Weekly Newsletter
Immaculate Conception & St. Joseph
January 9, 2025 Habit of the Month : Think Win-Win
It's always fun when Father Noah J. Diehm visits the classroom! Father visited the 6th graders today, sparking a lively Q&A session. These students made the most of their time with him by asking plenty of thoughtful and engaging questions!
Important News
STO Is Open
Our Faith STO opened the 2025-2026 application process on January 1, 2025. Please apply if you might be elgibile! The guidelines are very generous and this works along with ESAs.
Students Bringing Cold Lunch
Due to the limited number of microwaves in the cafeteria, we encourage students to truly bring cold lunches eliminating the need for a microwave.
If bringing warm foods like pasta or soup, please use a thermos that can stay hot for hours.
My third grade class is focusing on kindness this school year. We read the book, "A Wrinkled Heart," which explains how when unkind comments are made to someone, it can never really be taken away completely. There is still a "wrinkle in their heart."
We recite the saying on the red heart each morning before school so that we are mindful to say kind things.
We also have a "Kindness Jar." The students can earn pompoms that are placed into the jar for saying or doing kind acts. When we reach the tape line, we will decide on a class reward.
I have noticed that my students have been more aware of how their actions and words affect other people.They are developing a positive habit that they can carry with them all of their lives, at school, at home, and in the world. They can be the light of Christ in the World with their kindness to others.
Ms. Johnson
Events Happening
Catholic Schools Week
Middle School Religion Bee
Fundraiser K-12
Community Blood Drive January 14
Red Cross will host a Blood Drive at the Gilberville Legion on January 14. Appointment times are available between 1 and 6 PM. You can schedule your appointment online or call 1-800-REDCROSS.
All units collected will assist the National Honor Society in earning scholarship funds!
Leader in Me News
Social Events
Parish Roll Sale Orders Due Jan. 30
St. Joseph Parish in Raymond will be holding a Frosted, Pecan, and Caramel Roll Fundraiser on Saturday, February 8. Order your delicious fresh-baked, frosted, pecan, and caramel rolls by January 30 at $3 each or 6 rolls for $15. Orders will be taken through Thursday, January 30. Extras will be available but are not guaranteed.
To pre-order visit our website, check Facebook ,or contact Linda Kayser (319-830-2746) or Mary McMahon (319-939-6279) by call or text. Volunteers are needed on February 7 and 8 for preparing and distribution (contact Linda Kayser 319-830-2746).
Orders may be picked up at St. Mary Center, Gilbertville, on Saturday, February 8, from 3:30–6:30 PM. Thank you for your support!
Discover Bosco Catholic Schools
We are now enrolling for the fall!
🔹Visit K-8 and/or 9-12 on January 17 with our tours at 9 AM and 1 PM.
🔹Tour St. Joseph Preschool on January 22 or 29 at 8:30 AM.
🔹Check out Discover Don Bosco: Your Path to Success at 6 PM on January 29. This one is for 8th grade families, any families thinking ahead, and anyone you know who might like to transfer in.
Please tell your friends who may be interested in any of our grades! Some classes and grades are filling fast. Sign up for our events is required so we have materials and are ready for those who visit.
Catholic Order of Foresters Youth Members
Sunday, January 19, the Catholic Order of Foresters Youth members can open bowl for free, which includes shoes, at Cadillac Lanes located at 650 Laporte Rd Waterloo. Each COF youth can bowl up to 1 & 1/2 hours starting at 12:30 PM needing to be done by 2:30 PM. Doors open at 12:00 PM. Adults & friends can bowl the same time frame, which includes shoes for $10. See Donna Delagardelle to sign up or call Donna at 319 239-9945 if questions.
Catholic Daughters of America News
The CDA is Sponsoring the 2024-2025 National Education Contest. Your 4th-8th grade girls are welcome to pick up the entry forms and contest rolls in the IC office. The due date is February The themes this year are:
1.He who forgives an offense seeks love. Proverbs 17:9
2. How do I feel when I forgive?
Parish News and Information
Bosco Catholic School System is thankful for the supporting parishes and communities we work with and live in. Visit the parish links for Reconciliation and Adoration times.
Parish Mass Times
Sat 4 PM, Sun 8 & 10 AM, M-W-F 7:45 AM
Sat 5:30 PM, Tue 6 PM, Thur 8 AM
Sat 5 PM, Sun 8:30 AM, Tue 5:30 PM, Thur 8:30 AM, Fri 8 AM
Sun 10:30 AM, Wed 8 AM
Sun 8 AM
Important Dates
January 2025
January 10 - End of Sumter 1
January 13 - Start of Sumter 2
January 17 - No Waterloo Bussing
January 19 - Large Group Speech Showcase ( DB gym 6:00 PM)
January 20 - No School PD day
January 16 - February 1- Catholic Schools Week
We have an opening in our lunchroom starting in January. Among other duties, this worker will drive lunch over to St. Joseph Preschool in Raymond. The job involves some lifting. Hours are 9:30 AM to 1:30 PM each day school is in session. It's a great opportunity to work while your kids are in school.
Don Bosco is excited to be adding to the team! We are looking for a high school science and high school, math teacher and high school Spanish teacher.
Our ABC Program will need another worker starting in January. Have fun working with age 3 through grade 5 in the afternoon on days school is in session.
With support from families, we respect and encourage students to reach their potential
- Spiritually by developing a strong relationship with Jesus and knowledge of His church,
- Academically by igniting learning, leadership and life skills,
- Physically by learning about and living healthy habits and
- Socially by becoming active members of the community who serve others as stewards of the Gospel so they are the light of Christ in the world.
Preparing students to be the Light of Christ in the World!
Submit newsletter articles to icsjnewsletter@boscocatholic.org by 3 PM on Wednesdays.
Website: boscocatholic.org
Facebook boscocatholic.org
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 256, Gilbertville, IA 50634
Don Bosco High School
405 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
Immaculate Conception K-8
311 16th Ave
Gilbertville, Iowa 50634
St Joseph Center PS/PK
6916 Lafayette Rd
Raymond, Iowa 50667