Wrightsboro e-News
September 20, 2020
Updates & Reminders
Please make sure your child is participating during live zoom instruction as if they were in school. Students should be dressed and sitting up ready to learn. No student should be in bed during zoom instruction.
The school district is planning to move to Plan B on October 6th. We will be communicating with families soon about your assigned rotation week.
The school day will be from 7:50-2:30. Students will be tardy if they arrive after 7:50. Please be prepared that if your child should arrive late that only one family will be allowed to come into the school at a time to check-in at the office entryway in order to maintain social distancing guidelines.
Please begin having your child wear a mask for extended periods of time. All students will be expected to wear a mask throughout the school day except when eating or participating in strenuous physical activity.
All students must have a new green student information form with updated contact information. All students must also have at least 3 emergency contacts who can pick your child up within 10-15 minutes in the event that they become sick.
The forms are available to be picked up and submitted at the school office. Please begin picking up and completing the forms as soon as possible.
Spotlight On - 2nd Grade!
Specialist Corner
Hey Cool Cat Families! It's your Physical Education teachers here, Coach Sheeran and Miss A. In PE class, we try to focus on creating healthy relationships and lifestyles for all of our students through exercise and learning skill-based activities. First the first few weeks of school, we have been introducing new and old exercises to students for physical activity each week joining in on student's zoom sessions, as well as teaching skills, such as basketball dribbling and shooting, on our online learning platforms with Seesaw and Google Classroom. Each week we try to teach new skills and activities to students for them to learn skills for different sports such as basketball, bowling, and baseball. We look forward to continuing to work on getting healthy through this new world of digital learning. "Intelligence and skill can only function at the peak of their capacity when the body is healthy and strong." - John F. Kennedy
Wrightsboro Elementary School’s Plan C Library Book Checkout
Cool Cat Readers can check out library books! Put your books on HOLD in Follett Destiny Discover and Ms. Tew will message you in Class Dojo when they are ready for pick up at our front entrance. Additionally, Ms. Tew will be holding afternoon book pick-up times each Wednesday from 4:30-6:00.
Readers may check out 2 books each week. Try a fiction and a nonfiction book!
Wrightsboro Elementary School
Email: delores.overby@nhcs.net
Website: https://wrightsboro.nhcs.net/
Location: 2716 Castle Hayne Road, Castle Hayne, NC, USA
Phone: (910) 815-6909
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Wrightsboro-Elementary-443163149099593/
Twitter: @WrightsboroE
Our School's Why
School Mission:
The mission of Wrightsboro School is to establish and promote a caring, engaging, and supportive environment that enhances learning and leadership for all.
School Vision:
Today we learn. Tomorrow we lead.
School Beliefs:
We believe children want to learn and lead and will take responsibility to actively meet goals that will help them succeed in the future. We believe teachers inspire success, and encourage a love of learning by providing a supportive environment that fosters leadership through instruction to meet the unique needs of each child. We believe families that work together with our school contribute to successful learning for every child.