Hebron HS Counseling Department
Dear Hawks,
We hope you have enjoyed this first nine-weeks and are ready to tackle the next one with even more success! Counselors look forward to connecting with each of you this school year. Sign in using the QR code posted on campus to see us if you need anything! Review the information and resources below.
Have a great fall 2 term!
HHS Counselors
Schedules 2024-25
Schedules for the fall are now set and no new schedule requests will be considered unless it is to address an error in your SPRING semester schedule. Counselors are now working to balance courses for the spring and course availability is extremely limited.
UT Austin CAP Program Information Session
We have an upcoming opportunity for you to learn more about one of UT Austin’s alternative pathways to enrollment on November 12 at 6:30 p.m. If you are interested in becoming a Longhorn, please see the flyer so you can connect with the Office of Admissions and hear about the Coordinated Admission Program (CAP). Students can register here >
CAP offers students admission to the University contingent upon a successful first semester at another UT System school. It’s a fantastic opportunity for more students to access a UT Austin education, building an academic foundation before joining them on the Forty Acres.
Parent Preview: Early Mental Health Intervention Lessons in November
Lewisville ISD will utilize a research-based classroom curriculum to increase awareness of teen depression and anxiety among secondary students. Our mission is to empower students to comfortably and confidently seek help for friends or themselves who may be depressed or suicidal. Click here to access parent information on early mental health intervention. We will be completing these early mental health lessons during our November 12th advisory time with students.
HOBY: 10th Grade Scholarship Opportunity
The Hugh O'Brian Youth Leadership Foundation (HOBY) scholarship applications are now available for current 10th graders!!!! Please pick up an application in the Counseling office. For more information, please visit https://www.hoby.org/ or email Mrs. Hood at hoodm@lisd.net. All applications are due by 3:40pm on Wednesday, October 30th.
Financial Aid Presentation TONIGHT
Collin College will be here to present on Tuesday, October 15th at 6:00pm in the library.
AP Exam Registration
We are currently registering exams that are either:
- Exam Only or Independent Study (includes exams for courses taken prior to this year)
- Courses taken in VLA during summer of 2024
- Fall Semester 1, Fall Semester 2, and All Year Courses (at Hebron and through VLA)
***We are currently NOT registering for exams for courses that do not begin until January 2025 or March 2025. You must wait until January to register for those courses.***
ATTENTION! Students and guardians should complete this registration together. This is a two-step process and both steps MUST be completed in order for your school to order your exams.
- 1st step is to enroll in your courses with the College Board. You should have already done this using the "join codes" provided by your teacher/school. If you have not done this contact your teacher.
- If you are having trouble accessing your College Board account, you must call College Board directly. Link to College Board Contact Options
- 2nd step is to complete the exam registration on this website: https://user.totalregistration.net/AP/441146
Students taking AP courses/exams at Hebron High School must register here by 3:59pm, November 1, 2024. There is no cost for enrolling in AP courses, but the 2025 AP Exams cost $103 per exam.
Senior Parent Meeting
If you missed the in-person senior parent meeting on Tuesday, September 17th. Please visit the senior website to review the presentation: https://www.lisd.net/domain/11035
Senior Website & Fall To Do List
Please bookmark your senior website to keep up with important dates/tasks: https://www.lisd.net/domain/11035
Junior Parent Meeting
On October 23rd, we held our Junior Parent Meeting where we hosted Shane Bybee, founder of Bybee College Prep, who shared his top 10 most important tips for juniors. We have posted a recording of the presentation, as well as a copy of the slides, in the “Class Meeting Presentations” section of our Hebron Counseling Website. Direct links are also included below:
- Junior Parent Meeting Video Recording
Password: mKmhetm8 - Junior Parent Meeting Slides
Hebron College & University Lunch Visit Schedule
Upcoming Fall 2024 (Dates subject to change):
October 2: University of Oklahoma
October 10: Trinity College & University of North Texas
October 17: Ogle School & University of North Texas
October 23: US Army
October 24: University of North Texas
October 29: Oklahoma City University
October 31: University of North Texas
November 6: University of Texas @ San Antonio
November 14: University of Texas @ Dallas
November 14: Kansas State University
SAT School Day Exam for Seniors ~ October 16th
On October 16th, only seniors who registered for the School Day SAT Exam will be testing at Hebron. Watch your email for upcoming testing information.
SAT & ACT Testing Dates
Most colleges are trending back to requiring SAT or ACT scores for admission. You can sign up for Saturday exams either through College Board for SAT at https://satsuite.collegeboard.org/sat or act.org for the ACT exam.
PSAT/ NMSQT for Juniors who registered ONLY & ALL Sophomores ~ October 16th
On October 16th, ALL sophomore students and juniors who registered and paid for the PSAT will be testing.
Credit Recovery
If your student did not pass one or more courses last year or this first nine-weeks and needs credit recovery, please have them reach out to their school counselors. Credit recovery is a free way for students who were unsuccessful in a class to regain that credit during the school year. Our 1st nine-weeks credit recovery just finished, but our next session begins October 22nd! We will offer a new session every nine-weeks.
Coat Drive
Please consider donating a new coat for our district's annual coat drive. These coats help so many students here at Hebron and across the district each year. Please drop your donation in one of the boxes located in the main hallway by the library doors.
Hawks Helping Hawks Snack Drive
Can you help with snacks for the Hawks Helping Hawks Snack/Food Pantry?
As our campus continues to grow and change with time, so do the needs of our students and community. We are seeing an increase in food insecurity (not having access to enough food on a daily basis) on our campus. Hunger impacts the ability of our students to think and process effectively in the class environment. The Hawks Helping Hawks Snack/Food Pantry was created in an effort to support our students and their academic success. If you would like to donate, you can drop snacks off for the counseling department. Here are some suggested items:
- Granola bars, cereal bars
- Crackers (peanut butter, cheese, etc.)
- Breakfast cereals (individual boxes or snack packs)
- Fruit snacks, Fruit Roll Ups, Fruit-by-the-foot
- Cheez-Its, Goldfish, Trail mix (individual packets)
- Chex Mix snack packs (individual packets)
LOVE Pacs is a program that provides food support for families in need over the school/holiday breaks. Depending on the length of the school/holiday break, the support will be in the form of a bag or a box of food. If you would like for your student to receive a LOVE Pac for school/holiday meal support, please contact your student’s counselor.
Community Flyers
Helpful Links:
Hebron High School Counseling Page: https://www.lisd.net/domain/4426
Apply Texas College Application Site: www.applytexas.org
Common App College Application Site: www.commonapp.org
Common Black College Application Site: https://commonblackcollegeapp.com
College Board/SAT Registration Site: https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.org/sat/register
ACT Registration Site: http://www.act.org/content/act/en/products-and-services/the-act.html
NCAA Eligibility Center: https://web3.ncaa.org/ecwr3/
How to Request an Official Transcript from the Registrars: