Principal Update - BHS Families
September 15, 2024
In This Edition...
- Upcoming Events
- Pink Week - We need your help!
- Pink Week Events and Shirts
- Pink Week Items Pre-Ordered
- Pink Week Survivor Walk - Sign-Up Link Included
- Pink Week Sponsorships and Donations
- New Student ID Swap Out
- School Transportation Reminders
- Athletic Department Stadium Reminders
- School Directory Opt Out
- School Pictures
- Ordering Your Student's Yearbook
- OK2Say Presentation
- Gold Out Football Game
- 9th Grade Vision Screening
- PTO Volunteers and Meeting Information
- Incoming Senior Specific Information - *Includes Portraits by Alex Senior Headshot Information and Senior Information Sheet from Sr. Class Council
- Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
- BHS Counseling Department
- Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
- Weekly Wellness Lesson
- BHS Students - Opportunities to Get Involved
- BHS Football Game Student Section Themes
- Big Red Barrel Project
- MIStem Network's Michigan Chief Science Officers Program
- Livingston County Early College Information Night (Virtual)
- Livingston County College Fair
- 2024 Ruck To Live - Veterans Connected
- U of M Society of Women Engineers Shadow Day
Upcoming Events
Monday, September 16th - Powderpuff Football Game @ 7 pm in the BHS Stadium (No Athletic Passes accepted for this charitable event)
Tuesday, September 17th - Close Up Government Parent Meeting @ 6 pm in the BHS Media Center
Wednesday, September 18th - Running for Ritz Pink Run/Walk
- Registration opens at 5:15 pm
- Youth 1k Run starts at 6 pm
- 5k Run starts at 6:30 pm
Thursday, September 19th - Livingston County Early College Informational Night @ 6 pm (Virtual)
- Advance registration is required (see the flyer linked above)
Thursday, September 19th - Brighton Idol @ 7 pm in the BCPA
Friday, September 19th - Pink Out Football Game @ 7 pm in the BHS Stadium
- Cancer survivors and those currently battling cancer - Free admission
- Sign up to participate through the link provided
Wednesday, September 25th - Digital Readiness Check for all Juniors during Advisory
- REQUIRED step in preparation for the PSAT taken by all Juniors on Tuesday, October 1st
- Registration prior to arrival is strongly recommended
- Both parents and students can attend
- Open to all grade levels
Pink Week
Pink Week - We need your help!
Hi BAS Families! We are gearing up for PINK WEEK, and there is a LOT happening. See the recap of our social media posts, as well as our sign-ups for donations. Please consider clicking on the links below if you are interested and able to help our cause. Thank you!!
~BHS Leadership Class
Specific opportunities to get involved include:
- Donating items to be sold at the concession stand
- Donating items for the bake sale throughout the week
- Donating items for the Teacher Pie in the Face
- Volunteering to work the concession stand (all or part of game)
Pink Week Events and Shirts
As many of you know who have experienced it, Pink Week is one of the best weeks of the year at BHS and it is here this week! Our entire school and the Brighton community come together through both school and community-wide events to raise money for the Trinity Health Cancer Center in Brighton. We appreciate any and all support this week as it is a fantastic opportunity to raise money for a great cause and to keep funds local! We also have shirts available for purchase via the BHS school store, The Paw, as well as through Ivory Vines.
The week's events are outlined below:
- Monday 9/16 - Powderpuff Football Game at BHS Stadium @ 7pm. $5 entry fee. All are welcome and encouraged to attend! Tickets can be purchased at the gate or digitally in advance. *No Athletic Passes accepted. This is a charity event.
- Wednesday 9/18 - Pink Run/Walk 5K/1K
- Friday 9/20 - Pink Out Football Game; Survivor Ceremony on the field at halftime
- All Week (9/16-9/20) - Bake Sale and Pink Week Prize Raffle at all lunches, Teacher Lockup
As mentioned previously, BHS' school store, The Paw is OPEN for Pink Week. We are no longer taking pre-orders online, but the remaining inventory will be sold in The Paw this week.
Link to order BHS Pink Week Items from The Paw
As always, 100% of proceeds generated by The Paw from Pink Week items will go toward BAS' donation to the Trinity Health Cancer Center in Brighton.
