The Raptor Report
RHAM Middle School
August 29 and 30, 2024
Message from the Principal
Dear Parents/Guardians,
The new school year started out wonderfully. On Thursday, students started off their day in their Advisory, reviewing school expectations and getting answers to any of their questions. They then went to all their classes and met with their teachers. At the end of the day we let students pack up a little early and make their way out to the buses. Today we had Team Building Day for our 7th graders and Inquiry students. The students spent the day doing various activities that we hope will help them build connections with the other students and teachers on their team. The day went well for our 8th grade students who followed their regular schedules.
Traffic – Thank you everyone for helping us by following the traffic pattern. The mornings and afternoons are flowing smoothly.
There are a few items of note for safety.
* Please make sure students exit and enter your car from the right side (passenger side) only. We do not want students exiting/entering cars from the left side due to cars passing on the left.
* Please pull all the way up so we can keep the flow of traffic moving. Please do not stop in the middle area to drop off/pick up as this holds up traffic.
* Please do not stop on the crosswalk. We use the crosswalk for staff to cross safely into/out of school.
* Please do not drop off or pick up before the area signs (by the side and front sidewalks). We do not want students to walk into moving traffic or in the parking lot for their safety.
* Finally, be aware that once you drop off/pick up, you can move off to the left to travel out of RHAM. Be sure to check your mirrors into the left lane for any traffic that may be there.
Buses – The buses are still getting used to their routes and if there have been any issues with pick-up times, this usually clears up quickly. Questions about pick-up times should go to the bus company. The bus company will let us know when one of their buses comes to school late (as was the case yesterday). Should this occur, students will report to the nurse’s office for a pass to class. They are not considered late to school since this is a bus transportation issue. Also on the subject of buses, because of the bus driver shortage, there will be times during the year that we may need to combine some of the routes onto other buses. Please note that our late bus will start running on September 3rd. Details on how late bus works will be discussed with students and can be found below.
Picture Day- Just a reminder that school pictures are being taken on Monday, September 9th. All students have been given an order form to bring home with directions on how to purchase school pictures. Directions can also be found below. Should your child be out that day, picture retake day will be October 16th.
School Closing Notification - Please make note that when school is closed for RHAM, the notification will read - RHAM and/or REGIONAL SCHOOL DISTRICT 8. Should you see Hebron, Marlborough or Andover Schools, that would be for elementary school closings ONLY.
That’s all I have for now. There are a few additional notes below. As always please let us know if you have any questions.
I hope everyone has an enjoyable long weekend.
Thank you.
Michael Seroussi
Upcoming Important Dates:
- September 2- Labor Day (No school)
- September 3- Late Bus Starts
- September 9- MS Picture Day
- September 13- 7th Grade Get Acquainted Dance 2:30-4:00 PM
- September 18- Open House 6:00-8:00 PM
- September 20- Early Dismissal (11:45 AM)
- September 30- Pie Fundraiser Begins
- October 11- No School (PD Day)
- October 14- Columbus Day (No school)
- October 16- MS Picture Retakes
- October 16- Pie Fundraiser Orders Due
- October 22- PSAT 8
- October 25- Early Dismissal (11:45 AM)
Remember that you can follow your child's bus in real time online or through the My Ride K-12 app or website. Instructions to set up your account can be found through the linked picture that follows.
RHAM Middle & High School Traffic Pattern for 2024-2025
Bus Traffic
All buses will enter RHAM from Route 85 and RHAM Road. The buses will proceed along the bus lane between the schools and the middle school baseball and high school softball fields. All middle and high school students will be dropped off in the morning and picked up in the afternoon at the high school drop off area and the buses will then leave RHAM through the main high school exit onto Wall Street. All students will enter through the High School main entrance. No parent vehicles will be permitted to enter the bus lane leading to the high school and staff parking area.
Morning Drop Off Directions
High school parents dropping their children off must enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Parents dropping off students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents dropping their children off may enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and drop their children off in front of the middle school main entrance (See map for drop off/pickup areas). Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the student drop off loop, and then follow the signs that will lead you to the drop-off point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area.
Parents with both middle and high school students must make one drop-off and enter the high school drop-off loop off of Wall Street and drop their children off at the drop-off area that is across from the weight room and Central office (See map). Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street. Middle school students dropped off at the high school will walk through the high school and proceed to the middle school.
Afternoon Pick Up Directions
High school parents picking their children up must enter through the main high school entrance on Wall Street and pick their children up at the pick up/drop off area immediately in front of the weight room. Parents must then exit back onto Wall Street from the exit adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields. Parents picking up students will not be allowed to enter any of the parking areas.
Middle school parents picking their children up must enter from Wall Street through the high school entrance adjacent to the Wall Street practice fields or enter from RHAM road. Parents entering from Wall Street must proceed along the access road adjacent to the tennis courts and pick up their children in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents entering from RHAM Road must take a right into the Parent Drop-off loop and then follow the signs that will lead you to the Pick-up point in front of the middle school main entrance. Parents picking up at the end of the day may wait along the right side of the access road in front of RHAM Middle School. Please do not double park on the left side of the access road. Parents are not allowed to enter the main staff parking area. Parents must then take a left at the stop sign and exit onto Route 85 via RHAM Road.
Parents with both middle and high school students can either pick up both students using either the high school or middle school pick-up area or pick up first at the high school and then proceed down to the middle school pick-up area.
Student Directions
High school students parking in the upper or lower student parking lots must enter and exit through the Wall Street student entrance (see map) adjacent to the Wall Street fields.
News and Notes
Late Bus Begins Tuesday, September 3rd
Late buses run Monday - Thursday when school is in session on full days. (No Fridays).
Students are picked up at the Middle School around 4:00pm.
There is 1 bus per town.
