Shepherdstown Community Update
September 1, 2024
A Great First Week of School!
I want to thank everyone for helping us kick off a wonderful first week of school at Shepherdstown! Our teachers have worked hard to create classroom communities where your children feel safe, welcome, and eager to learn. It’s been a joy to see the connections being made through fun activities and shared stories.
This week, we introduced our students to the Wildcat Way and CATS. Students learned how to follow the Wildcat Way in the cafeteria and on the bus on Wednesday and Thursday. At the August Community Meeting on Thursday, we launched our school-wide positive behavior systems: Wildcat Way tickets and Super Paws. Wildcat Way tickets are small paw prints that staff hand out to “catch” students demonstrating CATS (communicating with respect, acting responsibly, taking on challenges, or staying safe). Students can redeem these tickets in their individual classrooms as part of the classroom positive behavior system.
For the month of September, we’re focusing on Communicate with Respect, one component of CATS. Super Paws are awarded to students who go above and beyond in demonstrating communicating with respect. If a student earns a Super Paw, they are recognized on the morning announcements, displayed on our lobby bulletin board, and showcased at our next community meeting.
We are excited to invite all families to our Back to School Night on Thursday, September 5, starting at 6:00 PM. This evening, geared for adults, is a great opportunity to meet your child’s teacher, see their classroom, and learn more about the curriculum for the year ahead. For families with more than one student at Shepherdstown Elementary, we’ve scheduled two sessions: the first begins at 6:00 PM and the second begins at 6:45 PM. Please go directly to your child's classroom upon arrival at Shep. Parking will be available behind the school on the blacktop. Extra parking is available at Shepherdstown United Methodist Church. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday!
Enjoy the rest of your weekend and Happy Labor Day!
Mr. Echelmeier
Photo credits above - Tracy Panzer - MASD Communication Specialist
Week at a Glance
Tuesday, September 3 - Cycle Day 5
Wednesday, September 4 - Cycle Day 6
Thursday, September 5 - Cycle Day 1
Back-to-School Night from 6-7:30 PM at Shep
- First session begins at 6 PM in classroom
- Second session begins at 6:45 in classroom
- Parking is available behind Shepherdstown on the blacktop area and at the Shepherdstown United Methodist Church
Friday, September 6 - Cycle Day 2
Upcoming Dates
Thursday, September 5 - Back-to-School Night from 6-7:30 PM
Wednesday, September 11 - PTO Meeting in person at Shep and virtual at 7 PM
Wednesday, October 9 - PTO Meeting virtual at 7 PM
Thursday, October 10 - Shep Fall Fest from 6-7 PM
Friday, October 11 - Act 80 Day - No School
Monday, October 14 - Columbus Day - No School
Thursday, October 17 - Lifetouch Picture Day
Wednesday, October 30 - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:00-7:00 PM
Friday, November 1 - No School - Parent-Teacher Conferences 7:30-3:00 PM
Monday, November 11 - No School - Professional Development Day
Wednesday, November 27 - Monday, December 2 - No School - Thanksgiving Recess
Friday, December 6 - Elementary Report Cards mailed home and posted to Sapphire Parent Portal (Trimester 1)
Monday, December 23 - Friday, January 3 - No School - Winter Recess
New & Timely Information
Attendance & Reporting Your Child Absent
Daily school attendance is important for your child. All absences must be reported to the Shepherdstown Office no later than 8:30 AM.
You may REPORT your child’s absence by one of the following methods:
- Preferred Method - Email the office at ShepOffice@mbgsd.org
- Electronic Excuse: via the Sapphire Portal
- Call the Office: 717-691-4589
While Seesaw is a great parent-teacher communication tool, please use the ShepOffice@mbgsd.org e-mail address to communicate absences directly with the main office.
PA law requires all absences have a WRITTEN EXCUSE submitted within 3 days of a student’s absence. The only excusable reasons for absences from school are: illness, death in the immediate family or urgent and unavoidable family emergency.
If you CALL to report your child's absence, choose 1 of the following to follow up with a written excuse.
Written excuse: Send the MASD absence excuse form or a handwritten note in your child’s folder
Email: Follow up by sending an email to ShepOffice@mbgsd.org
Electronic Excuse: Use the electronic excuse found on the Sapphire Community Portal.
If the written excuse is not turned in, it will become an UNLAWFUL absence. If your child accumulates three (3) unlawful absences, for any reason, a warning letter will be issued. After the fourth unlawful absence, a mandatory attendance improvement plan will be held. Further unlawful absences will be cited with the District Magistrate
Traveling to Grandma’s? Going on Vacation? — An Educational Trip request form can be submitted at least 5 days in advance. Please use the form linked below.
August & September Breakfast and Lunch Menu
Birthday Celebration Information
Birthdays are important to every child, and most kids like to celebrate with their classmates. However, sending in a food treat to the classroom to celebrate can exclude those children who have food allergies or other dietary restrictions. Also, classrooms are not well-equipped to serve food, especially cupcakes and other messy treats. If you would like an alternative to food treats for your child’s birthday celebration at school, there are many possibilities. Always check with your child’s teacher first to see what options may work best.
Invitations to birthday parties or other gatherings may not be passed out in school, unless the entire class is invited. Teachers cannot distribute contact information.
Shepherdstown Girls on the Run Information
Upper Allen and Shepherdstown Girls on the Run Team is Accepting Applications!
At Girls on the Run, we inspire ALL girls to build confidence and make intentional decisions, while fostering care and compassion for self and others. Trained coaches use physical activity and dynamic discussions to build social, emotional and physical skills in every girl while encouraging healthy habits for life. This fall, Girls on the Run will host a combined THIRD GRADE Upper Allen and Shepherdstown Elementary Schools team. Practices will be held on Tuesdays/Thursdays, 2:45 – 4:15 beginning September 24. Our team will meet at Upper Allen Elementary School. Girls who wish to participate should apply on the GOTR website: https://www.gotrmidstatepa.org prior to our September 24 start date.
If you have questions about Girls on the Run or our Upper Allen/Shepherdstown team, please contact Julia Young (jyoung@mbgsd.org). Space is limited to 20 girls for our fall team, and girls must be able to commit to attending practice sessions every Tuesday/Thursday from September 24 through our Celebration 5K on November24.
Volunteer Information
Are you interested in becoming a volunteer at Shepherdstown? Please see the information on our website below about becoming a volunteer.
Weekend Food Bag Sign Up
If your family is interested in receiving weekend food bags, please click the link below and complete the form once for each school-aged child in your family. If you have additional questions, please e-mail our School Counselor Mrs. Melissa Lawler at MLawler@mbgsd.org.
Previously Shared Information
Shepherdstown Drop-off & Pick-up procedure
Shepherdstown PTO Meetings
Wednesday, September 11 at 7 PM (At Shep/Zoom)
Wednesday, October 9 at 7 PM (Zoom)
Wednesday, January 8 at 7 PM (Zoom)
Wednesday, March 12 at 7 PM (Zoom)
Wednesday, April 9 at 7 PM (Zoom)
Wednesday, May 14 at 7 PM (At Shep/Zoom)
Follow Mechanicsburg Area School District on Facebook
If you haven't already done so, you're invited to like and follow our official Mechanicsburg Area School District Facebook page for the latest celebrations, news, and updates from across the district: www.facebook.com/MASDwildcats.
2024-2025 District Calendar
Shepherdstown Elementary School
Email: shepoffice@mbgsd.org
Website: https://shepherdstown.mbgsd.org/
Location: 1849 South York Street, Mechanicsburg, PA, USA
Phone: 717-691-4589