One of our Title Sponsors, Ivory Vines, also has a number of Pink Week items available for purchase. Apparel can be purchased online via their online store, with additional items available for purchase in-store. Online store purchases need to be made by 9/13, but in-store purchases can be made throughout the week.
We hope to see you at the week's events!
Pink Week Items Pre-Ordered
Our students have been working hard to prepare and fulfill all Pink Week pre-orders that were completed online. If you are a BAS employee and selected to have your items delivered to your school, they should have already been delivered. All pre-order pickups, as well as new purchases, can be made this week, Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday during all lunches (until 12:00).
*If you do not have a BHS student, or are planning to pick up the order yourself rather than having your student pick it up, let us know and we can have your items available for pick up in the Main Office. Contact The Paw via Dr. Clark with any questions or to have your order available for pick up (clarkt@brightonk12.com).
Pink Week Survivor Walk - Sign-Up Link Included
During the Pink Out Game (Friday, 9/20) cancer survivors and people currently battling cancer are invited to come on the field at halftime and release balloons for cancer awareness. There will be a table at the front where individuals can check in and cancer survivors and those currently battling cancer get into the game for free. The informational flyer on the Pink Week Survivor Walk can be found here.
If you would like to sign up to participate, please do so using the QR code on the flyer itself or you can do so through the link provided.
Pink Week Sponsorships and Donations
In addition to participating in BHS' Pink Week events, we are also offering businesses the opportunity to serve as Pink Week Sponsors or make donations to our Pink Week Raffle. If you or someone you know may be interested in participating in either of these opportunities to support a great cause, feel free to share our Pink Week Sponsorship and Donation Flyer.
New Student ID Swap Out
School Transportation Reminders
We have 2 quick reminders as it relates to transportation to and from Brighton High School for this school year.
- The Transportation Department would like to remind all students riding the bus that they are assigned to a specific transfer bus to take them from BHS to Scranton in the afternoon. If you could assist us in reminding your student(s) to take their assigned bus to Scranton, the Transportation Department would appreciate it. If they do not know what their transfer bus number, they can ask their bus driver and they could share it with them, or you could contact the Transportation Department directly.
- If your student rides their bike or a scooter to/from school each day, they may like to know that we have a bike rack on the side of the band room in between the building and the cafeteria. They are able to lock their bikes/scooters to it. Doing so will assist us in keeping sidewalks and walkways clear as we have had students leaving them on the grass and/or blocking part of walkways the first few weeks of school.
Athletic Department Stadium Reminders
The Athletic Department has asked that we remind everyone of the Brighton stadium rules in advance of this week's athletic events. They are listed below:
- Children in 8th grade or younger are not admitted to events without a parent or another adult
- No re-entry to the stadium
- No outside food, drink, or containers are allowed
- No tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, or other illegal substances are allowed on school property
- No backpacks or large bags are allowed and purses and packages may be inspected
- No animals or pets are allowed in or around the stadium
As a reminder, just as it was last year, all tickets are purchased digitally. Tickets can be purchased online in advance or can be purchased the same night of the event you will be attending.
Student Directory Opt Out
As part of our building practice, we will NOT release information about your student(s), other than Directory Information, without your permission. For parents or students over the age of 18 who wish to prohibit the release of Directory Information or restrict the release only to military recruiters, you must fill out the attached form and return it to Sheryl Hemphill (either in person or at hemphills@brightonk12.com) no later than Friday, September 27th. More information as to what is considered Directory Information can be found on the form itself.
School Pictures
As you already know, students had their school pictures taken at Registration in August. The photography company (schoolpictures.com) provided students with an "Online Code" that is unique to the particular student and allows parents (or the students themselves) to view their picture and determine if they would like to purchase a picture package or not. Many of you purchased pictures in advance of Registration, and if you did, this does not apply to you. If you have not purchased pictures yet and/or would like view your student's picture, you will need their UNIQUE Online Code. If your student does not have the code that was provided to them, we can provide you with that information. In order to find out the specific code for your student, please contact either myself (evansm@brightonk12.com) or Amie Konieczny (konieca@brightonk12.com or (810) 299-4106) and we would be more than happy to assist.
If your student missed Registration, or they are not happy with the picture they took at Registration, they should plan to take advantage of Picture Retake Day on Tuesday, October 15th. Students who missed Registration and would like to get a Student ID Card can either wait until Picture Retake Day, or they can stop into the Main Office before school, after school, or during passing time, to get a picture taken for a Student ID Card.
