News from Navin
August 2024
📄 Notes from Ms. Van
Hello! It's my pleasure to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year at Navin! I hope you had a summer to remember with plenty of fun and relaxation. Our staff has been hard at work preparing our building, planning lessons, and getting ready to support all of the learning, growing, and fun that the new school year is sure to bring.
Those familiar to Navin may notice a change in the office as Mrs. Lewis, our former principal, retired at the end of last school year. Don't worry though, she has helped me throughout my transition into the principal role, and I could not be more honored and excited to begin this journey with the Navin community. Thank you in advance for your patience and understanding as I know Mrs. Lewis has left big shoes to fill.
If you'd like to learn more about me, please visit our website for a brief introduction. An even better way to get to know me is by stopping by our Open House on Monday, August 12th or at any of the fun PTO events we have planned this year. Please don't hold it against me, but I may need to hear your names and see your faces a few times before I've got them memorized. My goal is to know all of our 400+ students by name and face as quickly as possible this year, but it may take me a bit longer to get to know the adults that support them at home.
Communication is key to our partnership as we collaborate to support students this year. My goal is to send out at least one of these newsletters each month, and we will also keep in touch more frequently via social media on our Facebook and X (formerly Twitter) accounts. I encourage families to reach out to their child's teachers and attend conferences. Our students grow most when they have a strong team at school and at home.
As always, we appreciate your support and partnership as we work to make the 2024-2025 school year our best year EVER!
Your partner in education,
- Ms. Van Schoyck (but you're welcome to call me Ms. Van!)
🏫 Back-To-School Open house Information
Please join us for our Back-To-School Open House on Monday, August 12 from 5:00-7:00pm! Our Open house is for all grades, Preschool, Alternate Kindergarten & K-4.
Open House Procedures:
- When you enter the building, please report to the Gym for teacher assignments. Lines will be divided by grade levels. You must complete Back-to-School Online Forms in order to receive your child's teacher. (Please complete prior to Open House; we will have limited access and support during the Open House itself)
- The following will also be available in the Gym: Food Services (Breakfast/Lunch Info), Transportation (Bus Info), Fee Station (Able to pay school fees); PTO Information; Scouting Info.
- If you need computer or Internet access in order to complete your child's school forms, we will have some laptops available in the Library. WE CANNOT HELP WITH PASSWORDS! Please contact our Tech Department before you arrive at: ucparenthelp@mevsd.us.
- After you receive your child's teacher assignment, you are welcome to visit their classrooms
- If you'd like, your student can leave his/her school supplies on their desks so they don't have to carry everything on the first school day.
- Our school Office will be open for questions, form pick-ups and/or to assist you in any way
📝 Required Paperwork, Class Lists, and School Fees
Parents, in order to get your child's class assignment at Open House or before, you must go into the PowerSchool Parent Portal to check your information and update, if needed. If you are unable to access your PowerSchool Parent Portal, you can contact the Navin Office at 937-578-7000 and reset your password..
If you have the PowerSchool App on your phone/tablet, you will need to utilize a computer or web browser on your phone/tablet as the App will not allow you to gain access to the required forms.
If you are unable to access the internet or experience difficulties, limited computer access will be made available during our Open House on August 12th.
**You will also need to complete a STUDENT DISMISSAL FORM for each child. You can print it here or get a copy from your child's teacher the night of Open House. Then, turn it into your child's teacher at the Open House or anytime before the 1st day of school.
Additional forms can be found on the Navin Website :
- Medical Forms 2024-2025
- Optional Directory Information Opt-Out 2024-2025
- Optional Student Photo Decline 2024-2025
- Optional Parent's Right to Know Teacher Qualifications
School fees can be paid online, at Open House on 8/12, or in the Navin Office.
EZ-PAY to pay online:
- Kindergarten: $44
- Grades 1-4: $35
- Alternate Kindergarten: $22
Once you have completed all paperwork, you may receive the name of your child’s classroom teacher by calling Navin at (937-578-7000) or emailing Annie Leonard (acleonar@mevsd.us) at the school, or during our Open House. **Please note, changes will not be made to class placements. All paperwork must be completed before you can receive this information.
