Weekly Wrap Up
Maple Place Middle School -2/15/24 - Week 23
Principal's Message :
Good Evening, Maple Place and Happy FriYAY Eve!
It was a short week this week due to our snow day earlier, but we celebrated Random Acts of Kindness Week and Valentine's Day during our three days in school. Random Acts of Kindness Week is sponsored by The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation whose motto is Make Kindness the Norm. In middle school the week focuses on the six core kindness concepts of Respect, Caring, Inclusiveness, Integrity, Responsibility, and Courage. To start the week, Mrs. Bonett shared a video with teachers to use in their classrooms. Additionally, there was a bulletin board in the cafeteria where students could choose to pull random acts of kindness to take part in. There were spirit days all week which culminated today in choosing a kind shirt to wear to school. Thank you to our school counselor, Mrs. Bonett, for coordinating the events of the week.
Today, February 15th, is School Resource Officer Appreciation Day! On behalf of Maple Place and our school community, we'd like to thank Officer Gomez and Officer Svenson for their partnership in ensuring the safety of our schools!
Remember that tomorrow and Monday, district schools are closed in recognition of Presidents' Weekend. We will see you on Tuesday! And lastly, if you haven't done so already, please be sure to check out the Director's Corner newsletter which was sent out earlier this week by Mrs. Martinez and Mrs. Malaney.
Wishing you a wonderful long weekend!
Melissa Keiser
Random Acts of Kindness Week:
Winter Sports:
Yesterday our Chargers Basketball teams took on Forrestdale in the last regular season game of the season. Although the Boys' season has come to an end, the Girls' season will continue in the playoffs. Once playoff information is available, we will communicate it out to the school community! Great job to all of our Winter Athletes!
Spring Sports:
Spring Sports sign ups have taken place for Baseball, Softball, and the Volleyball Club. Students in Grades 6 through 8 can sign up to try out for Softball or Baseball. Students in grades 5 through 8 can sign up to take part in the Volleyball Club. Students were asked to check in with Nurse Dora to see if they need paperwork or physicals. Physicals for spring sports were due in today. If you have not sent in your child's physical paperwork, please reach out to Nurse Dora at jdora@oceanportschool.org.
If you need the sports physical paperwork, I have linked it HERE.
Spring Sports Coaches meetings will be happening at the end of February / beginning of March. The dates for these meetings will be announced on the Morning Announcements and posted in the weekly newsletter.
Clubs & Activities:
Monday, February 19th:
No School
Tuesday, February 20th:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Advanced Art Club Grade 8 - 3:00-4:00pm - Art Room
Mean Girls the Musical - Lead Characters - Rehearsal 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Wednesday, February 21st:
Charger Band - 7:15am - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Student Council - 7:15am - Media Center
Creative Writing Club - 2:45-3:45pm - Room 105
Mean Girls the Musical - Full Cast - 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Thursday, February 19th:
Cadet Band - 7:15m - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Mean Girls the Musical - Lead Characters - Rehearsal 2:45-5:00 - Cafeteria
Friday, February 18th:
Charger Band - 7:15am - On Stage in the Cafeteria
Debate Club - 7:20am - Room 109
Yearbook Club - 7:30am - Room 108
Fun Fit Sports Club - 2:45-3:45pm - Gym
8th Grade Information:
Shore Regional High School Honors Placement Assessments for our current 8th graders will be administered during the month of March. If you would like your child to take any of the placement assessments being offered, please click on the link below for more information. The students will need to register in order to take a placement assessment. The link for registration is below, and it is also included within the information provided in the first link.
Honors Placement Exam Information
The deadline for registering for the Honors Placement Exams is 3/1/2024.
Additionally - just a reminder to check your child's school trip account. The payment schedule was broken down into multiple payments with sums being due on 1/15, 2/15, 3/15, and 4/15. Please reach out if any assistance is needed.
Also, please know that you can keep an eye on your child's progress with their behavior contract in the Realtime Parent Portal under the discipline tab. Any and all discipline infractions are posted for you to view. If you have any questions, please reach out to Mrs. Keiser.
Dates to Remember:
Friday, February 16th - No School President's Weekend
Monday, February 19th - No School - President's Weekend
Thursday, February 22nd - Special Meeting of the BOE (Related to the Superintendent Search) - Maple Place Media Center - 6:45pm
Wednesday, February 28th - Board of Education Meeting - Wolf Hill School - 5:30pm
Monday, March 4th - ADL Meeting - Maple Place Media Center - 7:00pm
Thursday & Friday, March 7th & 8th - Early Dismissal Days - Parent Teacher Conferences
PTO News:
Save the Date!
Half-Day Bagels: Mar 7 and 8 (last two days)
March 8: Spring Auction
March 16: Bowling for boys in Grades Pre K-8th with their special gal pal
April 26: Sweet Heart Dance for girls in Grades Prek-6 and their special guys
Advocates for Diverse Learners:
Follow Maple Place:
Maple Place Middle School
Email: mkeiser@oceanportschools.org
Website: https://www.oceanportschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 2 Maple Place, Oceanport, NJ, USA
Phone: (732) 229-0267
Twitter: @MaplePlaceMS
Instagram: @MaplePlaceOP