Highland Park Bulldog Newsletter
September 27, 2024
Highland Park Parents,
We had another fantastic week of teaching and learning, concluding with our Hispanic Heritage Performances and Loteria Night. Our students truly enjoyed our HPES folklorico performances, Guzman Folklorico, Peruvian performances, Dance Infusion, and Mariachi. It was beautiful to see our students enjoying and celebrating. Loteria Night was a huge success and it was wonderful to see our community join us for a fun filled night. Huge thank you to PTO for organizng this family night.
While we celebrate Hispanic Heritage this month, please remember that our celebrations extend beyond this time. One of the most wonderful aspects of Highland Park is our rich diversity, and we strive to honor and celebrate it throughout the school year.
This month is filled with exciting events such as field trips, picture day, parent conference day, the first nine weeks' report cards and awards, Pajama Reading Night, Book Fair, Trunk or Treat, and Red Ribbon Week! I look forward to a busy month full of fun and learning and hope to see you at our events.
Wishing you a wonderful weekend, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if there’s anything I can assist you with.
Highland Park Bulldogs WOOF!
Lizbeth Ruiz
Highland Park Elementary
Pink Out Day- October 4th
Pink Out Day for Breast Cancer will be Friday, October 4th. Come to school decked out in your best pink. Show your love! Please wear as much pink as you would like!
Picture Day
Picture Day order forms will go home next week in kids Tuesday folders. To order pictures you can either return the order form completed or you can order online by logging in to online.phototexasphotography.com and enter the preorder code: PTPUC. You can also search for our campus once you log in to their website. Don't forget to remind your kiddos to smile!
Candy Monster
Gifted & Talented Elementary Parent Information
Gifted and Talented Nomination window is October 1st- October 31st.
More informtion coming soon!
PfISD Hispanic - Latino Pfair - October 10th from 6:00-9:00 at Calvary
I am excited and honored to be a part of the committee organizing this event, and I invite you to join us in celebrating the first-ever Pfisd Hispanic Latino Pfair.
Campuses will be hosting 1-2 cultural tables. Our campus will host cultural tables showcasing Mexico and Puerto Rico. Furthermore our Highland Park Ballet Folklorico will be performing for our community. If you are interested in helping with either the Mexico or Puerto Rico tables please reach out to me.
We hope to see you there!
DL Academic Meet (submitted by Mr. Diaz)
Dual Language Spelling Bee (Submitted by Mr. Diaz)
Does your child enjoy spelling in Spanish? They can show off their skills at our Spanish Spelling Bee as they represent Highland Park this year! See more information on how to register them on the flyer below. You may also email Mr. Diaz if you have any questions at Freddy.Diazlopez@pfisd.net
Destination Imagination (Submitted by Ms.Brightly)
If you’re interested in an extra-curricular club that will help your child grow their creative problem solving skills while having a blast at the same time, consider joining DI! Destination Imagination (DI) is a volunteer-led program in which students work together in teams to solve open-ended STEAM challenges. These challenges are designed to teach the creative process, and help kids learn vital life and career skills—creative thinking, critical thinking, public speaking, and collaborative problem-solving. If you think your child might be interested (or if you are interested in volunteering yourself), please scan the QR code on the attached flyer to fill out in interest form below
Specials Calendar
Ballin' with Bulldogs
Report Card Dates
Please review the Progress Report and Report Card Dates below.
- 10/18/24- 1st Nine Weeks ends
- 10/23/24- 1st 9 Weeks Grades due to campus at 12:00 noon, due to district by 4:30
- 10/25/24- Report Cards Available to parents
Don't Forget...
- Pink Out Day is Friday October 4th
- Ballet Folklorico Bake/Snacks sale afterschool
- Website (www.hpespto.org) designed to be an information hub and a quick way to get some Bulldog Swag. There is a list of events we are hosting like popsicles at the park, bingo night, trunk or treat and more. We're building ways to support our teachers. There is info about themselves and their "Amazon Wish-lists" so dive in
- Volunteers - Want to help but don't know how? After checking out our website, reach us at volunteers@hpespto.org. We can find a place where you'll fit right in. You can get a head start by applying in the district as an official volunteer. It only takes about 5 minutes.
- Join the PTO Facebook - Where Bulldogs WOOF! https://www.facebook.com/highlandparkelementarypto
Have a co-worker who really matters and whom you want to recognize? Let’s recognize our HPES Bulldogs, no kudos is too big or too small! If you have any kudos you’d like to share, you can submit kudos here: HPES Bulldog Weekly News Kudos or Click here to submit your Pfamily Kuddos for the google form.
Campus Kudos:
- Ms. Munoz & Ms. Jimenez: Thank you for organizing and supporting our Ballet Folklorico during the Hispanic Heritage Performances.
- PTO- Thank you for organizing a fabulous Loteria Night. We had a wonderful community turn out.