📏 Navin School Supply Lists 2024-2025
⏰ Arrival/Dismissal Times
**Please note: There is a change in Start/Ending times for the 2024-2025 school year**
Kindergarten - Grade 4
Doors open: 8:55am
Tardy bell: 9:15am
Dismissal bell: 3:55pm
Alternative Kindergarten AM session
Doors open: 8:55am
Tardy bell: 9:15am
Dismissal bell: 12:10pm
Alternative Kindergarten PM session
Doors open: 12:55pm
Tardy bell: 1:00pm
Dismissal bell: 3:55pm
Preschool AM session
Doors open: 8:55am
Tardy bell: 9:15am
Dismissal bell: 12:10pm
Preschool PM session
Doors open: 12:55pm
Tardy bell: 1:00pm
Dismissal bell: 3:55pm
👪 The First Days of School...
As always, school safety is our #1 concern. Therefore, for the first full days of school, please note the following:
- If your child is a bus, car rider or walker, there will be extra staff members available to help students find their way to their classrooms. Please be assured that we will get them where they need to be.
- Parents for students in grades 1-4 can also choose the option of walking their students to their classrooms on August 14th & 15th (the Staggered Start Days ONLY). Starting Friday, August 16th, we ask that students walk themselves to their classroom from this point on.
- Alt-K & Kindergarten parents will be allowed to walk their child to class on Monday, August 19th. Starting Tuesday, August 20th, we ask that parents do NOT walk their student to class. Again, there will be extra staff members available to assist our Alt-K & Kindergarteners to their classrooms.
- On Tuesday, August 20th, Preschool students will meet with Staff at the designated drop-off and Staff will walk our littlest students to their classrooms. We have found that this strategy helps with the parent-child separation process.
- After these initial days, we look to get our students into the building as quickly as possible so that we can check and secure the building immediately to assure safety for all. Thank you for helping us to keep safety at the forefront in Marysville.
🥪Breakfast/Lunch Prices and Free/Reduced Forms
Our food service program is self-supporting financially through the funds received from payment for student meals. We do our best to keep the lunch prices reasonable and offer the highest quality meals and service to your child each day.
***The Federal Program that provided free breakfast/lunch opportunities to ALL students for previously has ended. You must now complete a FREE/REDUCED APPLICATION in order to determine qualifications and to participate in this program (*See below)***
Breakfast Elementary: $2.00
Reduced Breakfast: $.00*
Lunch Elementary: $3.25
Reduced Lunch: $.00*
Milk $.75 (Purchased by itself)
*For the 2024-2025 school year, the State of Ohio will be paying the reduced-price lunch of $.40 and reduced-price breakfast of $.30. Families who qualify for reduced meals will not need to pay for breakfast or lunch meals.
Ala Carte Items: Unless parents request otherwise, students are permitted to use money on their account to buy additional entrees items and snacks offered in the cafeteria. Students who pack their lunch may use the money on their account for milk purchases.
Free & Reduced Applications:
Free and Reduced Price Meals are available to families who believe they may qualify. If your family chooses to apply, please complete a "Free and Reduced meal Price Application Form (linked below). The forms can be obtained and returned (completed) to any school office. You will be notified by mail of your child's status. Until notification, you must provide your child with lunch or lunch money.
Pre-Payment Options:
We encourage you to take advantage of the option to prepay your student's meal account. Prepaid meal accounts help the lunch lines go faster, giving students more time to eat, relax, and play. It also gives peace of mind not having to worry about looking for lunch money each day or worrying that it might be lost or stolen. To set up your SPS EZpay account and prepay meals, please visit. www.spsEZPay.com or for more information, visit our district website.
🚗 Student Drop-off/Pick-up/Walker Procedures
- To ensure safety, there cannot be a line of traffic on County Home Rd., waiting to turn on Scott Farms Blvd.
- Please drive through Scott Farms; turn left into the Navin Parking Lot from Scott Farms Blvd.
- Enter the line waiting to drop-off students.
