Week 2 Part 1: iMovie Badge
EDCI 318 Technology for Teaching & Learning-SUMMER 2018
Earn your 2nd Badge for iMovie - Reflection of Learning to Seesaw
In the Notes App or directly into Seesaw, using your iPad, write a reflection/review of your Learning. Be very detailed and specific about the things you learned and discovered in the iBook about using iMovie. Even experienced users will learn some new tricks, especially in iOS 11. Give specific examples in your reflection.
Take the quiz to earn your iMovie Badge: The quiz is on the bottom of the page from the iMovie section of the Apple Teacher Learning Center site at the bottom after you login with your Apple ID. You will need to get 4-5 correct to pass and earn your badge. You may take the quiz as many times as you need to, but it is different questions each time. Reading the iBook will make the quiz much easier!! I know it seems silly I say that, but I also know many of you will just skip to the quiz!!
READ THE IBOOK! Even if you are an experienced iMovie user, you will learn some new tricks!!
We will first iMovie Trailer, then later in the semester, we will make a full iMovie, SO YOU WILL have an opportunity to really MASTER iMovie.
Login into http://appleteacher.apple.com
Download the iBook, read it, practice the activities and take the quiz to earn your Badge.
Grading Breakdown
- Detailed reflection of learning- 25 points total.
- Add the title iMovie Badge Reflection of Learning, skip a line then type your reflection
- Include a link to the Apple Teacher Learning Center a link - 5 points
- http://appleteacher.apple.com
Login to Seesaw and add your Reflection of Learning.... Choose NOTE to type your text entry!
Choose NOTE to add your Reflection
Publishing your Seesaw entry to the Journal and Blog
Share: Copy he link and visit the post
COPY LINK , VISIT AND TWEET (instructions below)
Cyndi Kuhn
College of Education
Kansas State University
paper.li: iPads in the Classroom
Email: ded318@gmail.com
Website: cyndikuhn.info
Location: Gardner, KS, United States
Twitter: @cyndidannerkuhn