- Mrs. Reyes: For taking the time to put together apple books for me for Apple Week, I had just told her I would be coming by to look for some and she already complied them and delivered them to me before I had a chance to swing by. Your thoughtfulness is unmatched!
- SpEd Teachers: I wanted to recognize the fantastic work our Sped teachers have been doing. Your dedication to the students, attention to detail in the ARD meetings and paperwork, and positive attitude make a difference in our team. I am constantly inspired by your willingness to go the extra mile. Keep up the fantastic work!
- Mrs. Robertson: Your incredible work, patience, and compassion shine through every day. You create an inclusive environment where every student feels valued, understood, and valued to succeed. Thank you for your commitment and the difference you make.
- Coach Smulski: We see you out in the parking lot takign down car pick up numbers to enter into the carhound dismissal system. We see you out there in the hot sun every single day and we want you to know we appreciate you!
Great Things Happening at HPES
HPES Hispanic Heritage Celebration
Loteria Night
Upcoming Events
2024-2025 School Year Calendar with grading periods, student holidays, etc.
Oct. 4- Pink Out Day
Oct. 4- Ballet Folklorico Bake/Snack Sale afterschool
Oct. 10- Picture Day
Oct. 10- Cheerleading Bake Sale afterschool
Oct. 10- PfISD Hispanic - Latino Heritage Pfair 6:00-9:00
Oct. 11 - Student Holiday/ Staff/Parent Conference Day
Oct. 14- Student Holiday/Staff Professional Development and Planning Day
Oct. 21-25- Red Ribbon Week & Fall Book Fair
Oct. 24- Pajama Reading Night/ Pop into Reading 6:00-7:00 p.m.
Oct. 26- PTO Trunk or Treat 5:00-7:00
Oct. 28- 4th Grade 1st 9 Weeks Awards at 2:00
Oct. 29- 2nd Grade 1st 9 Weeks Awards at 2:00
Oct. 30- 5th Grade 1st 9 Weeks Awards at 8:30
Oct. 30- 3rd Grade 1st 9 Weeks Awards at 2:00
Oct. 31- Early Release at 12:00 p.m.
Regular Back to School Procedures
Hugs & Kisses Zone for Student Arrival
- Our Hugs & Kisses Zone is located in the foyer area:
- Parents should enter through the student main entrance with their children.
- Quick hugs and kisses are encouraged.
- Students will walk independently to their classroom, with staff available to assist if needed.
- Parents will exit through the main student entrance.
For parents dropping off their children in the morning:
- Enter through the main student entrance doors.
- Only enter the designated hugs and kisses zone locate in our foyer
- Students will proceed independently to their classroom.
- Parents will exit through the main student entrance.
For parents coming to have breakfast or lunch with their child:
- Enter through the main vestibule doors.
- Use the button next to the safety window to alert the front office.
- Let the front office know you are joining your child for breakfast or lunch.
- You will then be directed to sign in and receive a raptor sticker before entering the cafeteria area.
For parents dropping off items for their child:
- Notify classroom teacher that you are dropping off an item via class dojo or email.
- Enter through the main vestibule doors.
- Use the button next to the safety window to notify the front office.
- Inform the front office that you are dropping off an item for your child.
- There will be a table in the vestibule for drop-offs and post its to include your child’s and teacher name.
For parents attending conferences or meetings:
- Enter through the main vestibule doors.
- Use the button next to the safety window to alert the front office.
- Inform the front office of your scheduled meeting.
- After verification, you will be allowed to sign in and receive a raptor sticker before entering the building.
Breakfast: Parents are welcome to eat breakfast with their children. Breakfast is served from 7:10-7:35 in the cafeteria. Parents will need to sit with their students at the stage tables or the three round tables in the foyer. Please only invite your child to eat with you. Inviting your child's friends is not allowed. With close to 750 students, we are limited in space and kindly ask that you save this treat for special occasions. Parents will need to sign in the raptor system in the front office.
Lunch: Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their children. Please check with your child's teacher for specific class time lunch. Parents will need to sit with their students at the stage tables or the round tables in the foyer. Please only invite your child to eat with you. Inviting your child's friends is not allowed. With close to 750 students, we are limited in space and kindly ask that you save this treat for special occasions. Parents will need to sign in the raptor system in the front office.
HPES doors will open at 7:05 a.m. for bus riders and 7:10 a.m. for car riders and walkers.
Bus riders will enter the building through the 100 hallway doors adjacent to the bus loop at 7:05 a.m. Upon entering the building they will make their way to the gym where they will wait to be dismissed to class.
Car riders and walkers will enter the building through the front entrance at 7:10 a.m.
Walkers and car riders that arrive early will wait outside (back up plan for weather)
Upon entering the building car riders, walkers, and bike riders will go to either the cafeteria or the gym.
