Jefferson Jewels

Week of September 16, 2024
Hello Jefferson Leadership Academy (JLA) families and caregivers,
Thank you for sending your students dressed in uniform, ready to learn each day. Students have been working hard to show their learning, collaborate with others, and make connections with friends and staff. I have enjoyed getting to know your students in class and at lunchtime; I am grateful to be a JLA with such exceptional students and community.
Morning and afternoon drop-offs are very busy on Euclid. Please help us keep our students safe at morning drop-off by letting your student out at the curb in front of the campus. Please do not double park or allow your student to walk into traffic to cross the street. Traffic is very busy on Euclid and is most congested between 7:40 and 7:55. To reduce traffic, consider using Mira Mar as your drop-off and pick-up location.
This year, we are supporting students with a college-going culture. One way to do this is through College Shirt Friday. Students and staff are encouraged to wear their favorite college t-shirts to school each Friday. I hope to see a campus full of students in college t-shirts on Fridays.
Here are a few details as you prepare for this week at JLA:
- Regular Day Schedule- Monday- Friday 8:00-2:40
- Gates Open: 7:25 am (Breakfast available)
- Fire Drill: Thursday, period 1
- College Shirt Friday: students are encouraged to wear their favorite college t-shirt to school.
- Cell Phones—Students should not have their phones out during school hours. Please help us by communicating through the main office rather than your child's cell phone.
Thank you for your continued support in making this year strong. Please let us know how we can help your students succeed.
In partnership,
Dr. Renée Shipman
Principal, Jefferson Leadership Academy
Week At-Glance
Picking Up Students Early
Our students work hard each day to learn a new curriculum that will prepare them for success at JLA and beyond. We appreciate your support in scheduling appointments after school to ensure your student is here each day.
Sometimes, you will need to pick up your student before school dismissal. When this is required, please plan to pick up your student before or after the lunch period. To support lunch supervision, all support staff are unavailable, and we will not be able to release students who are at lunch. Please plan ahead and pick up your student before or after lunch.
Parent Resources: Annual Verification, Canvas, and Chromebooks
Annual Vertification
It's time for annual verification. Please update your information in ParentVue using the QR code. This information supports our school funding and is needed to provide services for your students.
Thank you.
Canvas (Parent Observer)
Canvas (Parent Observer)
Use the QR codes to ensure access to your student's classes and academic progress. The QR codes can be accessed using your smartphone. Our school staff uses Canvas for assignments and communication with students and families. So, checking Canvas will help you know what happens in your student's classes.
Chrome Book Request
If you need a chrome book to use and to keep at home, please click on this link Chromebook Request
Dress for Success- JLA School Uniforms
Students must come to school in JLA uniform each day.
Students may wear the following options:
- Tops: Baby blue or Navy Blue shirts with a collar. Jefferson Spirit Wear t-shirts can also be worn. Sweatshirts must be SOLID navy blue or baby blue. No graphics, photos, or prints, and No hoods
- Bottoms: Blue jeans or navy uniform pants; Blue jean shorts or navy blue cargo shorts. No spandex, No cut-offs, rips, or tears
Students who do not follow the dress code will be required to call home for appropriate attire or change into loaner clothes. Families who need support with school uniforms can complete an application for uniforms through the Assistance League of Long Beach. See the main office for more information.
The Book Fair is Coming to JLA
BSAI- Sankofa Parent Village Back to School Celebration!
1st Annual Latino Heritage Celebration
We are excited to invite you to the 1st Annual Latino Heritage Celebration on Saturday, September 28, from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Cabrillo High School! This family-friendly event will feature student performances, community resources, music, food, and local vendors. It's a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Latino heritage, enjoy great entertainment, and connect with our community.
JLA Bell Schedule
Does your student need a TAP card?
Currently all JLA TAP Cards have been issued and we are waiting for our next delivery for LB Transit.
Wellness Center Activities
Math Homework Help
JLA Sports Central- Tryouts for Flag Football
Looking for more ways to connect?
For school information
Visit and favorite/bookmark the Jefferson Leadership Academy Website https://jefferson.lbschools.net/
Visit our Instagram page
@lbjefferson_jags or https://www.instagram.com/lbjefferson_jags and request to follow us.
Dr. Renée Shipman
Jefferson Leadership Academy
750 Euclid Avenue, Long Beach, Ca.90804
Email: RShipman@lbschools.net
Pronouns: she/her/hers