Ordering Your Student's Yearbook
Our Yearbook students are already busy capturing moments and memories to create a keepsake that you and your students will look back on for many years to come. Get ahead now and order your yearbook today! Prices will begin to increase after October 1, so take advantage of this deal now!
Yearbooks are available for order at https://www.yearbooknerds.com/brighton-high-school
Senior parents, consider purchasing a personalized yearbook ad for your student to allow for a personal message with your favorite photos! Yearbook ads can be purchased from the same site listed above.
OK2Say Presentation
As mentioned above, all 9th graders will be attending a presentation by OK2Say on Wednesday, September 25th during their Advisory period. The OK2Say program is housed within the Michigan State Police Headquarters.
The OK2Say program has shared the information below with us in regards to the program as well as the presentation they will be providing to our students:
Being a student in today's world is a challenge to say the least! Our goal at OK2Say is to help schools in their endeavor to educate students about the importance of making safe and wise choices in a technologically evolving society.
Students are empowered to stand up for student safety by reporting threatening behaviors in a way that keeps the student safe. The program focuses on the issues students face including bullying, cyberbullying, mental health, suicide warning signs, self-injury, sexting, dating violence, sexual abuse, the dangers of drugs and alcohol, and threats of violence. Students are reminded to pay attention to what is going on around them. If they see something that does not seem right, students are encouraged to step up and speak out.
Gold Out Football Game
We do not traditionally advertise for away sporting events throughout the year, but we do want to bring one to your attention as it is in support of a charitable cause. Our Brighton High School Varsity Football Team is currently scheduled to play at Hartland High School on Friday, September 27th at 7 pm. If you are considering attending, please see the message below from Hartland High School and their Gold Out Committee:
We are thrilled to announce our upcoming annual Gold Out game, where Brighton will face Hartland. This event is not only a highlight of our sports calendar but also a meaningful fundraiser for C.S. Mott Children's Hospital’s Oncology and Hematology Departments.
Our Honorary Captains represent both Hartland (HCS) and Brighton (BAS) school districts, underscoring the collaborative spirit of this event. The Gold Out game is about more than just the competition on the field; it’s a collective effort to support children in our communities who are affected by childhood cancer.
As part of the event, we will be hosting a “rush the stands", where Hartland students will be collecting donations for Mott during the game. To add a fun twist, we are organizing a friendly competition between the Hartland (blue and gold) and Brighton (orange and black) communities to see who can raise the most funds. We will have this announced after the halftime show.
9th Grade Vision Screening
Each year, the Livingston County Health Department conducts vision screening for all of our 9th grade students. This year, vision screening will take place on Wednesday, October 2nd and Thursday, October 3rd. For additional information please see the Vision Screening Information for Parents.
As a reminder, unless we are notified in advance that you would not like to have your 9th grade student screened, they will be included in the vision screening for the current school year. If you would like to opt your 9th grade student out of this year's vision screening, please contact either member of our building medical staff. Their contact information is listed below:
Cadie Godfrey - godfreyc@brightonk12.com
Sam Argento - argentos@brightonk12.com
PTO Volunteers and Meeting Information
BHS PTO is an active part of your student’s overall high school experience. In addition to others, the BHS PTO proudly supports the following activities throughout the school year: educational student assemblies, Academic Letter, Academic Wall of Fame, Freshman class activities, staff and student appreciation events, financial support for student-run after-school clubs and organizations, and the Senior Picnic. All activities are supported through the generosity of BHS families. If you would like to donate to the BHS PTO, you can do so here.
Our PTO at BHS has already been hard at work this year supporting BHS staff and students in a variety of ways, including a student lunch treat on Thursday of this past week! Coming up, PTO will be supporting our teachers by providing them with a meal before Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 17th. Please see the message from PTO regarding this below:
The PTO will be hosting a dinner for BHS staff during conferences on October 17, 2024. If you would like to help, please review the available slots and click on the button to sign up. Please indicate in your sign-up what type of soup and/or salad you will be bringing so we can avoid duplicates. A few vegetarian and gluten-free options would be wonderful!
Please drop all perishable items to the HS Main Office before 1:00pm on the day of event. Please drop all non-perishable items at the HS Main Office anytime prior to the event date. Thank you!
