Husky Update
September 2024
Labor Day
School will be CLOSED on Monday, September 2nd in observance of the Labor Day Holiday.
Join Us For Back To School Night!
Thursday, September 5th
Minimum Day Schedule on Thurs., Sept. 5th!
Picture Day is Wednesday, September 11th!
All students will have their picture taken for the Yearbook and student ID cards on Wednesday, September 11th. Pictures will be taken during the student's PE period. Information will be sent out to order picture packages directly through the company's website.
Cell Phone Reminder
This is a reminder that student cell phones need to be off and in their backpacks during class time. No phones should be kept in pockets or sweaters. Students are allowed to use their cell phones before school, during Nutrition, during Lunch and after school. This policy has proven to cut down classroom distractions significantly. We appreciate your support. We want our students to be focused in class and ready to learn!
Charge those Chromebooks and Bring those Agendas!
Please remind your students to come to school each day with their agendas and their chromebooks fully charged. This will avoid them having to lose valuable class time to exchange them in the media center. Chromebooks and Agendas are part of their daily materials and they are a vital part of daily classroom activities.
Thank you for your help!
Food Delivery Reminder!
This is a reminder that students are not allowed to have food delivered to the school. All students need to bring their lunch from home or get their lunch from the cafeteria. If a PARENT would like to hand deliver lunch to a student, they must meet them in the office and hand it to them. PARENTS MAY ONLY BRING LUNCH FOR THEIR OWN STUDENT. No lunches will be able to be left in the office for pickup. If any food delivery service, such as UberEats, DoorDash, Postmates, etc., tries to deliver food to the office for students, then it will be refused and Hollencrest will not be responsible for reimbursements. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.
Katrina Garcia
Katrina is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters