Bronco Family News 24-25
Bronco Family Newsletter v.4 October 2024
We see you, November!
Four day week this week!
Dear Bronco community,
I hope that our students and families enjoyed the new Fall Break! This was the first time our calendar has had a week off in October, and going into it I know there were mixed reviews. On that note, you should have recently received a survey about the academic calendars for the next two years from the district office- this is a great time to voice your opinions on Fall Break, and the other holiday breaks that we have grown accustomed to. If you didn't fill out the survey yet, please do so here.
As we move through the second quarter, the school calendar gets busier, with Fall Sport playoffs, performing arts shows, college application deadlines, Mock Congress, the start of winter sports, holiday charity drives- we are a busy campus, and there are opportunities everywhere for students to be engaged and involved in their community.
Families of seniors! There are several "to-do's" that need to come to your attention. Don't forget to scroll down towards the bottom or navigate to the "senior corner", but also take a look at this quick checklist:
1- Place your senior Ad in the yearbook NOW. Go to yearbookordercenter.com and enter in our school code- 6921. Have your baby photo ready- you cannot come back and edit, as these pages get published and finalized. Prices go up Thursday, and the final date is November 15th.
2- Mark your calendar- Financial Aid night is December 4th in the Little Theatre, 6-7pm. Come get all the information you need about applying for financial aid and preparing for the next four+ years!
3- Bookmark the College and Career website, and follow the to do list set out by Ms. Santos, our college and career advisor. October list included below.
4- Take a look at the college requirement grid, a snapshot from Common App for what is required for the colleges your student might be considering. This includes test requirements, due dates, and more. Considering the military? Check in with Mrs. Santos who can assist in putting you in touch with our school's recruiters for each branch. DVC? An incredible local option, which is FREE to students for the first two years, and can narrow down interests for students and help hone in on what they would like to focus on for their future. Apply here.
4- Order your cap and gown and graduation announcements from Jostens.com
5- Check in with your senior about Mock Congress! This 1st semester capstone project is a huge chunk of the required Government class grade. Bills were due on Monday. Mock Congress will be December 4th and 5th. Students will need business attire- suits, ties, slacks, blouses, etc. Social studies does have a limited borrow closet for students who might need dress clothes for this event- have them check with their government teacher.
It is an exciting time around campus, bustling, even. Coming off of one of our most attended homecoming dances ever, some incredible wins from our athletics programs, outstanding performances from choir, drama, improv and band, and week two of hosting twenty German exchange students- there is a lot to celebrate. Here are a few highlights!
- Congratulations to our girls golf team, and coach Ron Otero, who just completed the second UNDEFEATED SEASON in a row! Absolutely amazing, and good luck in NCS tournament play! Our players were recognized as All League recipients, including Armani Starke and Audrey Cheng making first team, Mischa Pena and Cami Barajas 2nd team, and Elizabeth Meyer in her first year on Varsity made honorable mention. Congrats, Broncos!
- Congratulations to girls cross country, who just won the Mt Sac tournament for division I!
- Great job to our Improv Team, and coach John Litten, on a wonderful first show last Friday night!
- Congratulations and great job to our choirs, with new choir director, Georgia Friend, for a wonderful choir show this past week!
- Congratulations to our football team and staff for a decisive win over College Park last week!
- Great work by our spirit team and staff for such a fun night for Junior Broncos- over 100 kids came out to cheer and dance!
- Big kudos to Frau Nancy for her coordination and organization for our German Exchange students, and huge thank you to our host families for making this possible.
- Congratulations to Roberto Garcia-Leiva and our Marching band for their 2nd place finish at Santa Cruz, and 3rd place finish at the Foothill Band Review!
- Congratulations to girls tennis, who once again had an outstanding season, with several all league standouts! First team singles: Greer Swanson, Emma Golovin, Second team singles Karina Shteyn (undefeated so far this season!), Honorable mention singles Mia Thompson; Second Team doubles Makenna Choi and Emiliana Thompson.
- Congrats and good luck to our Water polo teams, with the boys ranked 11th in NCS, girls 13th, as they head into the Battle of the Creek tomorrow! Come out and support the Broncos in this important matchup at the Northgate Aquatic Center!
- Congratulations and good luck to girls Volleyball, going into post-season play 19th in the North Coast Section. They play round 1 TONIGHT at 7pm at Monte Vista High School in what should be an exciting game!
- Congrats to Girls flag football, in their second season, heads into this week's matchup ranked 9th in the North Coast Section, and will face CVCHS and Alhambra on Wednesday.
There is always more to celebrate, and I apologize if I have missed an outstanding milestone here.
One more thing to shout out- a huge thank you and celebration of our sports medicine team. Led by Head Athletic Trainer Glen Barker, and supported by Dr. Elise Lewis for football, this team has helped to avert serious complications to a couple of students injured this season, identifying when athletes needed to be transported immediately to the hospital for injuries. This program has been recognized nationally for its preparation of future healthcare workers, and the services they provide to our teams, and this season has been an eye-opening example of their importance and care. We are grateful to have such a robust and responsive program, and I want to thank all of our student athletic trainers, Dr. Lewis, and Glen Barker for their professionalism and care.
