Cumberland Road Elementary School - August 26, 2016
13535 Cumberland Road
Fishers, In. 46038
Monday, September 5th -No School
Picture Day
Please go to https://inter-state.com/FlyerEntry/08404B to order picture on-line anytime.
Calendar of Events
Wednesday, August 31
Picture Day
Monday, September 5th
Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 6th
Cloud City Chess Club 3:45-4:45pm Library
PTO Open Forum 7pm - Art Room
Friday, September 9th
$1 Hat Day for CRES Scholarships
Fun Friday (sponsored by the 4th Grade) 3:40 - 5:30pm
What's for Lunch
Monday, August 29 Cheeseburger with Potato Wedges
Tuesday, August 30 Pancakes or Waffles with Saugage
Wednesday, August 31 Spaghetti with Meat Sauce
Thursday, September 1 Chicken Nuggets with Cornbread
Friday, September 2 Big Daddy's Cheese Pizza
Monday, September 5 LABOR DAY - NO SCHOOL
Tuesday, September 6 Cheese Omelet with Bacon
Wednesday, September 7 Breaded Chicken Sandwich
Thursday, September 8 Chicken Biscuit Pot Pie
Friday, September 9 Fish Shapes with Mac and Cheese
Parent Lunch Visitors and Classroom Volunteers
Please click the following link to begin the application process now: https://secure.safevisitorsolutions.com/Safe/Volunteer/SV3109V
The price for the Background Check is $13 and are good for 3 years.
Please give us a week a process your background check before volunteering or coming to lunch.
Please notify the school office by 9:15am if you would like to come in for lunch with your child. Please do not bring in food from a restaurant. Parents may order a lunch from the cafe for $3.25.
If you already have a background check on file, you should have received an e-mail from Safe Visitors with a barcode to scan when you come into the office.
Please call our school office at 317-594-4170 with any questions.
· Book/iPad fees will be posted by Friday, September 2 and available to view in Skyward Family Access
· No paper invoices will be sent home unless requested
· Payment due date is Friday, September 16
· Further communication will be sent via Skylert as the date approaches
· If you have any questions or need to set up a payment arrangement, please contact Katie Tidwell at 594-4170 or ktidwell@hse.k12.in.us
· Fees for this year are as follows
CRES 2016-2017 Book/iPad Fee
With iPad/Without iPad
Kindergarten $162.06/$72.06
1st $171.77/$81.77
2nd $173.64/$83.64
3rd $159.83/$69.83
4th $161.18/$71.18
8th CRES Fun Friday – September 9th
On Friday, September 9th all students at Cumberland Road Elementary will have the opportunity to participate in the 8th CRES Fun Friday which will take place right after school from 3:40-5:30pm.
There will be something for everyone to enjoy! Not only will students have an opportunity to dance to music from a live DJ or watch a movie while eating pizza in the cafeteria, but there will also be fun activities and free time on the playground and in the open gym.
We are limited to the first 200 reservations.
Registration forms came home this past Wednesday.
From the CRES PTO…
Thank you for the positive response to this year’s spirit wear! Orders have been submitted to the vendor and we look forward to delivery mid-September.
Our first of only two major fundraisers this year is the Roadrunner Rally. It will take place on Thursday, October 6. Leading up to the fun-filled event, students will be rallying for pledges from friends, family, neighbors, coaches, etc. Information regarding this amazing FUNdraiser will be coming home with your child in the near future!
PTO Open Forum meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every month (no meeting in December). All CRES parents & guardians are welcome and encouraged to attend – it is a great opportunity to hear what is going on at CRES and get involved! The first meeting of this school year will be held Tuesday, September 6th at 7:00pm in the Art Room. We look forward to seeing you there!
Please mark your calendar for the following upcoming events & meetings:
· Tuesday, September 6 – Open Forum Meeting at 7:00pm in the Art Room
· Friday, September 23 - Grillin’ & Chillin’
This FREE evening of food and fun will be held at the school from 5:30-7:00pm!
· Thursday, October 6 – Roadrunner Rally
The Roadrunner Rally is one of two major fundraisers we are sponsoring this year. Be on the lookout for more information soon. This has turned into a tradition and the kids have an absolute blast.
Pasta Bowl Fundraiser
Help support the HSE Foundation by donating boxes of pasta to the local Hamilton County food pantries. September 1st-9th CRES Homerooms
· Each class with 30 + boxes of pasta will win a reward recess.
· Collect all the boxes in your homeroom.
· Mrs. Riethman will ask you to bring them to her office on Friday, September 9th..
