Wickliffe Family Update

February 2nd, 2025 Notes and News
Dear Families,
This past week, Mrs. Shivers and Mrs. Santilli’s classes shared their service-learning project in collaboration with Brother Wolf Animal Rescue in Asheville, NC. It was a beautiful example of how our students, across grade levels, come together to support meaningful causes and make a difference in the world around them.
We also welcomed special visitors from 2nd & 7 and local college athletes, who came to share about the foundation and their passion for promoting literacy by providing free books to children in Central Columbus. Through their program, they inspire a love of reading and encourage young learners to develop strong literacy skills. Our students enjoyed hearing from these role models and were excited to be part of the conversation!
At Wickliffe, we strive to support our students in discovering their strengths, exploring their passions, and finding ways to lead and serve in their communities and beyond. We love seeing these real-world connections come to life and are grateful for the partnerships that enrich our students’ experiences.
Thank you for your continued support!
Angela Evans
February 3: Town Meeting (Mr. Schriner)
February 3: Author Visit–Peter Brown Talk 2nd - 5th grade
Leaving after lunch
February 10: Author Visit - Aaron Reynolds
8:30-9:15 - 4th / 5th
9:30-10:00 - K / 1st (recess (10:10-10:40)
10:15-11:00 - 2nd / 3rd (recess 9:35-10:05)
February 11: Kindergarten Information Night (6:30 p.m)
February 12: Classroom Group Mini Paroramic Photos
February 13: Coffee and Conversation with Dr. Hunt (Student Wellbeing)
February 13-16: UAHS Presents The Sound of Music (High School Auditorium)
February 14: Valentines Day
February 17: Presidents Day - NO School
February 18: Family Math Game Night
February 18: Community Engagement Session #3 (PM option), Burbank, 6:30 p.m.
February 19: Community Engagement Session #3 (AM option), Graf, 9:00 a.m.
Wickliffe Updates
Attendance Information and Reminders
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Dropping Off Items For Students
If you need to bring items to school for your student, please use
the drop zone located in the vestibule.
Be sure to label the items with your child’s name and their teacher’s name.
Post-it notes, pens, and tape are provided for your convenience.
Family Math Game Night Open House
Wickliffe will host its second annual Family Math Game Night Open House on Tuesday, February 18th from 5:00-7:30 pm. Please bring a refillable water bottle.
You can come for the whole time or just come to learn one game. Parents will travel with their children to learn a new game they can easily play at home with a few household items like dice or playing cards. Collect the directions for these games as you visit different game stations. Don't forget to guess how many candies are in the jar at our Estimation Station!
Volunteers are needed to help with set up/clean up, signing in, helping at stations, and bringing sweet treats :-) Signup HERE
Kindergarten Information Night - February 11
Upper Arlington Schools is excited to welcome the newest Golden Bears from the Class of 2038 next fall! The 2025-2026 kindergarten registration window will open on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Upper Arlington Schools is proud to offer an all-day kindergarten program to the families of Upper Arlington — which supports the district’s mission to challenge and support every student, every step of the way, from day one of their educational journey.
You can find information about the registration process and the upcoming kindergarten information nights at our elementary schools on our website.
Wickliffe's Kindergarten Information Night is Tuesday, February 11 at 6:30 p.m.
Nurse News and Reminders
Communicable Ilness Reporting Information
Our health clinics track communicable illnesses and work with local public health agencies to mitigate potential outbreaks. If your student is diagnosed with or treated for a communicable illness/condition (strep, pinkeye, influenza, COVID-19, lice, etc.), please report those to the school nurse at wickliffehealthclinic@uaschools.org, or wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure Wickliffe is a healthy learning environment for all of our students!
Extra Clothing
With the cold and often wet weather conditions, we are seeing increased clinic visits for falls and changes of clothing and, as a result, have limited supplies of extra athletic pants and leggings. We encourage you to place an extra change of clothing and socks in your child's backpack in case they should happen to collide with a puddle or snow pile in the cold and wet days to come. If you find that your children have outgrown athletic pants and leggings, and you would like to send them our way, we would welcome a supply of these to have on hand for others for wetter days!
Prescription Medication Guidelines
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
Rare Disease Research and Presentation
February is Rare Disease Month. Rare disease day is observed on February 28th. To raise awareness, Katie Coplin (2/3 teacher at Wickliffe) and Elsa Bertch (Learning Center teacher at Wickliffe) are partnering with Allison Tomlin (health teacher at Hastings) to help students explore and understand rare diseases.
Mrs. Coplin's class will collaborate with an 8th-grade class to research various rare diseases. As part of this project, students will create informational flyers, stickers, and presentations to share their learning. These materials will be presented to the Wickliffe community during Town Meeting and distributed more broadly through the flyers.
This partnership provides students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful research, develop creative ways to educate others, and contribute to raising awareness about rare diseases within our community.