- Your BHS PTO
Next PTO Meeting: Tuesday, October 8th at 7:30 am in the Main Office Conference Room
All are welcome!
Senior Specific Information
Senior Specific Dates/Events
Senior Class Council has put together a 1-page document with important information for the upcoming year that will be made available to all students at Back to School Registration, and can also be found here. However, there are some dates included below that you may want to put on your calendar now and your student may want to participate in.
Monday, September 9th - Senior Sunrise in the BHS Stadium starting @ 6:30 am
Wednesday, October 23rd - Senior Meeting in the BCPA during 1st and 2nd Hour
Thursday, October 31st - Senior Headshots due for the yearbook
Wednesday, November 13th - Portraits by Alex Senior Headshots taken @ BHS ($50)
Thursday, November 14th - Portraits by Alex Senior Headshots taken @ BHS ($50)
Wednesday, February 5th - Junior vs. Senior Volleyball Game in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 7:30 pm
Wednesday, March 5th - Senior Class Council 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Tuesday, April 22nd - Staff vs. Student Basketball Game
Friday, April 25th - BHS Lip Dub
Monday, May 19th to Friday, May 23rd - National Honor Society's Senior Survivor Week
Tuesday, May 27th - Seniors' Last Full Day
Wednesday, May 28th to Friday, May 30th - Senior Exams
Thursday, May 29th - Senior Sunset in the BHS Stadium starting @ 8 pm
Friday, May 30th - Cap and Gown Pick Up starting @ 8 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Walk at BHS starting @ 9:45 am (family and friends encouraged to attend)
Friday, May 30th - Senior Picnic in the BHS Stadium following the Senior Walk @ approx. 10:30 am
Friday, May 30th - Senior Elementary Walk (more information to come) @ approx. 11:30 am
Wednesday, June 4th - Summa Cum Laude Breakfast (invite only) in the BHS Cafeteria @ 8 am (parents invited)
Wednesday, June 4th - MANDATORY Graduation Practice in the BHS Fieldhouse @ 10 am
Friday, June 6th - Brighton High School Commencement Ceremony in the BHS Stadium @ 7 pm (rain date is Saturday, June 7th @ 7pm)
Saturday, June 7th - Senior All-Night Party at BHS from 10 pm - 4 am
Portraits by Alex Senior Headshot Information - Clarification Included
The "to-do" list for a Senior (and Senior parent) is a long one. There are three important tasks to ensure each Senior is honored in the 2024-25 BHS Yearbook. Seniors must submit their Senior Headshots to the yearbook by October 31, along with a list of Senior Activities. Parents may also buy an "ad" to recognize their special Senior. If you do not have a photographer submitting pictures on your behalf, students will have the opportunity to have Portraits by Alex take their Senior picture on either 11/13 or 11/14 for $50. Senior Yearbook Recognition Ad prices go up by 12/2. Of course, Seniors will also want to order a yearbook as a treasured memento of their Senior year. Take care of all three tasks at once at https://www.yearbooknerds.com/brighton-high-school! Order your book by September 30th to get the best price!
Brighton High School Yearbook Flyer
We have gotten a number of questions regarding the 11/13 and 11/14 dates for Seniors planning to get their Senior Headshot taken by Portraits by Alex at BHS. To clarify, these dates ARE correct. They come later once we have had a chance to go through all submissions and determine who has not submitted a Senior Headshot yet in case they still want to do so. It gives us the opportunity to reach out to students and parents and Portraits by Alex submits the images directly to the yearbook company all at once in bulk.
If you are wondering how to sign up to have your student's Senior Headshot taken on the 13th or 14th by Portraits by Alex, there will be a Google sign-up that is sent to students at the end of October. Students need to sign-up through their school Google account. If you are interested, please look out for that email in October.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Summer Communication from Mrs. Richards and Senior Information Sheet
This summer, Mrs. Richards sent out the BHS Bulldog Senior Bulletin. It includes information on the college application process, including tips for completing applications, admissions essays/personal statements, and letters of recommendation. Mrs. Richards also shared information about the Michigan Achievement Scholarship and Community College Guarantee that you may find useful as you investigate postsecondary options available to your student.
