Hornet Buzz
August 2, 2024

Sunday Chat with Principal Dothard
Hello Hornet Nation!
As we take a day to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., let’s reflect on the progress we’ve made and the journey that lies ahead. Not long ago, I wouldn’t have been able to hold this position, nor would I have been allowed to enter Great Mills High School. Since we became the first school in St. Mary’s County to integrate in 1958, we have proudly maintained our commitment to diversity and inclusion, making us the most diverse school in the county.
The video below "With All Deliberate Speed" highlights the efforts of those who fought for equality right here in St. Mary’s County, ensuring that every student could not only attend but also be welcomed as a Hornet. Understanding our history is crucial as we forge our path forward. Think about how your actions in school today reflect the sacrifices made by those who came before us.
I’m excited to announce that the Beca Common Scholarship Application is now available. Over the past two years, our Hornets have secured more funding than students from other high schools combined, and I’m eager to continue this streak! I encourage all of you to start applying, and if you have any questions, please feel free to visit the Career and College room at any time. More information is provided below.
Additionally, it’s essential to visualize your goals; seeing is believing! This is why vision boards are so effective. Take a moment to watch the Blue Angels video clip below, which beautifully illustrates the power of envisioning success and achieving greatness. Everyone should have a vision!
Lastly, spring sports registration is now open, with the season kicking off on March 1. High school becomes even more exciting when you get involved! Playing is free, and it’s a fantastic opportunity to represent the Green and Gold. Please remember that we cannot accept late sign-ups, so make sure to register now. More details are below.
Enjoy your day off, and let’s continue to strive for excellence together!
The week will be what you make it, so let’s make it GREAT together!
For Our Spanish Speaking Families
¡Saludos! Para leer en español, hay un botón para traducir en la esquina superior derecha de los anuncios de Smore cuando se abre por primera vez. Pueden hacer clic en el botón y después selecciona de la lista de lenguas disponibles
No Cell Phones No Headphones/Earbuds
Times when cell phones can be used:
- When doors open at 7:50 to 8:00.
- During Nest Hour 12:05 to 1:05.
- When the dismissal bell rings at 2:45.
Parents, if you need to contact your student, they will be able to respond during these times. During other times call the main office.
With All Deliberate Speed
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- January 20 - Schools Closed - Martin Luther King Jr Day
- January 23 - FAFSA Night for Spanish Speaking Families (BYOD -Bring Your Own Device)
- January 25 - Saturday Morning FAFSA (BYOD -Bring Your Own Device)
- January 28 - Report Cards Available on HAC
- January 31 - No School for Students - Professional Day
- February 5 - School Improvement Team Meeting
- February 6 - FAFSA Completion Night (BYOD -Bring Your Own Device)
- February 11 - 3rd Annual Career Panel
- February 14 - Two-Hour Early Dismissal
- February 17 - Holiday - Presidents' Day - All Schools and Offices Closed
- February 18 - Performing Art Assessment Concert (Chorus, Band and Orchestra all perform)
GMHS Discipline Data
Here is a two-year comparison of our school's data for December. At the top, you'll find the most common “referral” incident codes. We've seen growth in some areas and a decrease in others compared to last year. Please note that the data includes duplicated incidents, meaning if one student received multiple referrals, each one is counted separately. Below, you'll find unduplicated counts, which represent individual students who received referrals, regardless of how many times. High unduplicated numbers indicate that fewer students are repeating unwanted behaviors. It's also essential to keep our new cell phone policy in mind for this school year. While there is always room for improvement, we are making progress in the right direction. If you're interested in learning more about this data or how we utilize it, please join us at our next MTSS meeting on Monday, February 3rd, at 3:00 PM in the Media Center.
BECA Scholarships
Attention Seniors! The BECA Common Application Scholarships are officially open. There are 77 scholarships available totaling approximately $300,000 dollars. Some of the applications are long, so act early and get your money! In the words of Benjamin Franklin, "don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.'
See Mrs.Cunningham to get started!!
Scholarships Equal Free Money!
Attention Seniors! The BECA Common Application Scholarships are officially open. Join us at the scholarship fair on January 29 from 4:30-6:30 at USMSM!!
Spring Sports Registration is Open Now!!
