Cub Connections- CTE
Sept. 4. 2024
News from Principal Schwartz
Dear CTE Families:
We loved welcoming back your child/children to the new school year! Oh, we love seeing their excited, smiling faces! There is such positive energy in the building.
Transition back to school can be hard as it can be filled with a mixture of emotions, and simply exhausting. Often the first weeks are spent establishing routines and procedures in the classroom and building classroom culture. Ask your child…
How are you spreading kindness? Who are your new friends?
What routines and expectations are easy for you? Which ones are hard?
What are your hopes and dreams for the year? What are your class guidelines? How are you doing following them?
A Few Reminders …
Please do not have your child get out of the car in the morning until you see a supervisor at 9:05 am. Please remain in your car.
Students should be in class by 9:22 am. Please ensure you are dropping your child off by 9:12 am. Students will be marked tardy after 9:22 drop off. If a student is dropped off late (after 9:22 am) three times, I will be reaching out for a problem solving meeting.
Attendance forms need to be filled out online. If you are submitting an early release- the form needs to be submitted by 12:00. For the safety of our students, we will not accept early release requests between 3:15 pm-end of day. Frequent early releases may require a doctor's note.
Communication- Many of our staff work 8:00-4:00. All staff will respond within 24 hours. We appreciate your patience with our later end of day dismissal and staff hours.
All my best,
CTE Calendar
12: CEPO meeting 5:30 - 7 pm in CTE Media Center
16: School Picture Day--watch for emails from Lifetouch about ordering photos
17: Parent Info Night, 5-6 pm, for Grades 1 and 2
19: Parent Info Night, 5-6 pm, for Grades 3, 4, 5
20: Families to complete Annual Review & Update of Student information online in Parent Portal
25: Stroll donation envelopes due to school to be eligible for prizes
School Attendance
Parents will continue to use Campus/Parent Portal for attendance reporting this year.
If your student will be absent, late or leaving early, please go into your parent portal and report the attendance. Please do your best to have the attendance reporting in by the start of the school day so teachers are notified. If you have not reported an early release by noon, please call the office (763-792-5300) to let us know instead of reporting it in campus.
If your student has standing appointments during the school day, you must go into and put in the attendance for each of those days.
We appreciate all you can do to set appointments outside of school hours. Students are learning up until 3:40 pm. Attendance all day, every day matters!
Helpful links:
We are getting ready for our annual "FUN"draiser-- the Centennial Stroll. Watch for the Stroll flyer in your student's Friday Folder this week. Check out the fun videos below to learn more.
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! Centennial Elementary Parent Organization (CEPO) is excited for the year and the fun we have planned!
REMEMBER … CEPO membership needs to be renewed each year. If you haven't rejoined for the 2024-2025 school year please take a moment to do so now by completing this form CLICK HERE FOR FORM.
Learn More about CEPO:
Who is CEPO? Parents/Guardians of (CTE) students and/or CTE teachers or staff.
What is our purpose? To enhance the CTE educational experience while meeting other parents and having fun.
What do we do? Put on events & fundraisers to support CTE.
If I want to join, how much commitment is there? Members have NO commitment requirement. Come to meetings whenever. Volunteer whenever. Can vote when present.
Where does CEPO meet?: in the CTE Media Center & Virtual
When does CEPO meet?: Thursdays from 5:30pm – 7:00pm
Learn more at https://isd12cepo.com/
NEXT CEPO MEETING: Thursday, September 12 at 5:30pm - 7:00pm in the CTE Media Center or online (Meeting link: CEPO Meeting | Microsoft Teams | Meetup-Join)
Follow CEPO on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CEPO.MN
District Office News
Make a Difference and Substitute in our Schools!
Don’t miss this chance to get involved and make a difference in the Centennial School District! No experience necessary; training provided!
This is a great opportunity to:
- Be involved in your child’s education and help out in the schools.
- Turn your volunteer hours into extra income.
- Work a schedule that fits with your student’s schedule.
- Get paid weekly and take advantage of bonus opportunities.
Available positions:
• Substitute Teachers (To qualify, you must have bachelor’s degree with MN Teaching or Substitute License; you can obtain a Short Call License if you have a bachelor’s degree.)
• Substitute Paraprofessionals (To qualify, you must have a HS Diploma/GED.
Apply at teachersoncall.com; 800-713-4439
Substitutes are also needed for Kids Club, food service, custodial, administrative assistants, and nurses. More information can be found on the Centennial website.
Reminder: Annual Review of Student Information
Please review and complete the annual data review for your student/s in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal by Friday, September 20, 2024.
Helpful links:
How do I log into Parent Portal?
How do I start the annual data review in Parent Portal?
Reminder: Immunization Information
Minnesota law requires children enrolled in childcare, early childhood education, or school to be immunized against certain diseases, unless the child is medically or non-medically exempt.
If proper documentation is not provided, students will be unable to attend school after November 1st, 2023. What you need to do:
- Contact your health care provider and review your student’s immunization status to make sure they are up to date.
- If you missed a required vaccination, make an appointment with a healthcare provider or local clinic as soon as possible.
- Follow up with your students’ school if they have reached out to you regarding your student’s immunization status.
- Turn in medical (must be signed by health care provider) and non-medical (must be notarized) exemption forms to your child’s school.
Visit the MDH website for vaccine schedules, exemption forms and more information including where to get free/low cost immunizations today. Please reach out to your student’s school for any questions. Please note, K-12 immunization status is available on Campus Parent Portal.
Free Meals/Reduced Fees and Other Benefits
Although no application is required to receive one free breakfast and lunch each day at school, filling out the Application for Educational Benefits is still important. Your student may qualify for free and reduced benefits like reduced fees at school and other meal programs. Find out if you quality by completing an application. Applications and instructions can be found online or apply online on your Infinite Campus Parent Portal.
Community Ed
Halloween Hustle 5K (all ages/family) Join us Saturday, Oct. 26, at Centerville Elementary for this fun walk/run benefiting Centennial Schools. Bring the whole family in costumes, even pets! Stay after the 5K for more family fun including a trunk or treat and touch-a-truck events. The run is a collaboration between Centennial Community Education and the Centennial Alumni Association.
Happening soon:
Sept. 12- Kids Dance (entering gr. PreK-5)
Sept. 14- Dungeons & Dragons 101 (gr. 3-5)(virtual)
Sept. 16- Fall Youth Volleyball League (gr. 4-5) Teams forming now!
After School Flag Football Camp (gr. 2-5)
Sept. 17- Skyhawks T-Ball Camp (ages 5-7)
Sept. 19- Fall Soccer Skills (gr. K-2)
Sept. 21- Skyhawks Mini Hawk Flag Football Camp (ages 5-7)
DASH Volleyball (ages 6-10)
DASH T-Ball (ages 6-8)
DASH Basketball Camp (ages 6-10)
Sept. 22- Cougar Soccer Academy (gr. K-5)
Go online to view all activities and to register, community.isd12.org.
Welcome to the Digital Backpack, the district’s central posting place for community flyers. If you have questions regarding these programs, please contact the organizations directly. Click HERE to browse the Digital Backpack.