We want students to learn about the rare diseases that affect members of our Wickliffe community while also being mindful and respectful of everyone's privacy.
We invite any Wickliffe families currently living with a rare disease to complete this survey if you’d like to participate. Your input is valuable, and we appreciate your time in sharing your experience.
For more information about Rare Diseases check out NORD.
Wickliffe Wolves Around the World
Wickliffe Wolves around the World is our annual multicultural celebration.
Please use the following survey to sign up for what you will bring or do to share your family's cultures and traditions at the event (feel free to sign up for more than one!). The more details you can provide, the better we can plan! We will have table space for food, crafts, activities, and displays. Please note in your sign up if you have additional requirements for your submission. If cost is a concern for participating, please email Laura Herrold Johnson at Laura6747@gmail.com, we can help!
School Counselors' Corner
Hello Wickliffe Families!
I am so excited to be through (almost) a very cold January and on to February! This month's lessons will focus on Diversity and Celebrating our Differences in 2nd-5th grade. In Kindergarten and First grade we will focus on kindness and kind words. See the links to the parent notes below for more information.
Upper Arlington has an exciting new partnership with Hazel Health which will be offering free virtual mental health counseling for all students. Here is a link to the flyer. Please reach out with any questions or if you are interested in learning more!
Please let me know if you need anything as we go through the month!
Take good care,
Kaitlyn Karam
Email- Kkaram@uaschools.org
Phone-(614) 487-5150 ext. 6503
Wickliffe PTO Updates
Wickliffe Wolves Around the World - Thursday, March 13th! Sign Up to Participate!
The signup to participate in Wickliffe Wolves around the World is open! Please consider sharing some of your family’s traditions and history in this fun celebration of our school community! The event will be March 13 6-8 pm, open to all Wickliffe families and extended families! If you’d like to participate and are wondering how, or if cost is prohibitive, please email Laura at laura6747@gmail.com as funding is (limited) available.
Lunch Helper Volunteer Sign-Up January - May 2025
Chef Jim and staff need two volunteers every school day to help with lunch service. This is a fun and fast-paced activity that really helps the lunch periods go smoothly. Plus, it's a great way to see your little one(s) during the day!
Sign-Up Here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4FAAAF22A5F58-54121206-lunch
Golden Star Choir
Attention all 4th and 5th grade parents/caretakers: If your child is interested in joining the Golden Star Choir, please fill out the Google form here: https://forms.gle/Jf7d7iiGDuBi42eu8 There is a $10 choir fee to help with shirts & props, which can be taken care of on the Wickliffe PTO website. Please log in to your account. Under My Account > My Forms is where you can access the link to pay the fee. Thanks!
District Updates
Spring Break Food Distribution
Beginning February 1st, families can sign up to receive groceries for the children in their household over spring break. The Tri-Village Packers, a group of community volunteers, coordinate this program. We would like to ensure every family who would benefit has an opportunity to register.
Elementary Schools and Hazel Health After Hours Teletherapy Services
We have our very own UA Hazel Health fliers courtesy of Colleen Wright, Hazel Health Teletherapy for Elementary. This online therapy service is available at no cost to elementary students and families outside of school hours from the convenience of their home.
Helpful Links
Attendance Information - Click link for full details
If your child will be absent from school, please email wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Please state a reason for your child’s absence. If you are emailing your child’s teacher regarding attendance, simply copy the attendance email - no need to send separate emails.
There is a link to the attendance email in the Upper Arlington Schools app
Please obtain a medical excuse for ANY visit to a doctor, dentist, therapist, etc that occurs during a school day.
Planned Absence Form - Forms should be completed 10 school days in advance of the first date of the planned absence whenever possible. Otherwise, the absence may be unexcused.
Instagram Account ~ @wickwolves
Lunchroom Helper - click here to Volunteer
Nurse Notes
Any prescription medication administered at school requires written authorization from the student’s physician as well as written parental permission. Per Ohio Revised Code, the Prescribed Medication must be received by the health office in the container in which it was dispensed by the provider or pharmacist (we cannot accept medication in baggies). Medication authorization forms and other health forms can be found on the district website at: UA Health Forms. Should you have any questions, please contact the Wickliffe Health Office at 614-487-5150.
Our health clinics track communicable illnesses and work with local public health agencies to mitigate potential outbreaks. If your student is diagnosed with or treated for a communicable illness/condition (strep, pinkeye, influenza, COVID-19, lice, etc.), please report those to the school nurse at wickliffehealthclinic@uaschools.org, or wickliffeattendance@uaschools.org. Thank you for partnering with us to ensure Wickliffe is a healthy learning environment for all of our students!
PowerSchool Parent Portal: https://ps-uar.metasolutions.net/public/home.html
If you need assistance logging into PowerSchool, you may reach out to: familytechhelp@uaschools.org
Email: schoolbusquestions@uaschools.org
Links to Previous Updates:
All of our updates can be found on the Wickliffe website under “school news”.
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