Bobcat News
Staff Edition
Heavenly Father, as we greet this new week, we come together as a family, grateful for the bond that unites us. Bless our school and our homes with love and patience. Please give us the strength to support each other, the wisdom to listen and the kindness to forgive. May our words and actions always reflect your love and bring peace to our hearts. In your name, we pray. Amen
Dear St. Augustine Family,
What an awesome week last week was! As mentioned in our staff meeting, this month it is important to include teaching time on Black History Month. Our theme is "Black History Month: Past, Present and Future." It is so important that students participate in activities that will honor their history, while working on the present and how it affects and builds their future. Activities in Art, saint contributions (St. Augustine was an African saint!) etc. should be included. Additionally, we are trying to have one guest speaker each week. I will send out a schedule once we have confirmation from everyone.
In the family newsletter I asked parents to help us by having their students keep their Beats/headphones at home. They are starting to become an issue and we don't want anyone to have them stolen or broken. If students have Beats, please make sure they are put away in their backpacks. Thanks for your cooperation.
I want to end with some really cool and positive feedback I received this week. Feedback that I credit to all of you for your hard work and dedication to our school and students:
- A student new to the school this year, who started out VERY rough and was a weekly topic and someone we worried wouldn't be able to stay with us has made a complete turn around. He now says he loves it here and doesn't want to do anything to jeopardize his being expelled. In his own words "he has to be better, he will be better."
- A grandmother who is raising her grandson said "I tell my friends that my grandson has made a complete turn around, he's a different person. I wish I had sent him to that school earlier." (students 1 and 2 are not the same)
- The movie theater said they had 3 additional schools visit them this week and that our school was the BEST! We are welcome to come back anytime.
GREAT job everyone! You are making a difference! Thank you!
Please see below for updates:
February 1-28 Black History Month
February 4 PTO meeting, 6pm in the school cafeteria.
February 6 PLC K-3, 4-8 Grade level meeting
*Please remember to bring a video of one of your lessons!
February 11 School open house and enrollment, teachers do not need to attend, please make sure your classroom is presentable
February 13 - Valentine's Day dance for grades 6-8 in the school gym sponsored by the PTO from 6-9pm., PLC 4-8. grade level K-3
February 14 No School
February 17 Presidents Day no school
February 18 Athletic Banquet 6pm in the school gym
February 20 Early dismissal and Staff meeting
February 27 PLC K-3, grade level 4-8, Black History Month Museum walk-through 6pm
In Christ,
Spelling Bee!
Our winner, James Speegle!
The runner-up was Natasha Guel. Both were excellent.