The Franconia Falcon Flyer
Stay Informed, Get Involved, & Check in Every Wednesday...
June 5, 2024
Franconia Falcons SOAR to success!
Using expected behaviors both in and out of the classroom so everyone feels comfortable and supported at school.
Taking responsibility for choices and actions at school and showing pride in yourself and your work.
Treating peers and others with respect and kindness while embracing our differences.
Caring how your actions impact others and yourself.
Important Dates
6/5- Fifth Grade Souderton Pool Party 10am-2pm at the Souderton Pool
6/6- Early Dismissal at 1:45pm
6/7- Last Day of School - Early Dismissal at 10:45am
Yearbook Cover Winner
Congratulations to Brooklyn in 5-1 for winning the design for our 2023-2024 yearbook cover!
Congratulations, Mr. Poehlmann!
Congratulations, Mr. Poehlmann, on your retirement! Mr. Poehlmann has been the music and chorus teacher at Franconia since 2005. Thank you for all the wonderful concerts and instilling in our students a love of music.
Book Blast!
🏫 Home & School Meeting 🏫
Come join us for our next H&S meeting, Wednesday, September 11th at 7pm!
Come and get to know other parents as well as staff dedicated to making this school year the best one yet.
Our principal, Dr. Heineck, keeps us in the loop with what is happening in the school at each meeting.
Looking to get involved? If anyone is interested in any of these positions, please reach out to Mandy Wendell aewendell@yahoo.com
Falcons Helping Falcons
Throughout the year, opportunities arise to help a fellow Franconia Falcon (and sometimes their family too). The needs are normally unpredictable and anonymous, but in many times they are needs that fellow Falcons can help meet!
If you are interested in hearing about these needs and possibly helping out, join our Facebook page: Falcons Helping Falcons
Franconia Home & School
The Franconia Home and School has a Facebook page. To join, click this link .
Note: You must answer all of the questions to be added.
This is a great way to get reminders throughout the school year and get to know other parents!
Follow us on Instagram!
Follow Franconia Home & School on Instagram!