In addition to this, each year the Senior Class Council produces an information sheet that is a one-stop shop for all things Senior year. View this year's Senior Class Council Information Sheet here. We would encourage you to have your student follow the social media accounts listed and also join the Remind App listed at the bottom of the page based on their last name to receive updates over the course of the year.
Scholarship Opportunities
We are regularly looking for potential scholarship for our students to help offset the cost of any type of postsecondary education our students pursue. One of these options is the scholarship directory. Within this directory, you can find scholarships available for a variety of different categories. Scholarships specific to this year's Seniors can be found here. You will find scholarship information for a multitude of scholarships dated as far out as August 31, 2025. You may also be interested in some of the Michigan-specific scholarships listed as a separate category. This page is one of many resources available for students when it comes to potential scholarship opportunities so we would encourage you to check it out! Our counseling website also includes pages for both local/state and national scholarships that your student may apply for.
Opportunities to Meet with BHS Administration
If you need to meet with your student's Grade Level Principal for any reason, please don't hesitate to reach out. If your student has a 504 and returned to BHS this fall, you should have received an additional communication offering you the opportunity to have your student's support plan continue as written, or the chance to meet to address any necessary changes. If your student has a 504 and is a Freshman, you have received an additional communication asking you to set up a time to meet to discuss the plan in greater detail, in order to help facilitate a smooth transition to a new environment this year. To contact your student's Grade Level Principal, please see the information below:
Mr. Matt Evans (10th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4101
Email: evansm@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Tracie Richards (12th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4114
Email: richardst@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mr. Nate Grabowski (11th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4103
Email: grabown@brightonk12.com
Schedule an Appointment Directly
Mrs. Jennifer Napuli (9th grade)
Phone: (810) 299 - 4112
Email: napulij@brightonk12.com
BHS Counseling Department
The August Edition of the BHS Counseling Newsletter can be found here.
You can also view the BHS College and Career Calendar here.
As a reminder, if you would like to meet with your student's counselor for any reason, you can reach the Counseling Office at (810) 299-4150. You can also schedule an appointment with their counselor using the following links below:
9th Grader: Mrs. Petit - https://bit.ly/MrsPetit
10th Grader: Mrs. Caverly - https://bit.ly/MrsCaverly
11th Grader: Mr. Miner - https://bit.ly/MrMiner
12th Grader: Mrs. Grossfeld - https://bit.ly/MrsGrossfeld
Brighton Area Schools Student Wellness Information
As a part of the BAS Strategic Plan, we are always trying to find ways to maximize and support student growth. One of many ways we do this is through the Brighton Area Schools App. This app can be downloaded for free on iTunes and Google Play. It is loaded with resources for students and parents. In addition, consider using the "Your Best, Your Growth, Your Future" part of the app to submit a goal and receive 1:1 support and feedback to help you achieve it! The app will also allow you to receive notifications on what is happening throughout BAS and be updated on future events and information.
Weekly Wellness Lesson
Each week, we will be sharing out a weekly tip/resource with our families. This week's tip:
"We Can Learn a Lot From a Pencil"BHS Students - Opportunities to Get Involved
Each year we remind students of the importance of finding ways to get involved within their school community. In addition to being academically engaged, another excellent way to accomplish this is through participation in BHS athletics or extracurricular clubs. We share this information now as many of our fall athletics teams have tryouts/practices prior to school starting. The same is true of some of our clubs/teams. For more information on these groups, please see the information below:
BHS Football Game Student Section Themes
- 8/29 @ Saline - White Out
- 9/6 vs. Salem (Youth Night) - Orange Out
- 9/13 @ Northville - Hawaiian
- 9/20 vs. Novi (Pink Week) - Pink Out
- 9/27 @ Hartland - Neon
- 10/4 vs. Canton (Veteran's Game) - USA
- 10/11 vs. Plymouth (Homecoming) - Black and Orange
- 10/18 @ Howell - Student Choice
- 10/25 vs. KLAA Crossover (Senior Night) - Country vs. Country Club
Big Red Barrel Project
This year we will be bringing the Big Red Barrel Project to Brighton High School! After numerous deaths throughout Livingston County that were attributed to drug overdoses, the Big Red Barrel Project was created as a place to allow community members to safely dispose of their unwanted medications. Since it began, the Big Red Barrel Project's efforts have resulted in the secure and environmentally safe disposal of over 30 tons (or 60,000 pounds) of drugs.
