Soaring in to WEEK 3
You all are AWESOME!
Thank you for your hard work with MAP testing and deep teaching and learning. We have a few make ups this week. Please continue to follow the guidance of Mrs. Henry in regards to testing. Please note that After School Clubs begin this week (see schedule below). EXTENDED planning time is coming soon. Please see link below. Grade chairs please explain to our new staff how this works.
Here are some important reminders:
Sign-In and Sign-Out: Set your alarms! You must sign in and out every day. There’s a new QR code on my door and in the front office. If you encounter any issues with the QR code, please use the paper sign-in sheet available in the front office. Attendance: Homeroom teachers, make sure to record attendance in Infinite Campus daily by 9 a.m. daily.
Standards/Learning Criteria/Success Criteria/Bulletin Boards: Be sure you have standards, learning criteria, and success criteria labeled and posted in all classrooms. Grade Chairs please verify completion of this task by Monday on our leadership chat.
DKES: We will have DKES pre-conferences soon. I am waiting for access to the platform.
GRADE CHAIRS: It is time to start to review rosters as a team so that we can balance classes. Please identify students that should be moved to provide balanced classes by Wednesday. Please include EL Teaches and Sped Teachers to be sure that students are receiving their services. Please email your list to Dr. Blanton and Mrs. Henry by Wednesday.
Curriculum Night: Please plan to present on Curriculum Night on August 28th at 5pm-7:30pm (see template below). You are advised to facilitate Curriculum night as a TEAM and not individually. Discuss which classroom could house students to watch a movie with a support teacher on your team. This demonstrates unity and parents will understand how you are all teaching the same curriculum at the same level of rigor.
- Introduction of HMES Staff (5:00-5:15)
- ANNUAL TITLE 1 MEETING (5:15-5:45)
- School-Wide PTA MEETING (5:45-6:15)
1st Session (6:20-6:50)
2nd Session (7:00-7:30)
At curriculum night, you will be required to:- Facilitate teacher presentations on the DCSD curriculum
- Provide an outline for routines and expectations
- Deliver your session twice
We can't wait to see you in your classes!
-Dr. Blanton
- Monday, August 19th - Grade Level Meeting with grade chair during planning period. MAP Testing Make up testing.
- Tuesday, August 20th - RTI Meeting with Ms. Vela Room 115.
- Wednesday, August 21st- School-Wide Level 1 Lock Down. Grade Level Meeting during planning period. Committee meetings at 2:45pm. Location to be determined by committee.
- Thursday, August 15th- Collaborative Planning during your planning period in Media Center. Please bring your plan for instruction.
- Friday, August 16th- Wear HMES shirt and jeans (no holes, no rips, no tears, work jeans only).
Starting THIS Week:
- Monday: Yearbook, Art- Ms. Lackey
- Tuesday: E-sports- Mr. Mallet/ Etiquette- Ms. Rey
- Thursday: Robotics-Ms. Williams/Mr. Crawford
Starting NEXT Week:
- Monday: Running- Ms. Patin
- Tuesday: Theater- Ms. Gonzalez
- Wednesday: Chess- Mr. Rowan
- Thursday: Cooking, GIRLS WHO CODE- Ms. Bailey and Mrs. Corrales
Thank you to all that completed the actions required last week. Mrs. Henry will be following up with you all that did not meet the deadline. Please be sure to complete the following!
See you tomorrow!!!
Henderson Mill Elementary
Location: 2408 Henderson Mill Road, Atlanta, GA, USA
Phone: 678-874-3102
Twitter: @henderson_mill