August Newsletter
Welcome Back
1. School starts @ 8:25 am a. Morning Supervision will begin by 7:45am
2. School ends for K-6 at 2:40 pm (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.).
3. School ends for 7th and 8th at 3:40 pm (Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri.)
4. Wednesday dismissal for every grade is at 1:40 pm.
Thank you for your understanding!
Save the Dates
Upcoming Events
August 13th:
- Welcome Back Peter Piper Pizza Night from 5:00pm-8:00pm (12th Avenue)
- Com9the enjoy some pizza, see teachers and staff, and learn more about how to become more involved.
- A percentage of monies go back towards our school PTSA which supports student and teacher events.
August 19th:
Open House 5:30pm-6:30pm (5th-8th, Ex. Ed., Electives)
August 20th:
- Open House 5:30pm-6:30pm (K-4th)
August 21st:
- No School - Professional Learning Wednesday for all Staff
August 29th:
- Parent Cafecito at 4:00pm in the Library
- PTSA Meeting at 5:00pm in the Library
To report an absence for your student:
- Log into ParentVue from App or Computer
- Click "Attendance" tab on the left column on the computer or on App as soon as you log in the blue "report absence" with a small bell icon is there.
- On the top right corner of the page it will have a blue link that says "Report Absence"
- Use the calendar to select dates and the drop down for reason.
- You may also add notes or upload a doctor's note and hit "save".
Uniform Policy
It's important that your child/ren abide by our school uniform policies. Please note, that while our district has a dress code, we follow our specific school uniform dress code.
Here are a few added expectations to our policy:
1) Tennis shoes are to be worn only with uniforms (Please no Crocs. While our students love them, they aren’t safe or conducive for playing. We had issues with students twisting their ankles and their shoes would go flying off when playing sports).
2) If your child/ren chooses to use a sweatshirt, they still must wear the designated uniform shirt. the Collar must show.
3) Minimal lettering on sweatshirts, pants, collared shirts.
If you have any questions, please see our policies attached and/or you may call the school office.
Cell Phone Policy
From bell to bell, students are expected to put their phones away. Phones are not allowed during the instructional day. Please our cell phone policy for more information.
Clear Backpack Policy
ONLY CLEAR BACKPACKS AND BAGS ALLOWED ON SCHOOL CAMPUS: As part of ongoing efforts to provide a safe and secure learning environment.
Please see attached policy for more information. Thank you.
All students in 6th-8th Grade must have their physical and fees paid to participate. See Faviola, our Office Manager for more information.
Aug 6th: Girls Volleyball and Boys Basketball Tryouts
Aug 17th: Parent MS Sports Mtg @ 5:00pm
Rainy Day Dismissal
As a school we are not supposed to send students outside if lightening is within 5-10 miles of our school. and we definitely don't want to send kiddos outside if it does rain or begins to rain.
During a rainy day dismissal, you will need to park your car. We ask that you please park in the parking lot or Iglesia Kairos and then you may enter through the front office to pick up your child from the classroom. If you aren't able to get down, please continue in the drive through lane, stay in the car and an adult will come out to get the name of the student and the teacher.
Again, please be patient as we will try to do our best to get your children as quickly as possible.
Thank you!
Safety Reminders
We would also like to remind all of our families of the importance of ensuring we are following our morning drop off and after school dismissal procedures for the safety of our students.
- There is one entrance and one exit.
- Please follow the flow of traffic
- Use the proper cross walks
- Slow speed in the parking lot
- There is only one pick up lane.
- If you plan to stay in your car to pick up your child, please know your child's name, teacher's name and grade level. We will have someone get your child and ensure they get to your car.
- Park in appropriate parking spaces (if you do not have a handicap parking permit or a license plate, you must park in the standard parking. Thank you.
- Follow expectations per school staff
- For afternoon dismissal if you plan to get down and get your child, please wait on the Southside of the crosswalk and we will cross your child/ren to you. When parents come to the sidewalk near the school and students, it's difficult for us to see the students and we need to allow our teachers to follow the dismissal expectations.
Thank you for your patience. After a couple of weeks, the routine will be much smoother.
TUSD Code of Conduct
See the attached TUSD Code of Conduct available in English and Spanish below.
CE Rose Birthday Celebrations
We will celebrate birthdays and special events every last Wednesday of the month (unless notified of a change). Celebrations will be between 1:00-1:30pm on Wednesdays. If your child has a birthday in that month and you would like to bring a healthy snack/treat/goodie bag.
Please let us know before the celebration date so we can plan
August 28th