Orchard View Middle School
Staff Newsletter 9/30-10/4
In Family Newsletter, but please share in Mentorship
Important Notice regarding Rumors and Threats
Dear Orchard View Middle School Students and Families,
We understand that rumors of threats against schools can be unsettling, and schools across the area continue to address them. One rumor we’ve heard repeatedly is about a possible incident on October 4. We want to reassure you that this rumor is not new, and its origin has been thoroughly investigated.
Working closely with the district office, neighboring schools, Muskegon Township Police, and the Muskegon County Prosecutor’s Office, we’ve confirmed that there is no credible threat against any of our students or school buildings.
We encourage you to talk with your children about the impact of rumors. It’s important to create a calm and supportive environment at school, and your conversations at home can help ease any anxiety.
As always, the safety of our students is our top priority. We remain committed to maintaining a safe and positive school environment.
Mr. Joshua Smith
Principal, Orchard View Middle School
Monday PLCs
Monday's PLCs will be focused on Academic MTSS. Our focus will be on connecting together to improve our new RTI Academic Exploration Courses.
- Glows and Grows - What's going well, and where can we improve
- Share-out - what strategies have folks already uncovered to connect with kids and motivate kids that are in these courses (largely because of a chronic lack of motivation)
- iReady? Nearpod? How are these things going? - Learn from each other to make the best course possible
Meeting Places
- 6th Grade Teams - Jenkins' Room
- 7th Grade Mentorships - FabLab (19 side)
- 8th Grade Mentorships - FabLab (20 side)
- Special Education - Main Office Conference Room
6th Grade RTI looks quite different with Genius Hour built in. Cassie Nastase will be supporting sixth grade in Jenkins' Room.
7th and 8th grade teams will be meeting in groups, but please feel free to learn together and from each other! Smith and Norkus will be supporting these teams.
Special education - Special education students cannot be in RTI courses. This team will be connecting together around common protocols and common language. We have amazing people that started their careers all over the place! As we come together, let's make sure we are using the same language and processes when organizing our 7,000 IEPs and REEDs. Brittany Steimel will be leading this team.
Assistant Principal, Chris Norkus
My name is Chris Norkus and I am excited to be joining the OVMS team as the new Assistant Principal and Athletic Director. This is my tenth year in education and I am excited to return to the district where my career started. I most recently served as the Assistant Principal at Beechnau Elementary in Ravenna.
My wife Gabe and I have a three old son and a one year old daughter, they sure keep us on our toes! Along with our kiddos, we have a dog named Mac who is pretty special too. We currently live in Allendale and enjoy traveling and being outdoors as much as possible. Some of my favorite things to do include playing both golf and hockey as well as spending time with our family and friends.
I am looking forward to this new opportunity and building strong relationships with staff, students and the community!
Go Cardinals!
Staff Information Form
September PLC/PD Overview
- Monday, September 30 - MTSS - RTI Courses and Special Education Language
- Monday, October 7 - Team Team - Connecting as Grade Level Teams
- Monday, October 18 - VIRTUAL PD Day - No School/Asynchronous Learning
- Monday, October 21 - Department Time - ISD Content Specialists - Essential Standards Work
- Monday, October 28 - MTSS/RTI
TCI Refresher Dates
For the TCI Team, Please make sure the following dates are on your calendar:
Physical Refresher Dates
Cardinal Elementary - 2:30-3:30pm or 3:30-4:30pm
Wednesday, September 25 ✅
Wednesday, October 23
Wednesday, November 20
Wednesday, January 29
Wednesday, March 26
Wednesday, April 30
Wednesday, May 28
De-escalation Refresher Dates
Keena's Office - 2:20-3:20pm
Wednesday, October 2 (THIS COMING WEEK!!)
Wednesday, November 6
Wednesday, December 4
Wednesday, February 5
Wednesday, March 5
Wednesday, April 2
Wednesday, May
Mentorship - TRAILS SEL
I used ChatGPT and YouTube to create some mentorship lessons around the TRAILS Social Emotional Learning Curriculum. As we explore Nearpod and how it can fit in with Mentorship and SEL, I wanted to give everyone a solid starting framework.
I have a few Restorative Circles prompts and video options for each of the five units, but I didn't want to put several more hours into this if folks felt like I was way off base. Please take a look at what is here and use what you feel is best. I'd love feedback on my work, and I am open to suggestions!
Click the button below to access the Restorative Circle Options and Videos.
Please start Mondays in Restorative Circles. If you don't like my prompts, or you have better ideas, feel free to pivot, but as we continue to employ circles to support conflict, it is important that this culture is being taught and reinforced by Monday circles.
Thank you for all you do! Again, please share ideas with me on how I can make Monday circles and Wednesday discussions a better and easier experience for everyone.
Week at a Glance
Monday, September 30
Early Release
Volleyball (HOME: 4:00PM)
Football Practice: 1:30-4:30
Soccer Practice: 2:30-4:00
Tuesday, October 1
YearBook Group will meet during Mentorship. Room 39 after announcements.
Football Practice: 2:30-5:30
Volleyball Practice: 2:30-4:00
Wednesday, October 2
TCI De-escalation Meeting - 2:20-3:20 (Keena Office)
Football Game (AWAY: Muskegon Catholic) 4:00pm
eGaming: 2:30-4:00
Volleyball (AWAY: Ravenna) 4:00pm
Thursday, October 3
SPIRIT WEEK: Freaky Friday
Soccer Practice: 2:30-4:00
eGaming: 2:30-4:00
Volleyball Practice: 2:30-4:00
Football Practice: 2:30-5:00
Friday, October 4
Soccer Practice: 2:30-4:00
Volleyball Practice: 2:30-4:00
Homecoming Football Game!
Saturday, October 5
OVMS Boys Soccer Game: (AWAY: 1:00pm)
Monday, October 7
SPORTS PICTURES: Football, Cheer, Soccer, and Volleyball - 1:30pm on Football Field.
Remaining Fall Game Schedules:
10/9 @ Fremont 4:30 PM
10/16 @ Oakridge 4:30 PM
10/23 Home vs North Muskegon 4:30 PM
10/7 Home vs Fremont 4:00 PM
10/9 @ Oakridge 4:00 PM
10/16 @ North Muskegon 4:00 PM
10/17 @ Calvary Schools of Holland 4:30 PM
10/21 @ Conference Tournament 4:00 PM
10/12 @ Open Date TBA
Schedule B and Clubs
Schedule B Positions
- PBIS co-chairs: Natasha Brackett and Ashley Keena
- TCIS Chair: Brittany Steimel
- Student Council Advisors: Tara Gerrans and Ashley Keena
- Student Services Clubs co-chairs: Tara Gerrans and Ashley Keena
- MS Yearbook Advisor: Mary Amy Bajt
- Destination Imagination: Natasha Brackett
- Sportsman Club: REMAINS OPEN - CLICK HERE to apply
- Robotics Coach: Will Ashley
- Girls on the Run Liaisons: Meredith Garner and Lauren Schires
- Girls on the Run Coaches: Meredith Garner and Lauren Schires
- E-Gaming Coach: Bradley Saniga
- Field Trip Director: Craig Schultz
- Field Trip Fundraiser Coordinator: Craig Schultz
*Clubs are paid for with Title funding and have yet to be fully approved. Some of these things may be subject to change. If you did not fill out the form to run a club or join the NEST team, there may still be a way to add you. Please email me by Tuesday if this is something you'd like to be considered for.
*The goal is to advertise clubs at the OPEN HOUSE, September 24, and begin NEST and Clubs the first week of October (pending approval of funding).
- NEST (Garner, Bajt, Patton, Duyck)
- Art Club (Heyboer)
- RED Club (Duyck)
- Robotics (W. Ashley)
- e-Gaming (Saniga)
- NEST (Garner, Bajt, Patton, Duyck)
- e-Gaming (Saniga)
- Art Club (Heyboer)
- Crochet Club (Patton)
- Math Counts/Math Lab (Garner and Bajt)
- Robotics (W. Ashley)
*Cooking Club: We also received a grant, and we will be building a hoop house and a student kitchen over the next year and summer. With this grant, we will have access to a Food Literacy Coach during the school day. This individual can support classrooms and run a Cooking Club after school. More on this once I have details.
GoGuardian Resources from the Brothers Huck
For those of you that are new to OV, here are some nice resources that may enhance your use of GoGuardian int he classroom.
Flu Shot Time!
Flu Shots available:
When: Friday, October 11, 9:30-10:30am
Where: Central Office
What: Bring your Insurence Card with you
What else: Click the button below and add yourself to the GoogleDoc Jim Nielsen sent out
Content Area PLCs & Learning Continuum
It is important that we dust these standards off and determine what changes need to be made (or if we need to largely start anew).
Prior to our next meeting with the MIASD consultants, I will connect with the department chairs to get a better sense of how each department is feeling about their department's portion of the Learning Continuum.
For reference, I have attached links to Learning Continuums for each department.
Learning Continuum:
**Encore Teachers will be spending this time infusing the Learner Profile into their daily lessons.
Typical Weekly Outlook
Mondays - 1:10-2:10pm - PLCs and/or PD
Tuesdays - 2:15-3:45pm - After School Clubs NEST (Late Bus)
Wednesdays - 2:10-3:10 - Staff Meetings, SIT, IEP, etc.
Thursdays - 2:15-3:45pm - After School Clubs NEST (Late Bus)
Fridays - Everyone get your weekend started! 😃
Team Time
When meeting together in grade-level teams, please make sure to take time to iron out the following:
Common Procedures and Expectations
CHAMPS - Activities and Transitions
Mentorship Fridays
Peak Moments
SOAR Tickets
Helpful Links to Helpful Things
Lunch Detention Log (2024)
CHAMPS Folder - Folder for all things CHAMPS (you should have edit access so you can add to it).