November 2023 Newsletter
Enroll Today!!
Enroll or Re-enroll for the upcoming 2023/2024 4-H year
Starting in the 2023-2024 program year, project selection is now optional. By successfully completing the 4-H member enrollment by the June 15th deadline, youth will be eligible to participate and exhibit in any project area, contest, county and state fairs. While project selection is optional, it is encouraged for youth to select projects they are interested in exploring.
Please note:
o Youth are only eligible to exhibit in a project area or contest in a single county.
o Horse and shooting sports projects will continue to require project enrollment due to the parental consent required to participate in these projects.
Extension Calendar
November 10: Office closed in observance of Veterans Day
November 13: Volunteer Road Show - Kearney
November 13: Holiday Baking Clinic session 3 (Cookies) 4pm - 6pm @ the Ag Center in Orleans
November 20: Holiday Baking Clinic session 4 (Pies) 4pm - 6pm @ the Ag Center in Orleans
November 23 & 24: Office closed in observance of Thanksgiving
November 30: Prescribed Fire Seminar 6pm at the Alma Country Club, Alma
December 15: Brown Bag RSVP Deadline
December 21: Brown Bag Delivery/Pickups
December 25: Office closed in observance of Christmas
January 1, 2024: Office closed in observance of New Year's
Alma School High Five Friday!!
Junior high and High school 4-H members that made the high five line, October 27.
THANK YOU to these 4-H members, showing their true leader colors.
Volunteer Road Show - Kearney
Calling all local 4-H volunteers! You’re invited to a unique volunteer training in Kearney on the evening of Monday, November 13. Join us to discover new opportunities for yourself and your 4-H youth, network with other local 4-H volunteers, and build your skills as a 4-H volunteer. Registration is $15 and includes a meal and all supplies.
** Payment will only be accepted online during registration.
Learn more and register at 4h.unl.edu/volunteer-road-show.
Volunteer Orientation
This online training serves as an introduction to the 4-H Youth Development program in Nebraska and covers a few essential topics for volunteers. While the orientation is required for new volunteers and those going through the re-screening process, any interested individuals, including current and prospective volunteers, are welcome to complete the course. Learn more at 4h.unl.edu/volunteer-orientation.
Small Ruminant Workshop
Registration Link: https://tinyurl.com/phillips-ipm-workshop
Fed Steer Challenge
Nebraska Extension & Harlan County Cattlemen Association to Co-Host Prescribed Fire Seminar
Nebraska’s grasslands are declining as woody plants such as Eastern Red Cedar spread and take over what were once intact, treeless grasslands. This process is referred to as woody encroachment and is among the greatest threats to the Great Plains grasslands. Prescribed fire is a tool that can be used to control invasive species and improve grass quality and availability for livestock. On Thursday, November 30th, Nebraska Extension and the Harlan County Cattlemen Association will host a seminar to address the use of prescribed fire in controlling woody encroachment.
The seminar will feature UNL Woody Invasions Ecologist, Dillon Fogarty, to discuss controlling Eastern Red Cedar and the use of prescribed fire. Attendees will also hear from a landowner who has experienced a prescribed burn as well as resources/programs available through the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) for controlling woody encroachment.
The seminar will begin at 6:00 p.m. at the Alma Country Club and includes a free meal sponsored by the Harlan County Cattlemen’s Association. Please pre-register for a meal count by November 22nd to the Harlan County Extension Office at 308-928-2119 or email erin.laborie@unl.edu.
Nebraska 4-H offers a variety of resources for 4-H Clubs and leaders. A 4-H Club is an organized group of five or more youth who meet regularly with adult volunteers or 4-H staff for a long-term, progressive series of educational experiences. The purpose of a 4-H club is to provide positive youth development and foster educational opportunities to meet the needs of young people.
For 4-H Club Leader Resources follow this link https://4h.unl.edu/resources/club-leaders
The Nebraska Women in Agriculture program is excited to announce our upcoming webinar series, Tax Strategies for Midwestern Farm and Ranch Women!
The series will teach the basics of tax planning for agricultural operations. Hosted by women in agriculture extension programs at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kansas State University, and Purdue University, the three-part series will be held from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Central time on Nov. 28, Dec. 5 and Dec. 12.
A comprehensive range of tax topics relevant to agricultural producers will be covered, including an introduction to income taxes, completing Schedule F forms, claiming deductions, tax strategies to shift income and lower tax bills and compliance requirements.
There is a $30 fee to register, which is required by Nov. 27, on the NE Women in Agriculture website, Tax Strategies for Midwestern Farm and Ranch Women | Women in Agriculture (unl.edu)
Harlan County Extension
Email: Harlan-County@unl.edu
Website: https://extension.unl.edu/statewide/harlan/
Location: Alma, NE, USA
Phone: 308-928-2119
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/harlancountyext