Keep reading for more news, information, important notes about Halloween costumes, and coming events!
Yours in Partnership,
Kelly Cooper
Diwali begins October 31st
No School Friday November 1
Dia de Los Muertos is November 1-2
Halloween Reminders
For those who choose to celebrate, and dress up, here are some reminders of what is and what is not appropriate and allowed on this day at school:
Please remember:
No full face masks. Students must be identifiable and masks cannot cover the entirety of their face. This includes ski masks.
No weapons. This includes swords, ninja accessories, toy and water guns, sticks, etc. If a student has a question, feel free to drop an email with a picture and we can help you.
All costumes must follow our written dress code. No advertisements or impersonations of brands of alcohol, drugs or weapons. No offensive language or offensive impersonations. In light of the political climate around the country, no political impersonations.
Cultures are not costumes, and cultures and religions are to be respected and not mocked.
No costume should impede a students ability to sit and learn in the classroom, or participate in PE fully. This includes inflatable costumes. No inflatable costumes are allowed which cover the face.
We look forward to a great holiday!
Math Department in their Eras
Don't miss the ASB Leadership Pumpkin Patch fundraiser!
Drama II Presents, 'Clue'!
Northgate High School’s Drama II is ready to enthrall audiences of all ages with its upcoming production of Clue, a skillfully intertwined murder mystery with splashes of suspense and humor. Directed by Kylah Battershall and starring seniors Megan Dinicola, Kayden Ives, Dimitri Acevedo, Ozzy Layton, and Patrick Sullivan our performance guarantees an engaging Halloween theatrical experience of dark delight.
Adapted from the iconic board game and 1980s film, Clue is riddled with clever plot twists and vibrant characters, inviting audiences into a world filled with intrigue as they attempt to unravel mystery alongside characters.
Northgate Theatre is committed to presenting enriching cultural and artistic experiences within our community. Priced at just $8 cash at the door or through Go Fan for advance purchase, this production is accessible to everyone looking for an affordable night out.
Thank you for supporting Northgate Theatre and Thank you for Supporting the Performing Arts!
John Litten
Northgate Artistic Director
Drama II Presents CLUE
Little Theatre
Tuesday, October 29th @ 7pm - "Dagger Cast"; $8 Cash or through GO FAN
Wednesday, October 30th @ 7pm - "Candlestick Cast"; $8 Cash or through GO FAN
Runtime - 90minutes with a 10 Minute Intermission
* Some Mature Themes/Language is present as the Murder Mystery abounds. I'd give this a PG 11 rating. If you've seen the movie, then you have a good understanding of the rating.
Candlestick Cast:
Wadsworth - Emma Lobzhanidze
Yvette - Denise Castillo
Scarlet - Mela Corral
Peacock - Megan Dinicola
White - Amelia Milford
Mustard - Simon Keese
Plum - Sahara Dixit
Green - Ella Axelrod
Ensemble 1 (Boddy/Cop/Agent 1) - DJ Thornby
Ensemble 2 (Cook/Motorist/Singing Telegram Girl/Agent 2) - Oliver Mikkelsen
Daggar Cast:
Wadsworth - Julian Heinen
Yvette - Dahlia Lasky
Scarlet - Zara Sharza
Peacock - Isa Kennedy
White - Kayden Ives
Mustard - Dimitri Acevedo
Plum - Steven Anderson
Green - Ozzy Layton
Ensemble 1 (Boddy/Cop/Agent 1) - Patrick Sullivan
Ensemble 2 (Cook/Motorist/Singing Telegram Girl/Agent 2) - Anna Murgescu
Northgate African American Parent Advisory Committee
Monday, Nov 4, 2024, 06:00 PM
Northgate African American Parent Advisory Committee
Join us for our first and foundational site AAPAC meeting. We are looking to engage and seek feedback from our black and African American families. We are grateful to Ms. Obembe, with three children at Northgate currently, who has taken on the position as site representative to the district AAPAC meetings.
Come join us on Monday, hear from our BSU advisor and leaders, and our AAPAC rep. 6pm in the library.
All students taking AP courses- it is time to register to take your AP Exams! Registration is open now, and the attached letter below outlines instructions.
Regular registration is now until October 25th. Late registration from October 26-November 2nd. Registration is NOT available after November 2nd.
Get to know our new College and Career tool- California Colleges
CaliforniaColleges.edu is the State of California’s official college and career planning platform.
CaliforniaColleges.edu empowers students by providing them with the tools they need to set goals for
life after high school and make plans to achieve them.
It also empowers parents to take an active role in their child’s college and career planning.
Improv Team and their first show!
Madrigals entertain at Farmer's Market
Girls Volleyball competes for the DAL championships!
License Plate Frames for sale!
NHS license plate frames - now available for purchase online!