IPad Passcode
Thank you for your patience as we continue our 1:1 iPad Journey in our classroom. We are all learning. Rental iPads must not have a pass code to log on. If you own your iPad and you feel the need for a pass code to log on, HSE suggests you use your child's 4-digit or 6-digit birthday. Please know that if your child forgets it and is locked out during the day, he/she will be unable to use the iPad that day so PLEASE be sure your child knows the code. Older kids will quickly learn how to change it so be sure you impress upon them how important it is to not change it. It is a nightmare if you parents are locked out and your child forgets it. It is also wise to be sure it is set so that your password is required for all downloads from iTunes (including the free ones) so that you can supervise them. Also be sure that you have turned on "FIND MY iPAD" in case it is lost.
Your CRES Tech Design Team....
Student Handbook
Dear CRE Parents and Guardians,
New for the 2016-2017 school year, all HSE Schools student handbooks (K-12) are now online for easier access. The handbook for Cumberland Road Elementary can be found at this link: http://www.hse.k12.in.us/resources/pdf/CRE/about/16-17_student_handbook.pdf
We encourage you to review it at your earliest convenience. Should you have any questions, please contact the CRE main office at 317-594-4170. Our staff is available to assist you. Have a great school year.
Cumberland Road Elementary
Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation
Join the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation as we salute our Teachers of the Year: Maggie Flynn (BSE), Johnny Murch (CRE), Kelly Hogan (DES), Sandy Vanwynsberghe (FCE), Kelly Steiner (FES), Susan Hillman (GES), Amber Devenport (HPE), Traci Gue (HRE), Helen Estep (LRE), Angel Myers (NBE), Holly Miller (SCE), Annie O'Rourke (TCE), Brad Lowell (FCI), Jenny Nance (RSI), Megan Thompson (SCI), Jeannie Medeiros (FCJH), Dave Broviak (FJH), Cory Worzala (HIJH), Stephanie Dalton (RJH), Chrissie Sturgill (FHS), and Julie Alano (HSEHS and District Teacher of the Year)! These incredible teachers will be honored at the 9.9.16 Mudsock Football game. Get your front row, VIP access to all the action including an incredible Citizens State Bank hospitality tent stocked with Aurelio's Pizza, Jack's Donuts, Moe's Southwest Grill, Sundae's, and Wings, Etc. VIP passes available exclusively at www.hsefoundation.org!
Calling all Royal and Tiger fans, don’t miss your chance to have front row seats for the annual Mudsock Football Game this September 9. Guests of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation have access to adult only, end zone seats in addition to the Citizens State Bank hospitality tent stocked full of complimentary snacks and beverages. VIP pass are limited and available exclusively online at www.hsefoundation.org. Good cause, great time! See attached flyer.
What to do if you suspect a disability/Child Find:
If your child is age 2 ½ through 21, attends any school within the Hamilton Southeastern Schools boundaries or you live in our community, and you suspect your child may have a disability, you should contact us for more information.
· For children at least two and a half years of age, but not yet age-eligible for kindergarten, you should contact the Early Childhood Assessment Team at Brooks School Elementary School, 915-4250.
· For students who are eligible for kindergarten through age 21, you should contact your child’s teacher, school counselor or building administrator to discuss your concerns and explore the steps to be taken. If your child is not enrolled in public school, you should contact the counselor or building administrator in the building your child would attend if enrolled.
Response-to-Instruction (RtI)
RtI is a general education initiative designed to provide high quality instruction and interventions matched to student needs, and using learning rate over time and level of performance to make important educational decisions. The RtI model is based on a three-tiered model of service delivery with a focus on early intervention and prevention of academic and behavioral concerns. Data collected during this process provides valuable information regarding students’ educational progress and response to interventions. Students who do not demonstrate a response to well-implemented, scientifically-based interventions at the Tier 3 level would be referred for an educational evaluation to determine eligibility for special education. RtI is a component of HSE’s Child Find Process.
Fishers Fusion Fall Dance Clinic
Come out and dance with the Fishers Fusion Varsity Dance Team
WHERE: Hamilton Southeastern High School
WHEN: September 23, 2016
TIME: Promptly at 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Performance at pregame
Come out and dance with the Fisher Fusion Varsity Dance team September 23rd for our Fusion Dance Team Fall clinic and pre-game performance at the HSE Football game against Zionsville High School.
Price of dance clinic and pre-game performance: $25.00 (includes: dance clinic, snack and entrance to game)
September 26th information
· Promptly at 4:30pm - 6:30pm: Fall Dance Clinic class and learn performance routine
· 6:45: Pre-Game Performance
· Dancers should wear: Black Shorts and any Red or Blue shirt
About Fishers Fusion Dance Team
· Fishers Fusion Dance Team is a combination of talented dances from both Fishers and HSE High schools.
