November 7 2024

Save The Date
- 11/7 - Prost Restaurant Night 2pm-10pm
- 11/7 - Mother/Son Dodgeball Registration Ends
- 11/13- Mother/Son(s) Dodgeball Event
- 11/18-11/21 Book Fair
- 11/25-11/29 - NO SCHOOL! Have a great break! 😀
Tips from Mrs. Tudor
School Related Communications
If you aren't receiving messaging (such as the information regarding yesterday's weather delay and today's closure), now is the time to take a look at your notification preferences, including email, social media, text and voice messaging to ensure you receive these and other important communications from the district and Heritage.
Families will be notified of a weather delay or closure via text and email only, unless there is an extenuating circumstance such as a last-minute change in school status. Weather delay/closure information will also be shared on the district and Heritage websites as well as with local media outlets.
School Information
Thanksgiving Lunch Information
We are so excited to have families join us for Thanksgiving lunch this year on Wednesday, November 20th. DCSD Nutrition Services is unable to feed parents on this date - only students can enjoy our traditional Thanksgiving lunch. However, we still welcome parents to come and join their students during the meal, and you may bring your own lunch if desired.
Please check the schedule below to see your child(s) lunch time:
K 10:45-11:05
1 11:10-11:30
2/3 11:55-12:20
4/5 12:25-12:50
6 11:35-11:55
Heritage Auction Volunteers Needed!
Our 15th annual silent auction is April 11, 2025! We are in need a group of volunteers to join us in collecting and organizing donations, contacting businesses for donations and more! Many of these jobs can be done at home or on weekends!
Library Update
It's been a great start to the school year. The kids are enjoying reading stories and bringing books home to read with their families. Just one reminder: some books have been returned wet. Please try to not have water bottles near books in backpacks. Please also note that if you receive a fine in My School Bucks for a lost or damaged book, pay the fine and do not try to replace the book yourself. Replacement books must be purchased through a district approved vendor as they must be library bound books with our label on it. Thank you for your help!
Nominate your 2024 Apple Award Nominee Today!! Link is LIVE!!
The 2024-2025 Apple Award Nomination window is OPEN! Click this link to nominate a Heritage staff member for this year's Apple Awards! The 2024-2025 Apple Award Nomination window will be open from Monday October 1, 2024 through Sunday November 11, 2024. We invite our DCSD students, teachers, staff and community to join us in nominating their favorite teacher(s), principal, classified employee and department employee.
PTO Updates
Prost - TODAY!
Cheers to a good time and a good fundraiser! Enjoy Prost Brewing (53 Centennial Boulevard) on November 7th from 2pm-10pm. Be sure to mention Heritage Elementary, 20% percentage of your order will come back to Heritage.
Mother/Son Dodgeball Registration ends TODAY!
Register here for the Mother Son Dodgeball event coming up on Wednesday, November 13th! The cost is $10 per child, and your son is welcome to bring any special person in his life (aunt, grandma, neighbor, friend). Opportunity tickets will be sold at the event for individual items such as:
- Simply Savor Thanksgiving Breakfast Box
- Main Event Gift Card
- Lego Set
- Target Gift Card
We are asking for volunteers to help manage the tables! Mother Son Dodgeball Volunteers
Don’t forget to wear your camouflage!
Book Fair - Volunteers Needed!
The book fair is coming on November 18 - 22, and we need volunteers to help make it a success! We are looking for set up volunteers, preview assistants, and cashiers. Sign up here if you can help!
HEY DADS! We want YOU to sign up today for WATCH D.O.G.S. at Heritage!
ZERO training required
- You choose your hours - come in for half day, couple hours, or a whole day...you choose!
- Volunteer in your student(s) classroom
- Be a referee at recess
- Patrol the school campus with our Security Specialist
- Each lunch with your student
Ongoing Heritage Fundraisers
Click for more information: https://ptoheritage.org/ongoing-fundraisers.
Activities & Enrichment Opportunities
DENVER CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS is offering highly discounted tickets to their community performances of Elephant & Piggie “We are in a Play!” on: Sunday, November 10th at 1:30PM; Saturday, November 23rd at 3:30PM. Brought to you by DCPA’s Theatre for Young Audiences program, tailored for Pre-K through 3rd grade audiences but welcomes all ages. Tickets are only $5.75 per person (Reflects base ticket price of $5, plus a $0.75 service fee). Please see attached flyer on how your families who may want to attend can purchase tickets! (Click the picture for the link!)
Backpack Society is offering Thanksgiving Family Meal Boxes to our families needing assistance. Click the link below to sign up: www.backpacksociety.org/thanksgivingprogram
If you'd like to help Backpack Society reach their goal of providing 200 Thanksgiving Boxes, click the link above to learn more.
Community Events through The Foundation
The Foundation for Douglas County Schools has some great Community Events already lined up for our school community!
Detailed information can be found on the Community Event page of The Foundation's website. All tickets can be purchased directly from that page as well. Current offerings include tickets to the Colorado Rockies, Rapids, Avalanche, Air Force Falcons, Elitch Theme Park, Lone Tree Arts Center, DCPA and more - check back often for new opportunities to be added!
These are fun, discounted opportunities, and a portion of each ticket purchased goes back to DCSD!