Volunteers will be set up at BHS Football games on September 20th and October 25th with the goal of providing attendees the opportunity to dispose of unused medications/sharps/etc. safely. For more information on the Big Red Barrel Project, click here.
Upcoming Community Events and Opportunities for Students
MIStem Network's Michigan Chief Science Officers Program
We are excited to announce an incredible opportunity for students (6th through 13th grade) to become part of a dynamic and transformative program - the Michigan Chief Science Officers (CSO) Program. If interested, register ASAP as Registration only runs through September 17th. More information can be found on the registration flyer or via their program overview.
Event Details: September 24 and 25, 2024. (9am-2pm) at Washtenaw Community College. This event will feature:
- Networking - Google Classroom Integration
- Action Planning
- Confidence Building
- STEM Demonstrations and Workshops
About the CSO Program: The Chief Science Officers Program is a student-led, 6th through 13th grade, initiative designed to elevate student voices in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) education and community engagement.
Program Highlights:
Leadership Development - Community Engagement - Networking Opportunities - Advocacy
Why Participate? By participating in the CSO Program, your students will gain:
- Enhanced Leadership Skills: Through specialized training and real-world project implementation.
- Increased STEM Knowledge: Exposure to cutting-edge STEM topics and careers.
- Valuable Professional Connections: Opportunities to interact with STEM professionals and industry leaders.
- Community Impact: The ability to make a significant difference in their schools and local communities.
For more information or to register, please contact afortunato@washtenawisd.org or register HERE.
Livingston County Early College Information Night (Virtual)
Tune in on September 19th, 2024 at 6:00pm to a virtual informational meeting to learn more about the Livingston County Early College Program. The meeting is for students and/or parents of current 9th, 10th, and 11th graders. More information about the Livingston County Early College can be found here. Sign up using the QR code on the informational flyer. The Zoom link will be sent to your email on September 16th, which will allow you to access the meeting the night of the 19th.
As a reminder, if you already know your student plans to participate in a Livingston County Early College Program, the deadline for Juniors to turn the application in to their counselor is September 30th.
Livingston County College Fair
This year, Cleary University will be hosting the Livingston County College Fair. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 25th from 6 - 8 pm. The Livingston County College Fair is open to students of all grades, and it is never too early to just start gathering information about what options may be available to your student as they begin their postsecondary planning. Students are strongly encouraged to register in advance if they plan to attend. For more information, or to register to attend, click here.
2024 Ruck To Live - Veterans Connected
On September 28th, Veterans Connected will be holding their 4th Annual Ruck To Live Event. This year, Veterans Connected is making a special effort to include civilians in the remembrance as they recognize that mental health is a concern for all of us, not just the veteran community. In addition to their 8 Mile Ruck, their 1 Mile Patriotic Family Walk is perfect for everyone in the community to support each other in raising awareness for this crucial cause. It is filled with educational and patriotic displays of our nation's history, military branches, our flag, Pledge of Allegiance, and more. They have partnered with several civilian mental health and suicide prevention organizations for this event and would like to see the event grow even more this year. This year, they will also have elementary-aged children lead the Pledge Of Allegiance prior to the beginning of the closing ceremony, roughly around 12:30pm as another opportunity to get involved.
For more information, or to get involved with this upcoming event, please see the information below:
Registration Link: https://cbo.io/veteransconnected/Participants
Facebook Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/share/Akf96f3hoHN8yJ7B/
Veterans Connected, located right in downtown Brighton on Main Street, has been proudly serving veterans and their families in Livingston County and surrounding areas since 2019, with assistance, support, and resources to ensure our local veterans are never left behind.
U of M Society of Women Engineers Shadow Day
The High School Outreach Officer of the Society of Women Engineers at U of M has reached out to us with a unique opportunity for our 11th and 12th grade female students who may be curious about studying STEM fields in the future. They are hosting a Shadow Day in which students will get the opportunity to shadow SWE members for a day and experience a day in the life of a Michigan engineer.
Please use the links provided to access the Registration Form and Informational Flyer.
If you have any questions or would like any additional information please reach out to swe.highschool@umich.edu.
Brighton High School
Website: https://www.brightonk12.com/Domain/465
Location: Brighton High School, Brighton Road, Brighton, MI, USA
Phone: (810)299-4100
Twitter: @BrightonHS