Kirk Fenton News
20th October 2023
Please look on our website for up-to-date information.
Dear Parents / Carers,
What another great week we have had in school! On Tuesday a group of children from Year 2 travelled to Brayton Primary to join in with a Bench Ball event alongside the other primary schools in the Trust. They had a super time and I have had nothing but praise about their conduct and kindness so well done to those children.
A few notices this week:
- Parent Consultation evenings - These will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday next week. Please book an appointment if you haven't already.
- Open Evening for new Reception Intake 2024 - There will be an open evening for parents of children applying to join our Reception Class in 2024 on Tuesday 14th November at 5:30pm. Please let the school office know if you would like to attend and please pass the details on to anyone you know who may have a child starting in Reception next year.
- Finally, a reminder that all of our after school clubs are cancelled next week on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday due to the Parent consultation evenings.
Have a lovely weekend,
Karen Williams
Head Teacher
Good Work Awards
This week's certificates were awarded to the following children:
Attenborough - Alfie P and Zara
Rashford - Albe and Maisie
Thunberg - Elin and Ben
Seacole - Jermaine and Beau-Bella
Luther King - Al and Brodie
Jean King - Luke and Albert
Pankhurst - Milo P-J and Mika
Barnardo - Luca and Ella
Hot Chocolate Friday
Well done to the following who earned the hot chocolate award:
Attenborough - Heidi H
Rashford - Archie
Thunberg - Freddie T
Seacole - Theo H
Luther King - Bea
Jean King - Aoibhe
Pankhurst - Fern
Barnardo - Evie
Lunchtime Awards
Cloakroom Award
Winning Team
Well done to everyone who has worked hard on their maths this week. For our last week of this half term, we are going to have a 'Battle of the Bands'. Each class will compete and every minute played from 7am until 7pm each day until Thursday 26th at 7pm will count. The class who practises for the longest will win a free playtime next Friday afternoon so let's get practising!
This week, our Rockstars are Oliver G, Samantha D, Georgia K, James D, Harvey S, Zion P, Imogen E, Alex E, Finnbar C and Bea O. Our congratulations also go to Theo M. Ziggy P, Arty O, Austin B, Alice H, Sonny L and Maddison R who are our Numbots superstars! Well done everyone!
Message from Head Pupils
This week our year 2 class, Seacole, competed in a bench ball tournament at Brayton Primary School on Wednesday afternoon and did really well. Whilst there was no ranking, all the children who went showed fantastic sportsmanship. Also, on Wednesday we had a cake and book sale to raise funds for the school, which went down a treat! Have a lovely weekend.
Head Pupil Awards go to Heidi W and Mabel C.
Freddie & Ella
Parents Evenings 24th, 25th & 26th October
YR, Y1 & Y2 Parents/Carers Phonics Information Session, Wednesday 8th November
There will be a phonics meeting on Wednesday 8th November at 3.30pm. School will provide free cake and childcare. This meeting will be a repeat of the meeting that took place on 26th September and is suitable for parents of children in Reception, Year One and Year Two. If you would like to attend please email the office and let us know if you require childcare so we can make arrangements in school.
North Yorkshire School Admissions
Information for parents
It is your responsibility to read all the information on our school admissions pages before you apply for your child's school place.
We have lots of guidance to help you make your school application. See our guidance on:
Supporting Church Fenton at Christmas
Come and sponsor a Christmas Tree Light! Your £2 donation (per light bulb) will get you entry into our draw for your chance to switch on our Village Christmas Lights at the Christmas Light Switch on event on Sunday 26th November. Come and see us in the playground on Friday 27th October for more details and to collect/complete your sponsor form. We appreciate your support. (All donations from sponsorships are used to fund our Village Christmas events)
For information and updates about our plans this year why not follow our Facebook Page
Parents Evenings
Tuesday 24th, Wednesday 25th, Thursday 26th October
Christmas Light Sponsorship Details
Friday 27th October in playground
Half Term
Monday 30th October - Friday 3rd November
Training Day
Monday 6th November
YR, Y1 & Y2 Parents/Carers Phonics Information Session
Wednesday 8th November, 3.30pm
New Starters for September 2024 Open Evening for Parents
Tuesday 14th November, 5.30pm
Staff Thank You's
If anyone would like to say thank you to or has any positive comments for a member of staff then please complete and submit the form below.
Thank you to everyone who donated bakes/books and their time for Books & Bakes on Wednesday, we raised £158 and hopefully everyone enjoyed the cakes and got some good books. There will some additional books available at each parents evening for anyone that wasn’t able to attend.
Unfortunately, we did not have enough attendees to hold the AGM, so we have postponed this until after half term. In the hope of getting the 6 people we need to attend; we are hoping to hold this in the pub – if biscuits won’t temp you hopefully alcohol will. Again we will confirm this ASAP.
As ever, you can always set up EasyFundraising as an easy, free,
way to help raise funds for the school whilst you shop.
(Easy Fundraising will link to:
Registered charity no: 1154660
Like us on Facebook for up-to-date information
STAR MAT Vacancies
Please click on the following link for details of our current vacancies: