Gator News
Home of the Glen Grove Gators - August 23, 2024
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Glenview District 34
Aspire. Explore. Discover. Connect.
Glen Grove Elementary School
3900 Glenview Road
Glenview, IL 60025
Phone: (847) 998-5030
Fax: (847) 998-5101
Attendance/Health Office: (847) 657-2394
School Hours
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday - 7:45 am - 2:40 pm
Wednesday - 8:45 am - 2:40 pm
Dear Glen Grove Families,
Wow! Yesterday was a great start to the school year. What a joy it was to see all of your children in their learning communities. There were lots of smiles and laughter as our teachers worked hard to build community, make connections, and have fun!
On August 29th we will host our Glen Grove curriculum night. Our fine arts/PE team will present in the cafeteria at 6:00 and our classroom teachers will present at 6:30. This important night is a critical time to build a connection with your child’s teacher, learn about classroom routines, and understand the grade level curriculum. The partnership between home and school is important to the success of your child so we hope you can attend.
Next week on August 29th and 30th, we will start our NWEA assessments in math and reading. This assessment allows our educators to get a sense of how to best support our students and where their next edge of learning will be. This helps us differentiate for your learner and supports academic growth.
I value your partnership and participation in your child’s education. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions, comments, or concerns. We are here to work together to make this a great year for all!
Kate Ellison
Glen Grove Principal
August 26, Monday - Band & Orchestra Recruitment Assembly (4th & 5th Grade Students only)
August 29, Thursday - Curriculum Night @ 6:00
September 2, Monday - NO SCHOOL - Labor Day
September 16, Monday - School Picture Day
Food & Nutrition Services
Monday, August 26 - French Toast with Turkey or Veggie Sausage
Tuesday, August 27 - Chicken Tenders or Vegan Nuggets
Wednesday, August 28 - Bosco Sticks
Thursday, August 29 - Pasta with or without Meatballs
Friday, August 30 - Cheeseburger or Black Bean Burger
The September lunch menu is not available yet. Please check the district website at the end of the month for the updated menu.
Food & Nutrition Services School Year 2024 - 2025 updates:
Breakfast is available daily at all schools for $2.00 and lunch for $3.35 (K-5 schools) and $3.60 (Middle Schools).
Please check your child’s lunch balance in PowerSchool before the first day of school.
Add funds to your child’s lunch account via e~Funds or check/cash at any school.
New! Recurring and auto replenish payments can now be set up for school meals.
Deposits post in real time.
Menus are available on our website and by downloading the Choosi app.
If you require financial meal assistance, please complete a 24-25 free & reduced meal application online.
Contact us at
Click this link to access the District Food Services site for more information and access to forms for to apply for free or reduced lunch for your student.
We appreciate your cooperation in making Glen Grove a safe and welcoming place for our students during entry and exit. Our staff will be out welcoming and helping our families understand these procedures during the start and end of the school day.
Morning Drop-Off: Car drop-offs occur in the West parking lot and all car lane students enter door B. Students should exit the cars in the designated area close to door B. Please do not let your child out of the car before the designated exit area as it is unsafe and slows down the car lane. We will open the doors of the school at 7:30.
Afternoon Pick-Up: Car pick-ups will also occur at Door B. Please enter the line in the West parking lot. We will have students enter cars from the designated area close to Door B. Our staff will be there supporting students and drivers to ensure both safety and efficiency.
We greatly appreciate your cooperation in making our school a safe and welcoming place for everyone. A safe and efficient car lane requires everyone to work together.
All student absences should be called into the attendance line no later than 7:45 a.m. at (847) 657-2392. The Attendance Line has voicemail so parents can call to leave messages at any time.
If you do not notify your Student's school of your child's absence your student will have an UNEXCUSED ABSENCE for the day.
If your student is sick please keep your child home until he/she is feeling well, symptoms have improved and fever free for over 24 hours without fever reducing medications and no vomiting or diarrhea for more than 24 hours.
New D34 Medication Administration and Emergency Action forms need to be completed for the 2024-2025 School year. The medication forms are valid if dated after June 8,2024.
You may drop-off medications at Glen Grove on or after August 22, 2024. Please be sure you have the D34 Medication Administration form completed and provide the medication in its original container. The medication should not expire before the end of the school year, June 3, 2025. If you have medication Administration questions please contact Jennifer Hastings, Glen Grove School Nurse.
If your student has a food allergy or asthma please provide a Food Allergy Action Plan or an Asthma Action Plan along with the D34 medication Administration Form.
Please be sure to sign section III of the medication administration form ( back of Medication Administration form) Also sign the parent portion Emergency Action form if applicable.
Any health concerns or questions may be directed to the school nurse, Jennifer Hastings, RN, at (847) 657-2394.
We will continue with the procedures put in place last year as a result of improvements made to all D34 buildings. The outer door to the vestibule will be locked throughout the school day. While this is great for safety and security, it will make it a bit more challenging to receive forgotten student items during the school day. While we understand that students forget things from time to time, we also want to minimize classroom disruptions and traffic in the office.
If you are dropping something off for your child in the middle of the school day, please leave it labeled on the cart in the vestibule. Our office staff will do a morning and afternoon check of the cart and notify teachers. We will also do a student delivery of materials before lunchtime to ensure everyone has what they need for lunch and recess.
As stated in previous newsletters, all overdue books that were not returned by the last day of school are considered lost. The replacement cost has been billed through your child’s PowerSchool account. Your payment allows us to buy replacement copies of the missing and damaged books to benefit all of the students at Glen Grove.
Student assembly for 4th and 5th graders will be during school on Monday, August 26th.
Attention all Glen Grove Advanced Orchestra Players.
We will have our first Recess Rehearsal Wednesday, August 29, 2024 in the Glen Grove Gym. If you have your instrument and music from last year, please have it with you. If you don’t, please attend Rehearsal anyway. See you there.
Mr Babcock
Orchestra HO / GG
Please do not attempt to signup for instrumental music until AFTER August 26th!
Students will have an assembly on Monday, August 26th, where they will be introduced to the different instruments. Please wait until after the assembly when you can chat with your student about what instrument they would like to play. Thank you!
Instrumental Music Instruction sign-up is starting!
4th and 5th graders can join band and orchestra!
Students in District 34 can choose to study a band or orchestra instrument beginning in 4th grade. Students who don’t participate in 4th grade can still join in 5th grade.
What is beginning band and orchestra?
Students in 4th and 5th grade have the opportunity to learn an instrument in band or orchestra. Students will receive one 30 minute, small-group lesson per week and one 30 minute rehearsal. These lessons will follow a rotating schedule so students aren’t always missing the same class time.
What instrument can my child play?
Orchestra students can choose violin, viola, cello, and bass.
Band students can choose flute, oboe, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, horn, trombone, baritone and percussion.
How does my child choose an instrument?
On August 26th the Glen Grove 4th and 5th graders will be attending an assembly where they will be introduced to all of the band and orchestra instruments. After the assembly, all 4th graders and interested 5th graders will fill out a form indicating two instruments they would like to try. Over the following week and a half, the students will have the opportunity to try the instrument of their choice and the band and orchestra director will send home a letter indicating the one they liked best.
How do I sign up?
Once your child has chosen the instrument they want to play, they will want to follow the steps in the band and orchestra informational newsletter!
Please click this link for everything you need to sign-up: Band and Orchestra Enrollment.
If you have any questions, please contact:
Cindy Warren, band,
Andrew Babcock, orchestra,
Click HERE for the August, 2024 GGCP Newsletter - We Belong
Glen Grove is excited to welcome different outside organizations who provide various enrichment opportunities for your student. These programs are not run by District 34 and all communication concerning your interest in any of them should be directed to the providing organization. Thank you.
We are excited to offer STEAM Academy Robotics classes afterschool this fall! Each week, students will build and program a new robot, while learning about global sustainability, digital citizenship, engineering, and how they can shape their world through technology—all within a playful story-based curriculum featuring comic book style characters.
Sign up with the links in the flyer! The class dates, times, age groups, and days of the week are detailed on the flyer. Clicking on the link listed with your preferred option will bring you directly to the registration page.
Feel free to reach out to with any questions regarding registration. We look forward to empowering your children to solve humanity’s greatest challenges by becoming STEAM Pros!
2024-2025 District 34 Calendar
Calendario 2024-2025 del Distrito 34
34-р дүүргийн 2024-2025 оны календарь
Click Here for the following forms:
-Authorization And Permission For Administration Of Medication
-Dental Exam Form (completed for Kindergarten, 2nd, and 6th grades)
-Dental Exam Waiver
-Eye Exam Form
-Eye Exam Waiver
-Child Health Examination Form
-Bus Rider Forms
-Personal Mobile Device Authorization (Cell Phone Use Agreement and Permission Form)
-District Policies/Handbook Info
-Food Guidelines
Follow Us!
We invite you to follow us on Instagram @GlenGrove34 and on Facebook @GlenGroveD34 for news on student, classroom and school accomplishments, important updates, informational items, and a glimpse at amazing moments of teaching and learning. We also encourage you to share your Glen Grove school pride using the hashtags #glengroved34 and #WeAreD34.
Contact Us
Attendance/Health Office: (847) 657-2394
Main Office: (847) 998-5030
Office Fax: (847) 998-5101
Location: 3900 Glenview Road, Glenview, IL 60025
Instagram: @glengrove34