Superintendent Newsletter
October 4, 2024
"I will study and get ready and someday my chance will come."
-Abraham Lincoln
Join us in congratulating the following employees who recently retired.
We wish them both a relaxing, must deserved retirement and thank them for them many years of service to the students of Ware Public Schools!
Springfield Thunderbirds
Join us for the Springfield Thunderbirds opening weekend, Sunday, October 13, at 3:05 p.m. and help support the Ware Public Schools! A portion of each ticket sold will go back to the schools.
Discounted tickets are $20. Click here to secure your seats no later than October 6.
Ware Apparel
The Class of 2028 is sponsoring a school store with various clothing items available, to include new logos and apparel! Place your order by Sunday, October 13.
Pie & Cookie Dough Fundraiser
The holidays will soon be upon us... order your Lyman Pies & Cookie Dough while supporting the Ware High School PTSSA. Proceeds will help to raise funds for the annual Winter Carnival!!!
Ordering is easy...
See any WJSHS student who is participating or click here
Deadline to order is Tuesday, October 15
Delivery date is Friday, November 8
Checks should be made payable to Ware PTSSA
Halloween Activities
Friday. October 11
SMK Families are invited to attend Trunk or Treat
WMS students are invited to attend Monster Mash
Saturday, October 26
Not So Haunted (up to age 9), Haunted Hallways from 5:30-6:30
The Haunted (ages 10+), Haunted Hallways from 7:00-9:30
Domestic Violence Awareness Walk
Attendance plays an important factor in the success of students.
We would like to recognize our students who are up to the challenge of attending every day.
We are proud to share that we have the following number of students in each building who have attended each day since their enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year through September 30.
Stanley M. Koziol Elementary School - 173
Ware Middle School - 121
Ware Junior Senior High School - 184
Student Registration
To enroll your student in Ware Public Schools, begin with our online registration.
If you have any questions regarding the enrollment process, please contact
Cheryl Dauksewich at cdauksewich@ware.k12.ma.us or 413-967-4271, ext. 3710
Join us in cheering on the Ware Indians at their games this season!
School Committee
The School Committee meets every other Wednesday at 6:30 p.m.
Contact Information
To ensure you are contacted in the event of an emergency, school closing or delay, please make sure your contact information is updated with your child's school.
In addition to a phone call and email being sent, closures and delays will also be posted on our district website and Facebook pages, along with local news stations Western Mass News and WWLP.
Food Services
The Ware Public Schools Food Service Department provides a comfortable and encouraging environment in which nutritious and wholesome meals are offered. A well-balanced diet is essential for growing children and teenagers, so we design each meal to include all major food groups. Our meals provide the nutrients students need to focus on academics and to perform their best.
Ware Public Schools participates in the National School Lunch Program and the School Breakfast Program. As part of this program, all schools offer healthy meals every school day at NO COST to the students for the 2024-2025 school year.
Monthly menus can be found on our website at https://www.wareps.org/for_parents/food_services
Academic Calendar
For your planning, view our 2024-2025 Academic Calendar for important dates.
District Contact Information
Central Office: 413-967-4271
Stanley M. Koziol Elementary School: 413-967-6236
Ware Middle School: 413-967-6903
Ware Junior Senior High School: 413-967-6234
Website: www.wareps.org