Wattles Gazette
Back to School 2024-2025

Happy Labor Day!
Dear Parents,
I hope that you enjoyed the long weekend with your families.
Curriculum Night is this Wednesday, September 4th. I will present in the media center at the times listed on the flyer below and classroom teachers will be in their rooms. If your child receives services from an ELD teacher (English language support), please plan on attending one of the two presentations (also outlined below).
Curriculum Night is a parent-only event. I realize this can present challenges for child care. That said, this special night is an opportunity to hear about what you can expect this school year. Thank you for your support and understanding.
See you on Wednesday!
Amy Wallace
Important Dates
Curriculum Night - THIS Wednesday!
Important Dates
- Monday, September 2 - No School
- Tuesday, September 3 - Breakfast Service Begins
- Tuesday, September 3 - Grade 5 Instrumental Music Orientation 7 PM at Athens High School
- Wednesday, September 4 - Curriculum Night (see specific information below)
- Thursday, September 5 - Dining for Dollars: Crispelli's
- Friday, September 6 - Fire Drill
A Look Ahead
- Tuesday, September 10 - Picture Day in AM
- Wednesday, September 18 - PTO Meeting 6 PM in the Media Center
- Wednesday, September 18 - Grade 5 Camp Meeting 6 PM at Costello (more info coming)
- Wednesday, September 25 - 1/2 Day of School 12:29 PM Dismissal
- Wednesday, September 25 - Dining for Dollars: City BBQ
- Wednesday, October 9 - Fun Run ***NEW DATE
Arrival and Dismissal
Bus Riders
If you qualify for transportation, we strongly encourage students to ride the bus as it promotes independence and helps with traffic flow. At Wattles, school buses and cars all enter through the same entrance. This often creates congestion in that area, so we encourage all students who have transportation to ride the bus daily. Bus assignments can be found in your PowerSchool Parent Portal.
Arrival - There are three lanes of traffic once you enter the parking lot. Buses will enter and drive straight through using the far lane (closest to the parked cars). Bus drivers will pull forward to the end of the bus loop. Students will exit the bus and be directed into the building by Wattles staff.
Dismissal - Wattles support staff will oversee this process, and fifth-grade safeties are trained to lead students to their buses. Wattles support staff will check colored zip ties to ensure that all students are on the correct bus.
Car Riders
Arrival - While we strongly encourage using bus transportation if you qualify, you can also drive your student to school. Just like the buses, all cars enter the parking lot through the single school entrance. Cars will pull forward to the cones using the lane CLOSEST to the school itself.
Please do not drop off your child prior to 8:30 AM as there will be no adult supervision. Wattles staff members will allow children from the first four cars in the car lane to exit their car on the passenger side and line up at their designated area. Students can enter the building at 8:34 AM.
Dismissal - Car riders will be dismissed at 3:37 PM. Students will be lined up at their grade-level cones and Wattles staff members will help direct students into cars. Pull all the way ahead to the pick-up cones located closest to the sidewalk. Students may only enter the car on the passenger side. Please stay in your car during this process.
Walkers and Bikers
Arrival - Students need to wait to enter the school building until 8:34 AM. Walkers and bike riders will enter the building at their designated spot.
Dismissal - Walkers and bikers will be dismissed through the main entrance at 3:37 PM.
Late Arrivals
The first school bell rings at 8:34 AM. Please be diligent about having your student at school no later than 8:39 AM, so that they are not marked tardy. If you are dropping your student off after 8:39 AM, please park you car and walk your child(ren) in. Enter the main office vestibule to sign your child(ren) in.
Alternative Transportation Arrangements
If your child will be going home a different way from their typical routine, please be sure to email your child's teacher AND the school office. If plans change after 2:00 PM, call the Wattles office at (248) 823-3400.
Arrival and Dismissal Designated Spots
Back-to-School Information
Medications and Health Care Plans
If your child has a medical need that will require attention or medication at school (severe allergies, diabetes, epilepsy, etc.), please contact me prior to the start of school by phone or email. I want to ensure that we have all the necessary information to keep your little one safe while he/she is in our care. You can reach me at: 248-823-3400 or awallace@troy.k12.mi.us.
All medications that needs to be administered at school must be brought to the office by the parent with the accompanying Medical Authorization Form that is signed by the doctor no earlier than August 19th. Each medication requires it's own form. Please visit the TSD website for access to the Medical Authorization Form:
Breakfast and Lunch Service
Students will be able to get a free breakfast at school again this year. There isn’t a menu option for breakfast, all children receive the same meal. If you are interested in the breakfast menu, please see the link on the district/school website or the link at the bottom of this newsletter. Children pick up their breakfast first thing in the morning and they will have a designated time to eat in their room.
All elementary students have a forty-minute lunch/recess period daily. The children have 20 minutes to eat and a 20-minute lunch recess. Here are some things to note about lunch:
- You may pack your child a lunch from home or your child can have school lunch from the cafeteria. Monthly menus are found on our district and school website (and are always linked at the bottom of this newsletter).
- All student lunches are FREE again this school year. Students receive a five-component meal with an entree, fruits and vegetables. If students want additional food, juice, or to get a bottle of water, those items are available for purchase. If you want your child to have access to purchase these a la carte items, you will need to create an account with My School Bucks and add funds to their account. Students will not be able to purchase a la carte items if they do not have a positive lunch balance that would cover the cost of their purchase.
- Applications for Free/Reduced lunch are available. Even though school lunches are free this year, families who are eligible for our free/reduced lunch program qualify for other benefits. The application can be found on the district's website by clicking the link below. We will also be sending home paper copies with all students on the first day of school
C.A.R.E. (Before and After School Latchkey)
If you need childcare before and/or after school, please visit the website below for more information and to enroll your child. CARE is available before school from 7:00 – 8:34 AM and after school from 3:37 – 6:00 PM. You can select the sessions that meet your needs (ex. all mornings or only Tuesdays and Thursdays, etc.).
PTO Information
Fall Fundraiser Sponsorships
Wattles T-Shirt Design Contest
Join the Wattles PTO
First Wattles Dining Out This Thursday!
Community Corner
Stem & Robotics
TFEE Grants
TSD Food Services is Hiring!
Parent/Student Handbook
Helpful Links
School Information
Phone Numbers
- Attendance Line: 248-823-3401
- Main Office: 248-823-3400
School Hours
- Full Days: 8:39 - 3:37
- Half Days: 8:39 - 12:29 (no lunch service)
School Address
3555 Ellenboro Avenue
Troy, MI 48083