Point of View
Excelsior Springs, Missouri
Trivia, in honor of National Homeownership Month... It’s considered bad form to give a knife as a housewarming present. NY homeowners are required to disclose whether any ghosts inhabit or frequent the home. In Scotland, a red door signifies the mortgage is paid. The most common street name in the US is “Second.” Oddly, “Third” comes in 2nd place, & “First” is in 3rd place. The concept of a housewarming party began due to the need to literally warm up the house. Guests brought firewood. As interest rates on 30-year mortgages have dropped to historic lows, the high was Oct.1981, an astronomical 18.45%.
Week of June 7th - Recovery Phase 4!
Monday, 6PM - Council Meeting
Tuesday, 3PM - Community Center Committee; 4PM - Municipal Court
Wednesday, 7-11AM - Farmer's Market @ ESCC; 9AM - Community Foundation; 5PM - Historic Preservation Commission
Second Weekends in Downtown & Wine Fest
Sunday, June 13, 4PM - Listening Post - Safe Streets & Sidewalks @ ESCC
To Enhance the Quality for All...
Upcoming Agendas
Community Center Board - Begin programming & Schematic Design Phase
Community Foundation - Vision Statement, Website & Logo development, IRS status
HPC - Consider COA: 100 W. Broadway - Roof, 412 South St.- signage/roof, 246/248 E. Broadway - Tuckpoint, repairs, repaint, sealant.
Listening Post - Discuss Safe Streets & Sidewalks, opportunity to let your voice be heard & become educated on efforts currently underway to seek federal funding.
Key Project Updates
Choose Your Attitude!
Email: mmcgovern@excelsiorsprings.gov
Website: cityofesmo.com
Location: Hall of Waters, 201 E. Broadway, 64024
Phone: (816) 630-0752