The Trojan Times
March 16, 2025
Mission Statement
St. Maria Goretti is a living testament to our Lord's work in His youngest disciples, exemplified by academic excellence, spiritual formation, and compassionate service to others.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School aims to form what is True, Good, and Beautiful in the souls of our young disciples of Christ.
Principal's Message
Dear St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Families,
The tuition assistance committee met this week. We will have all of the assistance letters out the week of March 21st. Thank you for getting your documentation in on time for consideration during this first round. Round two for tuition assistance will take place the first week in April. Please have any new applications or appeal letters turned in by April 4, 2025.
Mrs. Daly was able to get the students, who had permission, onto Hallow this week. Each student was gifted 5 logins. Feel free to download the app for yourself or family members to use during the season of Lent. The login is your child's SMG email and the password is your child's SMG email password. If you would like to get access for your child please send me an email.
Please find the 2025-2026 school calendar in this edition of the Trojan Times.
There will NOT be a Trojan Times on March 23, 2025, the next edition will be on March 30, 2025.
I pray you have a great spring break. We look forward to welcoming students back to campus on March 24, 2025.
St. Maria Goretti, Pray for Us!
Amy Utendorf, M.Ed.
Manner of the Week
You will see a shift in the manners of the week. We are going to be focusing on table etiquette for the remainder of the year. We will practice and model these manners in the lunchroom. Please encourage these manners at home as well.
2025-2026 School Calendar
Spring Plant Sale - Last Order April 2
Mrs. Girton and parent volunteers Mei Yang, Kathy Cole, Ashley Austin-Nobles, Denni and Briden Grant launched the Spring Plant Sale by beautifying the SMG front flower beds.
Ballet Folklorico - March 28
Fish Fry: March 21
The Knights of Columbus are hosting a Fish Fry Sunday, March 21st from 5:00 to 7:00PM in the Cafetorium.
- $10 for adults (13 years and older)
- $7 for kids (6-12 years)
- Free for kids (5 and under)
- name & phone number, number of fish meals,method of payments (cash, check, credit card)
Learn to Crochet - April 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Diapers Drive March 4 - April 22
Please consider participating in the SMG Lenten service project. Diapers (size 2-5) may be dropped off in the cafetorium. Thanks for your compassionate service!
Mother Daughter Luncheon with Fashion Show - May 10
Donate to Locker of Love
SMG is in need of baseball apparel for junior high aged boys such as black pants, red socks and red belts. We would also welcome bats, gloves, batting helmets, catcher's gear, cleats and balls. Please consider donating anything you have that is not being used. Thanks for your help!
Car Show - April 5
Save the Date - April 26
March School Lunches
Please enjoy this audio/visual experience of the goings on of Saint Maria Goretti. Consider that a "Subscription" to the YouTube channel and/or a "Like" on any video will help us grow our exposure and impact. Please do share anything you enjoy with other family members and friends that would similarly delight in the successes and accomplishments of the students.
SMG Broadcast Channel Link:
SMG students receive a Terrific Trojan sticker when they are "caught" being safe, responsible and respectful. After wearing the sticker during the day, the Terrific Trojan places it on the hallway bulletin board. We love seeing how full the bulletin board becomes by the end of the school year.
Anton, Minh Thuy, Alisa - 2nd Grade
National Catholic Sisters Week
In celebration of National Catholic Sisters Week, Sister Thuan, Sister Mary Monica and Sister Hoa were presented with flowers, cherry pies, snacks and a homemade rosary.
Catholic Sisters Week shines a light on the spirituality, mission, and community building of religious women. It showcases the diverse, dynamic and impactful ways Sisters serve today. Their presence in communities—both past and present—has been a source of strength, hope, and transformation.
Vikings Live
Sixth grade students spent the day at Nolan Catholic High School where they previewed fine arts classes and attended a special produciton of Oklahoma.
PreK Spanish Class
Students are developing fine motor skills using playdough while singing the ABC song in Spanish.
1st Grade Matter Song
Listen to 1st grade sing about Matter during science class. Anything that takes up space is called matter. Air, water, rocks, and even people are examples of matter. Matter has three states/phases: solid, liquid, and gas.
Rosary Club
The Rosary Club meets on Wednesday afternoons. This week they make rosaries. A homemade rosary can hold extra personal meaning, fostering a deeper connection to prayer and faith. Contact Mrs. Utendorf if you would like to attend.