Are you interested in playing a Spring Sports? Wait no longer, the registration is open! If you played a Fall or Winter sport you do not need a physical because you only need one sports physical per school year. If you haven't played a sport download the physical form and make your appointment for your sports physical now. To register click here.
Spring Sports:
- Boys and Girls Track and Field
- Boys and Girls Lacrosse
- Baseball
- Softball
- Tennis
- PALS Bocce Ball
The Tech Center is hosting a Reality Fair on February 4th. Students will travel to the Tech Center to learn the importance of credit, money management, career selection, and the importance of saving all through interactive learning. Permission slips for this trip are available to pick up in the College and Career Center. See Ms. Carroll with any questions.
Our Lighthouse Thespians have put together a show for our state festival. Anyone interested in seeing it, we are performing here on January 23rd @6pm. The show is free to attend.
Drinking Water Information and Results
Every few years we schools on public water have to test for Lead in drinking water. Attached is a copy of the recent lead water sampling results, next steps and action plan to remediate. These results are also posted on the SMCPS Maintenance website. Click Here.
Maryland House Bill 636 (School Buildings - Drinking Water Outlets)
Joint Base Andrews (JBA) is inviting all K-12 students to participate in their Air Show Logo Contest. The only requirement is that art work includes an aircraft – the rest of the design is up to the artist! Each student can upload up to two designs. Submission will be accepted through midnight February 12. A select team of GMHS staff will select 1 winner per grade level as instructed to submit. If you are unable to upload your design, you may submit it in the main office. Click here or the image above to submit your artwork.
Rotary Club Four Way Test Speech Contest
Each year, The Rotary Districts hold a speech contest for students grade 9-12. Students choose whatever topic they'd like and are asked to utilize the Four Way Test framework in their speech:
1. Is it the truth?
2. Is it fair to all concerned?
3. Will it build goodwill and better friendships?
4. Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
The Rotary Club will be sponsoring a select number of students to participate in our District semi-finals April 5th. Finalists are eligible to win up to $1500.
The Rotary is actively recruiting participants now and would like to identify interested students no later than Monday, February 17th. Participating students will present their speeches to the Rotary Club of Lexington Park Monday, March 10th.
Relevant information regarding the contest to include timeline, preparation, judging criteria and videos of recent finalists is available at the following link:
Interested students are asked to contact Greg Reuss at 301-247-9089 no later than February 17th.
Senator Bailey's Scholarship Application is OPEN!
Senator Bailey’s scholarship application is now open for the 2025-2026 school year and the application link can be found within the informational letter on his website at www.SenatorBailey.com/scholarship .
Great Mills High School is partnering with Carolyn E. Parker Foundation Inc to take students who are interested in STEM to the BEYA STEM DTX Conference on Friday, February 14, 2025. On 2/14/25, high school students from around the country will visit Baltimore to interact with college deans, employers, military branches, and other students interested in STEM. Permission slips are available for pickup in the Career Center.
If you plan to apply for a Tech Center program, you must attend a visit.
Get a head start on college! Take classes at GMHS or on CSM campus!
Deadline for Spring In-School (GMHS) Dual: January 24th
Dual Enrollment students can earn college credit while they are still in high school. Students can attend courses at a CSM campus or at their local high school.
There is no cost to the (public school) student for courses approved by the public school system in the student’s county of residence, during the fall and spring semesters. There is a 25% tuition discount for courses taken during the summer and winter terms.
Students who register for a course that is not on the approved list are responsible for the tuition and fees and receive a 25% tuition discount.
Students who participate have full access to all college services including clubs, free tutoring, learning support workshops, library resources, and workout rooms.
After completing high school, students can either use the credits earned through Dual Enrollment towards the completion of a program of study at CSM, or submit their CSM transcript to other colleges and universities for evaluation and possible transfer. Helpful information about the transfer process can be found here.
Please Note:
SMCPS will only be covering the costs of up to four county-approved dual courses per year. Students would be responsible for the costs of any additional courses taken during the school year.
SMCPS will not cover the costs of any repeat courses, summer courses, or winter courses, regardless of whether the course is county-approved or not
SMCPS will only cover the costs for students who meet the College & Career Readiness (CCR) criteria or participate in the Free & Reduced Meals (FARM) program.