Students eating breakfast will be asked to go to the cafeteria
Parents/Guardians will be allowed to walk students into their classroom on the first day of school. Beginning August 14, (Day 2) parents will be asked to drop their child off at the hugs and kisses zone in the foyer. Parents will not be allowed to walk down the main hallway.
The safety of all students at Highland Park Elementary School is our number one priority. In order to maintain a high degree of awareness and safety during our afternoon dismissal process, we are requiring that all parents and/or guardians adhere to the following procedures. Your cooperation and support are crucial in maintaining the security, success, and positive climate of our school. If you have any questions or concerns about these protocols, please feel free to reach out to us. We are always happy to answer any questions.
Dismissal Tags:
Each student (family) has been issued a numbered dismissal tag for parents and one for student backpack. Students will not be released in without this tag. The parent tag must match the tag on the students backpack.
Car Rider Pick-up
Parents/guardians MUST display their child’s tag on their windshield or front passenger window. If you do not have your tag, you MUST park and go to the office. Unfortunately, we cannot allow exceptions, as we are trying to increase our safety and efficiency. If you need an extra tag for another caretaker’s car, please let your child’s teacher know.
Parent Walk-Up
Parents/guardians will walk up to the flagpole to pick up their child. You MUST display your child’s tag when walking up to pick them up. If you do not have your tag, you MUST go to the office. Unfortunately, we cannot allow exceptions, as we are trying to increase our safety and efficiency. If you need an extra tag for another caretaker, please let your child’s teacher know.
Walkers and bikers will be released from the flagpole/bike rack area.
Birthday Celebrations/Campus Celebrations
Student birthdays will be announced and celebrated over morning announcements. Students will also sing Happy Birthday in the classroom.
Parents may bring cupcakes/treat to celebrate their child's birthday. However, notice must be given 24 hours in advance. Cupcakes/treats may only be passed out the last 30 minutes of class.
Student treats (i.e., store bought cupcakes) cannot be served in the cafeteria during lunch. Treats cannot be a full meal (i.e., pizza) Teachers must receive parent permission prior to students eating store bought cupcakes/treats due to student food allergies.
For classroom food activities such as party days or food-related learning activities, parents will need to complete an allergy permission form stating which foods their student is allowed to eat or handle. If this form is not returned prior to the event, the student will not be able to participate in the activity.
We appreciate the care and time that the teachers and allergy committee members have given to this very important matter. We are dedicated to keeping our kids safe here at HPES and believe that this will help achieve that for all our students.
Stay Informed
Here a few ways to stay informed. Follow us on Facebook @HighlandParkES and on Twitter @HighlandPark_ES. School communications will also be sent out through school messenger via email. On Tuesday’s an HPES folder will be sent home with flyers and information. Please be sure to look out for the folder on Tuesday’s. Additionally, please sign-up for our mailing list at You will receive a monthly campus newsletter through the mailing list. You can also find a copy of a newsletter like this one in our campus webpage under “Principal’s blog”.
Communication Guide
Senior Admin. Associate: Anita Moreno– anita.moreno@pfisd.net
General questions regarding scheduling, procedures, teacher information, leave requests, substitutes, purchase orders (for your classroom/students), monthly and bi-weekly payroll, supplemental pay, staff travel, events, field trips, website updates, FB page, maintenance orders, after-hours events, fundraisers (any collection of money), Picture days, etc.
Registrar: Miriam Ruvalcaba – miriam.ruvalcaba@pfisd.net
Student records, registration, residency questions, attendance, transfers, withdrawal, cumulative records, and folders, grade-book, etc.
Student Support Clerical Support: Yaira Torres- yaira.torres@pfisd.net
Schedule LPAC and 504 meetings, and gather student grades, relevant classroom, and health data.
Nurse: Lauren Hohle- lauren.hohle@pfisd.net
Shot records, allergy information, distribution of medication, general student health, Section 504, and SpEd as related to health, etc.
Counselor: Anna Vazquez – anna.vazquez@pfisd.net
Student care and concerns, parent and student support, Credit by Exam, Gifted and Talented information, assessment, and Section 504
Assistant Principal: Pamela LeDay–pamela.leday@pfisd.net
Primary contact regarding discipline, LPAC, and SpEd. Additionally, virtually everything you would contact Ms. Ruiz for. It is a good idea to copy Ms. LeDay on emails sent to Ms. Ruiz because both of them are able to respond to questions or concerns.
Principal: Lizbeth Ruiz – lizbeth.ruiz@pfisd.net
Any and all topics not covered by the staff members listed above.
Please feel free to email or call us if you are needing support. We look forward to passionately serving the families of Highland Park Elementary!
Highland Park Elementary School
Website: https://www.pfisd.net/site/Default.aspx?PageID=37
Location: 428 Kingston Lacy Blvd, Pflugerville, TX, USA
Phone: 512.594.6800
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HighlandParkES/
Twitter: @HighlandPark_ES