Principal's Message
Steven A. Davis
Principal's Message
Welcome Back, Sanford Hornets!
Welcome back to another exciting year at Sanford Middle School! We hope you have had a restful and enjoyable summer break, and we are thrilled to see our students return to school with bright smiles and eager hearts. We look forward to our students having an awesome year filled with Academics, Athletics, and the Arts!
Upcoming Dates and Events
To kick off the school year, we have several important dates and events that we want you to mark on your calendars:
August 1st: Fifth Grade Orientation (9:00am-11:00am)
- Orientation will begin in the cafeteria. Parents must be present with 5th graders that are participating in orientation.
August 2nd: Verification Day (1:00pm-3:00pm)
- Verification Day for 6th Grade Students.
August 5th: Verification/Meet the Teacher Day (8:00am-11:30am)
- Verification Day for 7th and 8th Grade Students
- Meet the Teacher Day 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade Students
August 12th: Title I Meeting (9:00am) Session 1
- Yearly informational meeting. Mandatory informational meeting for all Title I Schools
August 12th: Title I Meeting (5:30pm) Session 2/ Open House (6:00pm-7:00pm)
- Yearly informational meeting. Mandatory informational meeting for all Title I Schools
- Open House begins at 6:00pm
August 24th: Volleyball vs Tallassee Away (4:30)
Car Riders
Morning Directions
All car riders (5th-8th) will be dropped off and picked up in the front of the school.
Cars will be allowed to begin dropping off at 7:00 am. Students are tardy at 7:30 am and will require the parent or guardian to sign them in at the front office.
Afternoon Directions
Afternoon pick-up will begin in the car rider loop.
Early parking while waiting for school to dismiss, will no longer be in front of the school. Remain in the loop until a staff member directs you to pull forward.
Any parking lot can be used for checkouts prior to 2:30 pm. No check-outs after 2:30 pm.