· Fishers Fusion Dance Teams have multiple Regional and National wins for Jazz and Pom.
· Combines talented dancers from both Fishers and HSE high schools.
· Will be traveling to Orlando, Florida for NDA Nationals in March where we have placed top 10 in the nation!
WE NEED REGISTRATION BEFORE THE EVENT, PLEASE! MAIL TO: Linda Ling, 8358 Barstow Drive, Fishers IN 46038.
Questions, email or call: lmling51@comcast.net 317-727-2079
Registration form attached to this e-mail.
Destination Imagination Challenge Program
The Destination Imagination Challenge Program is a fun, hands-on system of learning that fosters students’ creativity, curiosity and courage through academic Challenges. The Challenges blend STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) education with the arts and social entrepreneurship. Students who participate learn invaluable 21st century skills as well as patience, flexibility, persistence, ethics, respect for others and their ideas, and the collaborative problem solving process.
HSE Destination Imagination is open to all students in the school district, grades 3-12 are competitive teams and grades 1-2 offer non-competitive team challenges.
All Students and their parents are invited to an informational open house to learn more about HSE DI on Thursday, September 1st from 6-8 pm at Fishers High School CCA. A parent information meeting will be held on September 8th at 6 pm in the Fishers High School CCA.
More information can be found at www.hsedi.com or www.destinationimagination.org. You may contact the Program Coordinators with any questions.
HSE DI Program Coordinators: Robin Young – ryoung@hse.k12.in.us Kristy Seitz - kristyseitz@hse.k12.in.us Kathy Seitz – krseitz@hse.k12.in.us
Fishers High School Show Choir
Calling all Royal and Tiger fans, don’t miss your chance to have front row seats for the annual Mudsock Football Game this September 9. Guests of the Hamilton Southeastern Schools Foundation have access to adult only, end zone seats in addition to the Citizens State Bank hospitality tent stocked full of complimentary snacks and beverages. VIP pass are limited and available exclusively online at www.hsefoundation.org. Good cause, great time! See attachment
Follow CRES on Facebook
Please follow CRES on Facebook by clicking on the following link:
You can also follow CRES on Facebook by going to the Cumberland Road Website and click on the Hot Topics scrolling menu at the top of the page.
That will take you straight to our Facebook page.
Roadrunner Attachments
The following flyers are attached to this e-mail:
Win 2 VIP tickets to the 2016 Mudsock Game
Fishers Fusion Fall Dance Clinic
Fishers Wrestling Club
HSSF Mudsock Game Flyer
FHS Show Choir Clinic
Fun • Adventure • Opportunity • Girl Scouts
Interested in becoming a Girl Scout?
Fishers Service Unit - Open Registration Night
Who? All girls in grades K-12
When? Thursday, September 1 | 6:30 p.m. **Doors open at 6:15 p.m.
Where? Sand Creek Intermediate Caféteria 11550 E 131st St, Fishers, IN 46038
Cost? $15 (cash or check to GSCI) for each girl and adult's registration fee $5 (cash or check to Fishers Service Unit) for each girl's local Service Unit fee *Financial assistance is available.
For more information, please contact: Meredith McWilliams mrmcwill@gmail.com
Southeastern Swim School
KEEP THOSE SUMMER SWIMMING SKILLS SHARP!!! Even though the kids will be returning to school, keep their swimming skills strong throughout the year!! Let the Southeastern Swim School assist you in these plans to help your child learn to swim or learn to swim EVEN BETTER!!
The Southeastern Swim School is located at the Hamilton Southeastern High School Natatorium (13910 East 126th Street).
Daytime group lessons are perfect for pre-school/home-school students. Evening lessons are perfect for school-aged children or families with a full-time work schedule. All ability levels will be offered for children ages 3 and older during each session, which makes it convenient for families with multiple children in different ability levels. Children must be toilet-trained or wear swim diapers to participate in swim lessons.
Registration for all classes ARE NOW OPEN. Spaces are limited and will fill up quickly- RESERVE YOUR CLASSES NOW!!
For additional information regarding our lesson program, please check out our website dedicated to the Southeastern Swim School. The website address is: http://www.hseswimlessons.com. You can also e-mail the Southeastern Swim School Director Heather Streett at joinsoutheasternswimclub@gmail.com or call (317) 579-0164.
From blowing bubbles to swimming at the Olympic Trials, our program is about so much more than just swimming. Reach your full potential and develop essential life skills- all while having FUN!!!
