Thorndyke Newsletter
May 2024
Croyle's Corner
Principal Message
Dear Thorndyke Families,
As we step into the month of May, I'm delighted to share the latest information about our school community. This month is a beacon of renewal and growth, when nature blossoms around us. We are fully embracing this spirit by actively seeking ways to enhance our connections and spotlight the accomplishments of our students and staff. From celebrating academic successes to recognizing milestones in extracurricular activities, we are committed to fostering an environment that supports and celebrates every member of our school community.
May 6th through May 10th is National Teacher Appreciation Week! This is a special time dedicated to recognizing and celebrating the hard work, dedication and impact of our teachers. During this week, we encourage students, parents and the wider community to show their gratitude for our educators. It's an opportunity to acknowledge the tireless efforts teachers put into nurturing and developing the academic and social emotional needs of their students. Let's come together to express our thanks and make this week memorable for our incredible Thorndyke teaching staff !
May marks the celebration of Asian American & South Pacific Islander Heritage Month. This observance honors and appreciates the rich cultural heritage and invaluable contributions of our diverse community. We also recognize National Physical Fitness & Sports Month and Mental Health Awareness Month with the importance of maintaining physical health and wellness in our everyday lives. The importance of mental health and to advocate the necessary resources and support to nurture our mental well-being. These observances provide a comprehensive reminder of the interconnectedness of cultural diversity, physical health, and mental wellness.
The Washington State Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) for Math and Reading, along with the WCAS (science) for 5th graders, is taking place from April 29th to May 17th. These assessments provide valuable feedback on students' proficiency in English Language Arts/Reading and Mathematics, identify areas for improvement and inform instructional practices in our classrooms. Additional information about the Smarter Balanced Assessments can be found online by clicking here.
Please make sure your student is getting a sufficient amount of rest to ensure they are well-prepared and alert during the Smarter Balanced Assessments. Adequate sleep is crucial for optimal brain function, enhance their ability to concentrate to perform well on their tests. Encouraging a regular sleep routine can make a big difference in their overall readiness and confidence during the assessment period.
Your partnership is essential and plays a key role in guiding them through their educational journey towards success. Let's continue to collaborate closely to ensure that our students excel in every facet of their education. I look forward to seeing you during our multicultural event June 6th from 5:00 PM to 6:30 PM. More information on the event will be sent out in our upcoming family newsletter in June.
Michael Croyle, Principal
School Spotlight
Staff Member of the Month-Loi Mac, Kiet Luu, Ngoc-EM Lee-Lovely Lunch Staff
Teacher Appreciation Week (May 6th-10th)
Teachers! What can we say that has not already been said, because this year has been a challenged and all of you have risen to the occasion! Thorndyke Teachers (TT) you are much appreciated for ALL that you do every single day! Thank our teachers in anyway you can!
School Events
Thorndyke Elementary- Multicultural Night Family Input
Join us as we celebrate diversity and learn more about the
cultures, traditions and heritages of our Thorndyke families!
Multicultural Night this year is Thursday, June 6th from 5:00-6:00 pm.
This is a free family events, children's must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.
We are in planning and we are looking for families to share about their country’s cultures, heritage and host a table. Some items you can include at your table are maps, activities, crafts, children's games, music instruments, books, pictures, traditional clothing, store-bought treats and flags.
If you would like to perform at our event we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mrs. Johnson, Multicultural Committee Chair, at .
Pine Lake Middle School Orchestra and Wave
On Friday, May 24th Pine Lake Middle School and Wave will performing for our school here at Thorndyke! Thank you!
Science on Wheels at Thorndyke
On Wednesday May 8th, Science on Wheels is bringing engaging STEM programming to Thorndyke with a focus on interactive and hands-on programs that bring the joy of scientific exploration to life and empower learners to see themselves in STEM.
Smarter Balanced Assessments (SBA) March 4th-June 7th
English language arts (ELA) and math tests in grades 3–8 and 10 are required for federal and state accountability. The Smarter Balanced Assessment, Washington Comprehensive Assessment of Science, and WIDA tests may be taken with or without accessibility features. If a student's IEP documents the need for an accommodation that is not addressed within the guidelines, the student's IEP team may have their District Assessment Coordinator submit a Non-Standard Accommodation Request. For more information see this link.
WIDA & WIDA Alternate Access for MLL
Each year, students in Multilingual Learner programs take the WIDA ACCESS assessment to measure their English knowledge and skills. The test measures academic English language proficiency for students learning English in our school and throughout our state. For additional details please see this link. Please reach out to Ms. Skipworth for any additional questions:
Champions Before and Afterschool-Pricing Changes Starting March 15th
How to Enroll in Champions before and afterschool program:
1. All children whose families qualify for a Child Care Subsidy will be able to continue after March 15 for free or with a reduced tuition. Champions staff will provide families with information for applying for this Subsidy. It is available through Washington’s Department of Children, Youth, and
- Families can apply by contacting the Child Care Subsidy Contact Center at:
- 1-844-626-8687 or online at
2. For children whose families do not qualify for the DCYF Child Care Subsidy, Champions will offer their families the option to pay a tuition fee.
School Reminders
School Attendance is Important (Compulsary Attendance)
Our school compulsary Board Policy: 3121: Parents of any child eight years of age and under eighteen years of age its is their responsibility to make sure thier child attends school when it is in session, and For additional information please review this link.
- Tardies also effect your child's learning and disrupts the classroom. Please make sure your child is here on time. Class starts promptly at 8:50 am.
- School is out at 3:10 pm every day except for Early Release Wednesdays when school is out at 12:40 pm. Please be sure to pick up on time or make arrangements to have your child picked up on time.
- For absences please call: 206-901-7603 and leave a message to inform our attendance secretary.
- If you have an appointment and need to pick up early, please do so by 2:30 pm whenever possible.
Cold and Flu Season
Cold and Flu Season is upon us, while we want to make sure all of our students are at school each day, it is important if someone is sick, they stay home. When symptoms are subsiding, and fever free without medication for 24 hours, your student may return. We appreciate your support in for a healthy school for everyone.
Bring an extra pair of clothing!
We ask all families, if possible to send students with an extra pair of clothing in their backpack. We have accidents happen, wet weather and illnesses and all those end up on clothing.
District Visitor Policy + Drop Off and Pick up
We do ask all parents to if you can, to use an alternate way to pick up and drop off, whether it is walking or riding the bus. If your student does qualify for bussing, but you have not used transportation services, this one way you can help alleviate our traffic.
We have all available staff at the end of the day outside supporting dismissal: teachers, educational support staff and our principal, we all help support our students safely getting home.
To help reduce congestion in the morning is dropping off and picking up and only entering as needed. When we have many parents entering the building every day to drop off and staying with students it further congestions the mornings and afternoons. We encourage families to join us during special events, assemblies and conferences or to volunteer to support to classrooms and field trips.
Any adult that will be entering the building, must sign in at the front office everyday and sign back out and obtain a visitor’s badge. Here is our district visitor’s policy for further reference.