Wrangell High School Newsletter
December 7, 2021
Important Dates
December 7: WHS/SMS Holiday Concert @ 7 pm in the WHS Gym. See below for mitigation attendance.
December 10: District Wide Inservice; NO SCHOOL
December 10 - 11: Wrestling Regions at HOME!! Info below.
December 13: Regular School Board Meeting @ 6:30 pm. Zoom information below.
December 14: Secondary Advisory Committee Meeting @ 5 pm in the WHS Office.
December 16: Policy Committee Meeting @ 3:30 pm in EES Room 101
December 17 - 18: Wrestling State @ Anchorage
December 17: Photo Contest Ends
December 17: End of 1st Semester/2nd Quarter
December 23-27: School Offices Closed for Holiday
December 31: New Year's Eve; School Offices Closed
January 1: New Year's Day
January 3: Teacher Work Day; No School
January 4: Welcome Back to School!
SMS/WHS Holiday Concert
Students should arrive at 6:30 pm to warm up and tune.
For those unable to attend, you can still enjoy the concert on our school's YouTube page here: https://www.youtube.com/c/WPSDusStreaming
Prom Committee Meeting
Parent Engagement Survey
Secondary Advisory Committee Meeting
Wrangell Wolves Gear!
Regions is this weekend and it is at HOME!!
This event will NOT be open to the public due to Covid mitigation. Wrangell wrestlers will be allowed 2 spectators per athlete. All others interested in watching, it will be streamed on our YouTube channel here: https://www.youtube.com/c/WPSDusStreaming
Matches can also be watched on: www.trackwrestling.com
There will be an SAT offered on March 12, 2022. This date DOES fall on Region V Basketball Tournament that will be held in Ketchikan. Basketball players can register to take this at Ketchikan. The registration deadline is February 11, 2022.
All registration needs to be done at www.collegeboard.org
Symptom Free School
Mitigation Plan
Regular School Board Meeting
Wrangell Public School Board’s regular meeting originally scheduled for December 20 has been moved to Monday, December 13, 2021, via Zoom, beginning at 6:30 PM.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83076442709?pwd=WUx6eDZrZ0JXT2JVbjg3SWtZZmd3QT09
Meeting ID: 830 7644 2709 Passcode: 308928
Community members may sign up under Guests to Be Heard by emailing Mrs. Powell at kpowell@wpsd.us or calling 907-874-2347 prior to 3:30 PM on the day of the meeting.
The agenda for the School Board Meeting will be available online four days prior to the meeting at https://www.boarddocs.com/ak/wrangell/Board.nsf.
The public is encouraged to attend.
School Board Vacancy
Wrangell Public Schools
Vacancy on the School Board
Wrangell Public Schools is accepting letters of interest from citizens who wish to serve on the School Board.
The unexpired term of appointment is until October 2022.
To be eligible to be a member of the school board, a person must have the same qualifications as are necessary to be a municipal voter in the school district.
Letters of interest should be submitted to:
School Board President David Wilson
PO Box 2319
Wrangell, AK 99929-2319
or you can email your letter of interest to the Administrative Assistant at: kpowell@wpsd.us on or before Tuesday, November 30, 2021, at 4:00 p.m.
Information on the powers and duties of the School Board are contained in School Board Policy, Article 7. A copy of the policy chapter can be obtained at the School District Office or viewed at the school’s website at http://www.wpsd.us
Positions Available
Wrangell Public Schools is accepting applications for the following positions:
Accounting Clerk: This is a full-time, 12-month position with benefits working in the Business Office. Responsibilities include assisting the Business Manager with accounting functions such as accounts payable, payroll, etc. This position will also include duties to be determined to assist the district and site administration. This position is paid on column E of the Classified Salary Schedule. Accounting experience is preferred.
Business Manager: This is a full-time, 12-month position with benefits paid on the Exempt Employee Salary Schedule. Responsibilities include oversight of the school budget using a uniform chart of accounts coding, maintaining financial records, conducting all banking, payroll, accounts payable, annual audit preparation, and advising the superintendent in all matters that are financially relevant for the district. Degree in business and/or five years’ experience in school business management preferred but not required; professional development/job training is available.
School Secretaries: These are full-time, 10-month positions with benefits working in the middle or high school. Salary placement is Column G on the 10-month Classified Salary Schedule.
Responsibilities include performing office functions at a public school and serving as secretary to the school administration, students, and staff.
Title I Paraprofessional: This is a full-time, 9-month position with benefits working with students one-on-one or in small groups at Evergreen Elementary School. Salary placement is Column B on the 9-month Classified Salary Schedule. The successful applicant must have an Associate’s degree or equivalent (or higher) or the ability to pass the para-pro assessment (administered by the District). Responsibilities include using specialized strategies and techniques to support students in an academic setting. Training is provided.
For a complete job description and salary schedule, please contact the district office at 874-2347. ALL POSITIONS: ARE OPEN UNTIL FILLED. It is Wrangell Public School District's policy to not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, national origin, sex or disability.
Additional Positions Available
Substitute Employees: These are on-call positions working as a temporary custodian, secretary, teacher or paraprofessional during absences of regular staff members.
High School Boys' Assistant Basketball Coach
Freshmen Class Advisor
Sophomore Class Advisor
Senior Class Co-Advisor
Anticipated Position Announcement: Secondary School Principal
This position is anticipated for the 2022-2023 school year; we are not yet accepting applications.
Job Summary
The principal will provide leadership to ensure high standards are met and oversee compliance with district policies, the success of instructional programs, and the operation of all campus activities.
Minimum Qualifications
- Alaska Type B Administrative Certification with appropriate endorsements
Required Knowledge Skills and Abilities
- Thorough understanding of school operations
- Working knowledge of curriculum and instruction
- Skill in evaluating instructional programs and teaching effectiveness
- Skill in managing staff, operations, projects, and budgets
- Strong organizational, communication, public relations, and interpersonal skills
Duties and Responsibilities
- Provides leadership for a Grade 6-12 school campus
- Guides instruction and supports an effective learning environment
- Oversees the implementation of standards-based curriculum
- Coordinates services that support student growth and development
- Provides for staffing and professional development to meet student learning needs
- Uses assessment and evaluation information in making decisions
- Communicates with diverse groups and individuals with clarity and sensitivity
- Acts in accordance with established laws, policies, procedures, good business practices
- Understands the influence of social, cultural, political, & economic forces on the education environment & uses this knowledge to serve the needs of children & families
- Facilitates the participation of parents and families as partners in education
- Demonstrates high ethical standards and dedication to the profession
Wrangell High School
Email: mpowell@wpsd.us
Website: wpsd.us
Location: 312 Reid St, Wrangell, AK, USA
Phone: 907-874-3395
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WrangellSecondarySchools