Order Your Yearbook Today
The yearbook is still on sale, but not as much. The current price is $110. Buy it now before it goes up to it's full price of $120. Only 8 more available at this price. - BUY NOW & SAVE
Calling all Future Hornets
Come learn the game of Lacrosse with our Hornet Lacrosse players and the St. Mary’s Youth Lacrosse Club. Every Saturday from January 11th to February 22nd, we will be hosting a FREE clinic from 1-2:30 pm in the GMHS gym. This clinic is for boys ages 6-14 of all skill levels. This is a great way to get introduced to the game of lacrosse or fine tune your skills. There will be equipment available for those who want to give it a try at NO COST! Bring water, athletic clothes, sneakers, and get ready to play some lax! For more information email Mr. Kruckow rkruckow@smcps.org or Alex David at amdavid@smcps.org .
Let's Celebrate Your College Acceptance Together!!
It's HAPPENING! College Acceptances are rolling in!! Come to the College & Career Center and let's celebrate your acceptance you!
The U.S. Navy Blue Angels Preflight Brief
Check out this brief 4-minute clip from The Blue Angels documentary available on Amazon Prime. It highlights the significance of visualization. I truly believe that you must envision something in your mind before you can achieve it. In this video, watch how the world's top pilots prepare for their upcoming flight. Remember, you have to be able to see you being successful before everyone else can!
Hornet Spot Light
Congratulations NJROTC
Congratulations to Shannon Moriarty on winning Maryland State Champion in the USA Junior Olympics for both air rifle and small bore.
Teacher of the Year
Congratulations to Ms. Fuentes on her nomination for Teacher of the Year at Great Mills! As a Spanish teacher and the Department Chair of our World Languages Department, she truly exemplifies dedication and excellence. Once again, congratulations!
Educational Support Person of the Year
Congratulations to Ms. Hall on her nomination for Educational Support Person of the Year! As our School Financial Assistant—affectionately known as our school banker—she excels in her role and consistently makes everyone feel valued. We’re proud to have you as a HORNET! Once again, congratulations!
SMECO Teacher of the Year!
Congratulations to Ms. Estocsin on her nomination for SMECO Teacher of the Year! Her passion for teaching science is truly contagious, and she has a remarkable ability to make the subject enjoyable. Thank you for bringing excitement to the classroom! Her classes may not always be students' favorite subject, but they are undoubtedly their favorite time of the day. Once again, congratulations!
Shout out to Laura Boynton, Ruby Chaillou, and Stella Dunbar for an awesome performance at Tri- County Honors Chorus this Sunday!!!
News From Career and College
Tuesday, January 21
- Boys and Girls Wrestling vs Patuxent -5:00
Wednesday, January 22
- Girls Basketball JV vs Leonardtown 5:00 Varsity vs Lackey 6:30
Friday, January 24
- Girls Basketball vs Calvert JV-5:00; Varsity-6:30
GMHS Event Policy
Just a reminder when you come to events at Great Mills High School
Senior Citizen Cards will only be for St. Mary's County residents.
All coaches should have ID/Badge or should arrive with the team.
Anyone leaving the event without authorization MUST pay to re-enter
No outside food or drinks (including water bottles) are permitted
No Bags
Spectators will not be allowed to enter game venues carrying any bags. Spectators will only be permitted to carry a small clutch or wallet into events. Other small permissible items such as keys, wallets, cell phones, credit cards, and cash may be carried in a pocket or by hand. Prohibited items include weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, electronic cigarettes, outside food and drinks, laser pointers, non-service animals, and other items deemed inappropriate by the school administration.
Buzzworthy Information
Need a library card? Here is how you sign up!
Smart Card Instructions (English)
Smart Card Instructions (Spanish)
Library Hours
SAT Registration
The true purpose of school is for you to become whatever you want to be in life!
Higher education determines if you work and retire or work the rest of your life
FAFSA Deadline Approaching, Need Help?
Please email Mrs. Cunningham, accunningham@smcps.org, if you need assistance in completing FAFSA and/or MDCAPS
Maryland Promise Scholarship
Important Links
Acceptable Use Policy
The AUP is linked here as well as the information Specific to Google.
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Supplemental Health Insurance
Great Mills High School
Email: bjdothard@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/gmhs/
Location: 21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4001
Twitter: @GMHS_SMCPS