Clifton Park Cougar Weekly
week of April 20-24, 2020
Distance Learning will officially continue
It's official - we will finish the 2019-2020 from our homes. This news was sad, although not unexpected in the current pandemic situation. We will begin having discussions about how to make this situation as positive and manageable as possible for our families - put your thinking caps on for "all things virtual" - from zoom interactions with your classes to end of year celebrations! We will get through this and MAKE MEMORIES with our students!
New Weekly PLC Schedule
In order to make PLCs more manageable for admin, we will move Pre-K through 2nd grades's to EVERY TUESDAY, same times. That way everyone has Monday AM to get ready for the week. Here's what the weeks will look like:
Monday - 11:00 - admin zoom; 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 - 3rd, 5th, 4th PLCs.
Tuesday - 8:00, 9:00, 10:00, 11:00 - Pre-K through 2nd zooms; 12:00 - SPED/interventionist zoom.
Wednesday - content will be available in Schoology by end of day for teacher review
Thursday - packets prepared for mailing (9:00 - 1:00)
Friday - documentation on student progress/contact due in Schoology by end of day
Retention Spreadsheet
We need to become very targeted about our students that face retention (grades 1-5). District Administration has asked for a list of these students, based on grades, and also a list of students that we have not been able to contact. I am trying to get clarification on both of these lists, but wanted you to know we have been asked to get lists ready.
SBDM Meeting Next Week - via zoom
Monday, April 27 at 3:00 PM - will send zoom invite soon. Agenda items will include a re-cap of what we've done since the closure, and how we intend to close out the year.
THANK YOU for all that you are doing, EVERY DAY, for your students and families.
This work is HARD. You did not "sign up" for this, but you are making the best of it! I appreciate EVERYTHING you are doing to make this experience manageable for your students and their families. If you need anything, from emotional support to ideas to make your classroom zoom meeting more productive or fun, please reach out. If I don't know how to help, I will FIND SOMEONE who does! This is uncharted territory for all of us, but I have never been more PROUD to work in Killeen ISD. Our district is so strong, and we are so blessed!
Let's have a GREAT week!!!