Don’t let your young athlete get bored this year! Southeastern Swim Club offers multiple practice groups for all age levels and there are lots of practices offered so that your child can stay fit…. Southeastern Swim Club is offering the opportunity for evaluations for all interested new swimmers!!
Come join the fun with Southeastern Swim Club of Fishers in their BEAUTIFUL, NEW 50 meter pool!! Interested swimmers should come prepared to swim a minimum of 25 yards freestyle with breathing to the side and backstroke. The evaluation and consultation should take approximately 15 minutes. Please bring a swimsuit, goggles and towel.
Evaluations Monday-Thursday, August 15-18th: 6:00-8:00pm Tuesday-Wednesday, August 23-24th: 6:00-8:00pm Saturday, August 27th:10:00am-12:00pm Hamilton Southeastern High School Natatorium 13910 E. 126th St. Fishers, IN
Please park in the Athletic parking lot and enter through door # 10.
If you would like more information regarding Southeastern Swim Club, please check out our website (www.southeasternswim.org) or e-mail us at joinsoutheasternswimclub@gmail.com.
email: info@hsesports.org
12690 Promise Road
Fishers, IN 46038
(317) 845-5582
S.P.O.R.T.S. Basketball Registration – Open registration for boys and girls basketball continues through August 31. Beginning September 1 there will be a $10 late fee on all registrations. Registration forms are available at the S.P.O.R.T.S. office, on the S.P.O.R.T.S. website, at all HSE schools, and the Fishers Library. Parents may also register online and can pay with a credit card or can print the form and submit it to the S.P.O.R.T.S. office with a check or cash payment. Credit cards are not accepted in the office.
HSE High School Youth Football/Cheer Night is Friday, August 26 at HSE High School as the Royals take on North Central at 7:00 p.m. All youth players and cheerleaders in uniform get into the game free and are invited on the field to welcome the Royals. Arrive no later than 6:30 and meet on the north end of the stadium.
Fishers-HSE Girls Basketball Fever Event – The 6th Annual Event will be held on Saturday, August 27. For more information, visit the Girls Basketball website at www.girlsbasketball.hsesports.org. To sign up for the event, go to www.fevergroups.com/fishershse. If you have additional questions, contact David Walker, fishersgirlsbball@gmail.com.
HSE-Fishers Girls Lacrosse Free Trail Day will take place on Sunday, August 28 from 2:00-5:00 p.m. at Brooks School Park. The free day is open to any 3rd-12th grade girl living in the HSE school district. Come out and join us to see if you would like to play lacrosse. No registration needed. Only equipment needed is a football type mouth guard. Sticks and goggles will be provided. Show up anytime between 2:00-5:00 and stay as long or short as you like.
Fishers-HSE Travel Girls Basketball Tryouts – The final girls travel basketball tryout will take place next week for 4th-6th girls who reside in the HSEHS district (Girls must attend the evaluation for the high school district where they reside). Please note that 3rd grade tryouts will take place later in September.
HSE Lady Royals – HSEHS Auxiliary Gym
4th-6th grade tryouts – August 29 & 30 – 6:30-8:00 p.m.
Click here for more information
Fishers High School Youth Football/Cheer Night is Friday, September 2 at FHS as the Tigers take on Noblesville at 7:00 p.m. All youth players and cheerleaders in uniform get into the free and are invited on the field to welcome the Tigers. Arrive not later than 6:30 and meet on the east end of the stadium.
HSE-Fishers Boys Travel Basketball Tryouts – Boys must attend the evaluation for the high school district where they reside.
HSE Royals
Parent Meeting – September 6 – HSEHS Cafeteria, 8:00-9:00 p.m.
Travel Team Camp/Tryout–HSEHS Auxiliary Gym
3rd grade – September 14, 15 & 20 – 6:00-7:30 p.m.
4th grade – September 14, 15 & 20 – 7:30-9:00 p.m.
5th grade – September 12, 13 & 19 – 6:00-7:30 p.m.
6th grade – September 12, 13 & 19 – 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Fishers Tigers
Parent Meeting – September 6, FHS LGI Room, 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Travel Team Camp/Tryout–FHS Auxiliary Gym
3rd grade – September 13, 14 & 20 – 6:00-7:30 p.m.
4th grade – September 15, 19 & 21 – 6:00-7:30 p.m.
5th grade - September 13, 14 & 21* – 7:30-9:00 p.m. (*note date change)
6th grade – September 15, 19 & 20* – 7:30-9:00 p.m. (*note date change)
(4th, 5th and 6th grade call backs will be on September 22
Click here for more information