The Jay Talk
December 3-5 News
A Note from Mrs. Hobbs
Dear Clever Families,
Lots of great things happen in December including mid-year assessments to check on student progress. 3-5 students will be completing the NWEA Map Growth Assessment in reading math, language, and science. The results from these assessments will help guide instruction moving forward into the second half of the school year.
Leadership Notebooks are sent home each month. Be sure to look over these data notebooks and discuss them with your child!
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. I'm here to support you and your child's educational journey.
Mrs. Hobbs
Inspiring and Empowering Every Learner
Email: hobbsk@cleverbluejays.org
Website: http://www.cleverbluejays.org/
Phone: 417-743-4815
Dec. 13-18 NWEA Testing
Dec. 16- MONDAY School is IN session
Dec. 16-20 PTO Christmas Shop
Dec. 23-Jan. 6- Christmas Break
Jan. 7- School in session
Art Club🎨
Mrs. Sharp hosts an Art club after school Recently, students learned about Abstract Art, and a new art medium - Watercolor! They created some unique and beautiful abstract art cards with their fresh new skills!
Therapy Dog
We have had a four legged furry friend begin to visit classrooms. Ms. Jennen's class has been learning about therapy dogs and how they help people. The class got a paws-on lesson in kindness and comfort when Reggi from Pet Therapy of the Ozarks stopped by. We are excited to see Reggi visit more classrooms.
Youth Coding League meets once a week after school and gives 5th & 6th graders coding challenges to complete. They submit their coding projects for judging and compete against other students and schools. Savanna won a $25 award for being the most improved coder at Clever this semester.
Leader in Me
Clever is a Leader in Me school. Leader in Me is a focus based off of the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Each month 3-5 will focus on a specific habit. Students will receive LEADERSLIPS which highlight when a student is showcasing leadership skills. Be sure to check out the 3-5 Facebook page for photos!
For the month of December we will be focusing on Habit 4: Think Win-Win!