West Oxford Owl
August 16, 2024
We had a wonderful first week of school! Our students spent time sharing about themselves and getting to know their classmates. They reconnected with old friends and started getting to know new friends! They met new teachers, found new classrooms, and started to learn their schedule. I had a chance to read my new favorite book to several classes and can't wait to get to the rest of them next week. The first week of school is always fun, and adjusting to a new routine can be exhausting. I hope each of you take time to rest this weekend.
Our school supply list is here. West Oxford gear can be purchased here.
We loved having parents on campus walking their students to class the first few days. As we head into the second week, we ask that parents kiss and go at the front door. We have staff ready to make sure that your student gets to class safely. If you are walking your student to the door, please park on the Ivey Day side. If you are dropping off, please do so on the Roxboro Rd side. This process ensures that students have adult supervision and are safe. Our doors open at 7:20, and students must be in the classroom at 7:45 to earn their first Dojo point of the day.
For afternoon dismissal, we ask all parents who are picking up car riders to remain in their vehicles. It is much safer for us to load your students into the cars than for students to walk into the parking lot. You may pick up on either side, and we will call your students up as you get in the car line. Thank you for your patience this week, and we anticipate that process will run smoother every day. If you need to make any transportation changes, we ask that you call the office before noon. We do not take transportation changes over ClassDojo.
Our PTO is hosting a rummage and vender sale on August 24th from 8:00-12:00. If you are interested in participating, we are charging $25 per parking space. Please reach out to westoxfordelempto@gmail.com. We will set up a special section for venders who are children. We look forward to hosting you.
As we work to improve our attendance, we starting two new initiatives. We started our Miss School, Miss Out program during announcements this week. Several names are drawn, and if those students are present, they get a prize. If they are not, they miss out! The second initiative is a quarterly drawing for a Food Lion gift card. All families who attend 98% of the quarter will be eligible for the drawing. We appreciate our incredible PTO, who is sponsoring this initiative.
We will be having a fire drill this week. Teachers will be discussing procedures with students, and we will all practice together. Please help us reiterate the importance of staying safe at school.
We are so excited your family is a part of our community. We are going to have a wonderful year!
West Oxford Elementary
Website: https://woes.gcs.k12.nc.us/
Location: 412 Ivey Day Rd, Oxford, NC 27565, USA
Phone: 919-693-9161
Facebook: facebook.com/West-Oxford-Elementary
Twitter: @WestOxford