Q.
Feel free to let us know if you have any questions.
"Notes" from the Ptarmigan Music Room
We are off to a great start in the Music Room at Ptarmigan Elementary. Lots of singing, dancing and playing instruments will be happening for all. The first few weeks of music is all about how to be safe in the music room and following the music rules below.
Fifth graders have been learning all about the Alaska Flag Song and how Benny Benson came up with the design for this unique flag. In addition to learning some American Sign Language to this beautiful song, students will be accompanying themselves on Choir Chimes.
Fourth and Third graders have been learning the North Wind Dance from Australia. This fun dance celebrates new beginnings, so it is a perfect dance for the start of a new school year.
The primary grades are reviewing basic rhythm reading and playing. Through singing games and movement, they are expressing themselves and learning the power of music.
If your 3rd, 4th or 5th grader likes to perform and sing please sign them up for Choir. Ptarmigan Choir meets on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons from 2:30-3:30. If your child is in 21st Century Afterschool they can still participate in choir. The first rehearsal is Wednesday September 11th. Get those permission slips turned in soon.
Looking forward to another musical year at Ptarmigan Elementary School.
Mrs. Benton
Classroom Music Specialist
Just a reminder that the Healthy Futures fall challenge starts soon on September 1st!
September Healthy Futures Logs have been distributed to be sent home with students.
Alaska children in kindergarten through fifth grade can complete the Challenge. Students keep a log of their daily physical activity and need to be active at least 60 minutes a day for 15 days each month. This helps Alaska children get closer to the national recommendation of 60 minutes of physical activity every day for the best health.
Students write down the names of the activities in the boxes for the days they are physically active for at least 60 minutes. (They can simply write the names of the activities, for example: skiing, running, raking the leaves, recess, PE ) They can log the time spent doing the activity as well if they wish, although this is not required.
At the end of each healthy futures challenge month students can turn in their completed log during PE and earn Healthy Futures prizes, and a grand prize drawing ticket.
The grand prize drawing at the end of the year for students will include a menu of fun items, such as: spike ball, ladder ball, a disc-golf set, and a healthy futures hoodie.
The link below includes some fun motivational healthy futures sound bytes with Alaska fitness icons like Kikkan Randall, and a video from Healthy futures showing students participating around Alaska.
Please contact PE Teachers, Mr. Nees or Mr. Heysell if you have any questions.
Healthy Habits ~
Health with Mrs. Meck
Alaska Safe Children's Act
Dear Parents/Guardians,
This letter is to let you know that your child’s class will be receiving age-appropriate lessons on child sexual abuse and assault prevention education as required under the state’s Alaska Safe Children’s Act (Erin’s Law).
Erin’s Law Education is comprised of two lessons (one lesson at the beginning of each semester) taught during the Health classes. Combined, these lessons meet the full requirements for students under the Alaska Safe Children’s Act (Erin’s Law) and are designed to help prevent childhood sexual abuse. These lessons will be presented in a non-threatening way, along with the skills needed for self-protection and will be handled in a sensitive, respectful manner.
Information about the lessons can be viewed HERE.
If you do NOT want your child to receive the instruction under the Alaska Safe Children’s Act, you must write a letter to the school principal requesting that your child be excused from these specific lessons.
Thank you for partnering with us as we continue to provide learning opportunities to improve the safety and well-being of our students.
Mrs. Kim Meck
Ptarmigan Health Teacher
Welcome to the 2024/2025 school year! We are excited to be back here at Ptarmigan.
This year, Ptarmigan will have two librarians. If your student has library on Mondays or Friday, they will have Mrs. Gaither as their librarian. If your student has library on Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, they will have Mrs. Giammalva as their librarian.
Your student has begun checking out books. How exciting! Below shows how many books your student can check out by grade level.
Grade Level and # of Books
Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd Grade can check out: One Book
3rd, 4th, 5th Grade can check out: Two Books
We have been learning about how to be responsible for library materials and how to take care of our books. Some things we have been learning in class are:
- Don’t eat or drink while reading our books.
- Keep our books in a safe place (backpack, Ziploc bag, high shelf).
- Turn the pages slowly from the corners and use a bookmark when needed.
- Keep scissors, glue, and coloring supplies away from our books.
- Return our books to the book drop when we are finished reading.
It is important to make sure your student returns their book to the library on their assigned library day. We have been practicing responsibility by taking books to our classroom and returning books to the library.
In September, students will learn how to access the Online Public Access Catalog for Ptarmigan to search for books. Students will also learn the different areas of the library we will use and understand that the library has a special organization to make it easy to use. We will continue practicing good book care and responsibility by returning materials on time.
We look forward to working with your student this year. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Mrs. Giammalva & Mrs. Gaither
Ptarmigan Elementary School
Anchorage School District Board:
Andy Holleman (President), Carl Jacobs (Vice President), Dora Wilson (Clerk), Kelly Lessens (Treasurer), and Members: Dave Donley, Pat Higgins, and Margo Bellamy.
ASD Superintendent Dr. Jharrett Bryantt.
Ptarmigan Elementary School
888 Edward St.
Anchorage, AK. 99504
Phone: (907) 742-0400
Fax: (907) 742-0425
To Leave a Message on the Attendance Line: (907) 566-0400