Bus routes are determined at the time of pickup, based upon how many students are on the bus and student locations, the amount of time it takes to get home will vary. You might not be dropped off at your actual home, you could be dropped off up to 1 mile away.
You will report to the library after your activity or event and wait there doing school work, etc. until the late bus arrives.
- You must be staying after school for an event or activity.
You may not leave the school grounds then come back to take the late bus.
Clubs, Activities and Athletics
Here at RHAM Middle School we offer a large variety of clubs and activities for students to get involved in. This is a great way to meet new people and try new things of interest. As the school year starts clubs and activities will start. The Raptor Report will be updated with dates and times of the clubs and activities as they start.
Math Lab Begins Tuesday, September 3, 2024
Math lab is a quiet working time for students who are looking for extra help or enrichment in their math classes. It is a drop-in program after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students do not need to sign up in advance to attend.
Tuesdays from 2:20 - 3:30 in Ms. Wang's room 217
Thursdays from 2:20 - 3:30 in Mrs. Kane’s room 101
Middle School is the first opportunity for students to participate in a full school sport. Some of the teams at this level are try-out based and others are open to all students. See below under the Fall Athletic Information if your student is interested in joining athletics.
Soccer Tryouts Begin 9/3
Cross Country Begins 9/9
The Morning Bulletin
The Morning Bulletin is full of information regarding clubs, sports, bus changes, dances, etc. The Morning Bulletin will be announced daily, and a digital copy of these announcements will also be emailed to students each day. It is important that students listen to these announcements as this is the primary form of communication of certain events.
RHAM School 2024-2025 Calendar
2024-2025 Bell Schedule
Picture Day is 9/9/2023
RHAM Middle School Yearbook
Order early and save!
News From Guidance
The Guidance Department is excited to start the 2024-2025 school year!
Grade 7: We hope everyone had fun at Team Building Day! It was so great to get to interact with the 7th graders and start getting to know them! Soon we'll be surveying the 7th graders to get an idea of what kind of groups they might be interested in us running and who would be interested in joining a group! We'll also be getting them set up in their Grade 7 School Counseling Classroom. This will be where we share School Counseling related information and news with students. We know the transition to middle school can be tough for some students! Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if your student is struggling or if you have any concerns!
Grade 8: Welcome back to our 8th graders! We're looking forward to a great year! This is the year to really start working on some of the skills that will help our 8th graders be successful in high school like time management, consistent homework completion, study skills and self- advocacy. We're here to help if you notice your student struggling! As always, please reach out and let us know if you have any concerns.
AHM Youth and Family Services
Welcome back! We are thrilled to have grown our AHM team over the summer and are excited to serve the needs of our youth and families. I am extremely proud of our staff for assessing the growing needs of our residents and creating programming, events and additional therapeutic opportunities in order to support our community.
Below you will find the link to AHM’s Fall Brochure filled with a number of programs, supports, services and events for those residing in Andover, Hebron, Marlborough and Columbia.
Notes from the Nurse
Attention 8th grade parents - This is a friendly reminder that every 8th grade student is required to have a physical form submitted to the school. If your child does not have a current physical on file you have been notified and this needs to be handed in ASAP. The physical needs to be dated July 1, 2022 or later to be accepted.
Attention 7th grade parents - This is a friendly reminder that every 7th grade student is required to have a physical during their 6th or 7th grade year. The physical must be dated between July 1, 2023 and June 30, 2025. Please submit your child's physical along with their most current immunization record to the school nurse as soon as possible.
Please click on the photo to get to the link for a blank copy of the health assessment is found below. Students can bring the paperwork to the nurse's office or you may email them to . Should you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the nurses office.
Attendance - Absent/Late Arrival/Early Dismissal
Cafeteria Information
We like to remind everyone that, because of allergies, no nut products are allowed in school. There are times when families find themselves in need of some support to ensure that their children are able to get lunch at school. If you feel that you are in need of some support then please see the Free/Reduce information under the parent tab and then click on food service.
Shannon Nemethy, General Manager
Office: 860-228-9474 ext. 3710
Welcome to RHAM!
Where Can I Find the Menu?
Click below to see how breakfast and lunch work at RHAM!
Fall Athletic Information
Good Afternoon RHAM Middle School Families,
Below is a registration/eligibility reminder for Middle School Student-Athletes planning to participate in Fall Sports. At the middle school level, we offer Boys Soccer, Girls Soccer, Boys Cross Country, and Girls Cross Country in the Fall. The coaches for each team will hold an informational meeting after school from 2:15-3:00 PM on Friday, August 30th for students (not parents) to check eligibility, go over tryouts, and communicate practice schedules. This will be announced to students. Tryout schedules and registration information is outlined below.
Thank you and I hope you enjoy the rest of your summer!
*Soccer Tryouts Begin 9/3*
*Cross Country Begins 9/9*
Boys Soccer Coach Ayer:
Girls Soccer Coach Healey:
Cross Country Coach Kanaitis:
RHAM Student-Athlete Pre-Season Participation Checklist
1.) Complete and submit registration via FINAL FORMS
If you have an account already, log in and use previous information to register for current season.
If this is you or your family’s first time registering for athletic participation through Final Forms, create a new account and register for the current season. Your information is now saved and will make future registrations easy.
2.) Submit a valid State of CT School Health Assessment Record Form to the Athletic Director’s Office or electronically via Final Forms.
Page 1-Completed and signed by parents.
Page 2-Completed and signed by medical provider.
3.) Complete an ImPACT Concussion Baseline Test
These expire every two years. If you do not have an up to date concussion baseline test, you will not be able to participate. Upon registering on Final Forms, you will be able to check the expiration status. If no information is listed, email to notify.
If your test is expired you may retake it at home by following the instructions provided in the appropriate link below.