Use gift cards or shop online through RaiseRight for your everyday purchases and earn money for your organization. It's easy to enroll today! To enroll email Olivia Bradley at scrip@smgschool.org for the enrollment code.
Box Tops for Education
- Earn cash for our school just by scanning your receipts! It's as easy as that.
- Download the Box Tops app and make every shopping trip count.
Lunchroom / Playground Volunteers 2025
Please consider volunteering to help during lunch and recess. Service hours will be earned. Click on the signup genius link for a description of duties. All volunteers must be current with their Virtus training.
Chicken Helpers
Please consider volunteering to help with the chickens on the weekends. Service hours will be earned. Click on the signup genius link for a description of duties.
SMG Sports - Track Coach Needed
SMG is looking for track coaches. Please consider volunteering your time for our young athletes. Contact Mrs. Bara with questions or to sign up!
Nolan Catholic High School
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth Sports Calendar
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino) Gym
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-1:01 STUCO (Daly) Computer Lab Begins TBD
- 3:30-4:45 Folklorico Current Members (Zavala) Hope Rm
- 3:30-4:15 Math Tutoring 6th-8th (Tran) Rm. 121
- 7:00-7:40 Cheer (Saladino) Gym
- 12:16-12:36 Library Leaders (Richards)
- 12:16-1:00 NJHS (Jones)
- 3:30-4:15 Cantoring (Breed) Church
- 7:15-7:45 Math Tutoring 2-5 (Sister Mary Monica) Rm. 116
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
- 12:16-12:36 SMG Broadcast (Jones) Rm. 120
- 3:30-4:15 4th-8th Detention Rooms Vary
- 3:45-4:30 Run Club (Gutierrez)
- March 26, April 9, 30, May 7
- 3:30-4:30 Chess Club (Tran) Rm 121
- 3:45-4:15 Science Tutoring (Saladino) Rm. 109
- 3:30-4:00 Rosary Group (Utendorf) - Conference Room
- 3:30-4:30 Girls of Grace Club (A. Lewis) - Library - 2nd/4th Wednesday
- 7:00-7:30 AM English/Literature Tutoring 4th/5th (Sister Hoa) Rm 117 NEW
- 7:15-7:45 AM Saint Maria Singers (Richards) Library NEW DAY
- 3:30-4:45 The Trojan Troupe (Richards) Library/Stage
- End time extended to 6PM beginning in March
- 3:45-4:45 Card Club (Saladino) Rm 109
- 12:16-1:01 Open Library Checkout (4th-8th)
March 17-21: Spring Break
March 24-27, Mon-Thurs: ARK Testing 2nd-8th
March 25, Tuesday: 6th/7th/8th Grade Lenten Retreat
March 26, Wednesday: NJHS Induction following 8:00 AM Mass
March 28, Friday: 4th/5th Waco Trip, 2:30 Stations of the Cross, 3rd quarter reports cards emailed to parents, 6:00PM Folklorico Showcase at Nolan
March 31, Monday: 9:00 6th-8th Confessions
April 1, Tuesday: Last day to order from Spring Plant Sale
April 2, Wednesday: 3rd-5th Confessions after Mass
April 4, Friday: 2:30 6th Grade Tableaux
April 5, Saturday: Zoo Run
April 11, Friday: 6th-8th Austin Trip, 2:30 Stations of the Cross
April 15, Tuesday: Spring Plants Ready for Pickup, 4th/5th Lenten Retreat
April 16, Wednesday: Full-day of school (make-up snow day)
April 17, Thursday: 8th Grade Passion Play, 12:00 Early Dismissal, NO SMEED
April 18, Friday: Good Friday - No School
April 21, Monday: Easter Monday - No School
April 26, Saturday: Save the Date: Platinum Gala
Need Prayers?
We all do!! The St. Maria Goretti Catholic School Community would love to pray for you and your intentions. Please send all prayer requests to: smgprays4u@smgschool.org.
Meet Our Priests!
St. Maria Goretti Parish Website: https://www.smgparish.org/
Father Samuel Maul
Join the SMG Family
Catholic Diocese of Fort Worth
Serving the North Texas Catholic community by providing the faithful opportunities to grow in Christian discipleship and strengthen their relationship with Jesus Christ.
St. Maria Goretti Catholic School
Email: development@smgschool.org
Website: https://smgschool.org
Location: 1200 South Davis Drive, Arlington, TX, USA
Phone: (817)275-5081
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smgcatholicschool/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/StMariaGorettiArlington/