- Please pull forward so that no spaces are left between cars. *The exception to this request: do not block or cover the striped lines painted near the drive-over dip in the sidewalk separating the parking lot into two sides. This is a crosswalk for individuals with disabilities (i.e. individuals using walkers, wheelchairs, etc.)
- Students must exit their car on the SIDEWALK SIDE ONLY & proceed to the front entrance of the school. Adults will be present to direct students.
P.M. Pick-Up Procedures
- To ensure safety, there cannot be a line of traffic on County Home Rd., waiting to turn on Scott Farms Blvd.
- Please drive through Scott Farms; turn left into the Navin Parking Lot from Scott Farms Blvd.
- Enter the line waiting to pick-up students.
- Staff will take your child's name and will walk students outside and directly to their cars. Students must enter cars from the sidewalk side ONLY
- Once your student is safely inside your car, please wait for the car in front of you to move forward and follow it out of the parking lot, turning RIGHT onto Scott Farms Blvd. PLEASE do not pull out of the line to go around a car!!! We do not want anyone to hit students or staff!
- DO NOT park in the parking lot and call your students out of the pick-up line. Again, no one is to run between cars, as this creates a HUGE safety issue. If you cannot wait the 7-10 minutes for car dismissal, please park your car, enter the building, and sign your student out in the Office.
- There are a few parking spots near the front of the Pick-Up line marked for individuals with disabilities. Parents of our students with disabilities may park in these spots during dismissal to make their pick-up process easier. PLEASE DO NOT PARK IN THE HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES AT ANY TIME if you do not have a child with a disability. Thank you!
Walker Procedures
- Staff will lead walkers to the Walker Exits (back doors) and will supervise them until they reach the sidewalk.
- If you are picking up your child, please do so in the Pick-Up Line.
- If you designate your child as a Walker and then arrange with him/her to pick them up off of school property, we are not responsible once your child walks off of school property.
- However, if you are asking your child to cross Scott Blvd. in the middle of the lines of pick-up traffic, YOU MUST GET OUT OF YOUR CAR AND CROSS YOUR CHILD SAFELY. Please DO NOT CALL YOUR CHILD TO CROSS BETWEEN THE WAITING LINES OF CARS! This is very dangerous and could result in an accident/injury. You must be with your child if he is crossing Scott Blvd. away from a crosswalk.
- Again...we encourage you to enter the pick-up line & follow those procedures to ensure safety.
🤝 Navin PTO! (Parent Teacher Organization)
Our fantastic Naving PTO is crucial to our success in supporting and growing students. Please join us for our first PTO Meeting of the year, September 10 @5:30pm in the Navin Library!
Officers for the 2024-2025 school year:
President: Kat Patrick
Vice-President: Chelsea Bruening
Secretary: Elsa Lopez
Treasurer: LaQuita Chambers
Event Coordinator: Mikayla Belli
Visit our PTO online store to get a jump start on your Spirit Wear order. (Don't worry, we'll also send forms out later in August/September.
📆 Upcoming Events
8/12: Navin Back-To-School Open House, 5:00-7:00pm
8/14: Staggered Start, Last Names A-M
8/14-8/16: Alt-K & Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA) **By Appointment
8/15: Staggered Start, Last Names N-Z
8/16: First day of school together for all Grades 1-4
8/19: First day of school for Alt-K & Kindergarten
8/19: Kindergarten parents can join our PTO for an Emoji breakfast following morning drop off (in the cafeteria)
8/20: First day of school for Preschool
9/2: Labor Day - No school
9/10: PTO Meeting! Come join us in the Navin library from 5:30-6:30pm
9/14: Navin COLOR RUN (Open to entire community - stay tuned for more info)
9/26 & 10/3: Parent/Teacher Conferences (*evening, by appointment w/teacher)
Contact Info
Navin Elementary
Principal: Katie Van SchoyckEmail: katie.vanschoyck@mevsd.us
Website: https://navin.marysville.k12.oh.us/
Location: 16265 County Home Rd. Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 578-7000
Facebook: Navin Elementary
Twitter: @NavinElementary