You may also pay Venmo or Zelle to nhspfc.treas@gmail.com. Please note "Frames", the color you'd like (black or white) and your student's first and last name (for distribution purposes) in the payment comments.
Science Community Day
The Science Department at Northgate High School is proud to be leading Community Service Day at Northgate High School this year on November 16th from 9am - 12pm. We are *FINALLY* building our long-anticipated outdoor classroom space for students and science classes to enjoy! The Northgate Garden Club will also be hosting some work projects at this event.
A little backstory: Science Department won a $20K grant from KNBR Giants of Science in 2017 with a video submission, with our goal to create an outdoor learning space. If you'd like to see our award-winning video, click the link here: KNBR Giants of Science Grant Video Application
If you are interested in volunteering to help out with the tasks we'll need to complete to create the outdoor classroom and upgrade some of our existing garden spaces, please access the sign-up sheet below. Students in service clubs can get up to 3 hours of service hours for participating. Spaces are limited! If space does fill up and more people are interested, you can send an email to me, Melanie Scott at scottm@mdusd.org
Sign Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/508044CACAE29A4FD0-51685944-community
We hope to see you there on November 16th!
Thank you!
Northgate Science Squad
Winter Sports Parent Night- TONIGHT
As we prepare for our winter sports season, we will be hosting our parent meeting with our coaches on October 29th starting in the GYM at 7 pm. After a brief presentation from our athletic department, we will break off into different spaces on campus based on sport.
Girls Soccer- Rm 91
Boys Soccer- Computer Lab
Girls Basketball- Rm 50
Boys basketball- Rm 51
Wrestling- Wresting Area
Thank you and if you still need to register your athlete please use the folloPost Nowwing link for instructions on how to complete the process, Athlete Registration.
Tuesday, Oct 29, 2024, 07:00 PM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Dance Department Gala Fundraiser
You are cordially invited to our Annual Dance Department Gala on Saturday, November 2nd from 6-10pm at the Greenery at Diablo Hills.
All dance classes, over 70 students; dance one, dance two and Dance Production are part of this elegant evening to raise funds for the Dance Department. We need your HELP!
This elegant evening is designed as a date night out for our families and community members; full of music, dancing, entertainment, silent auction basket items, live dessert auction, photo booth, delicious dinner and more to celebrate our dancers and raise thousands of dollars of course!
Our very own Northgate Dancers will be the live entertainment from 6:30-7:30pm.
The proceeds raised will go to various field trips such as The Nutcracker in Walnut Creek and San Francisco, class costumes, Southern California Dance Festival and hopefully a new dance floor in our studio!
Please come and celebrate our dancers and support Performing Arts in Public Schools!
Please purchase your tickets in advance HERE! ASB Webstore Gala Tickets
Saturday, Nov 2, 2024, 06:00 PM
The Greenery Restaurant & Sports Bar, Marchbanks Drive, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Meet Shelley Gillett, Math Teacher!
Shelley Gillett, Math
Shelley has 25 years experience in education, half of which were volunteering at her children's schools while tutoring students in Math. She has previously worked at the school which shall not be named (Las Lomas) and Diablo Valley College, teaching all levels of Math.
How would you describe your high school self? What are you proud of and what makes you cringe?
I was kind in high school and not everyone is. I loved math in high school and that is when I started helping other kids with math and realized how much I love helping people be successful at math. I shake my head at my hairstyles in high school - wish I could change the pictures!
Why are you excited to be a Bronco?
Everyone seems so nice. I think I am really going to like being a Bronco.
Where did you grow up?
Walnut Creek. I went to Las Lomas. (I'm sorry I went to your rival school.)
Who inspires you, at work, and in life?
I have a sweet group of ladies in my Bible study at church. They are praying for me and cheering me on as I start this new adventure. They are my biggest fans.
Outside of the classroom, if we were to ask you for advice, what areas would you be most qualified to assist in?
How not to feel bad about yourself and compare yourself to others. I would help you see that you are beautiful just the way you are. You weren't meant to be someone else. You were meant to be you and you were meant to do beautiful things that only you can do.
What is your favorite work/life hack that you have used recently?
I haven't actually used it. I don't know that I will. But my kids showed me ChatGPT and they had it write a poem for Father's Day and include some of our family jokes in it, and it was a really good poem!
Do you have any hidden talents?
I make really good chocolate chip cookies. (Office staff CONFIRMS)
What was your very first job?
My very first job was teaching Algebra and Geometry at Corona Del Mar High School in Newport Beach. There were some really good teachers there who I learned a lot from.
Anything else you want to share with the Bronco community?
Thank you for letting me be part of your community.
Northgate Makes the AP Honor Roll for the 2nd Year in a row!
Upcoming Events
Tuesday October 29- DAL League Tennis playoffs (tennis on campus all day); NHS Pumpkin Patch fundraiser 3:30-5pm; Drama II presents 'Clue'; Winter Sports Parent Info Night 7pm
Wednesday October 30- Drama II presents, 'Clue' 7pm; STAR training for teachers piloting; PLC Meeting 3:30pm; Cross Country DAL Meet at Newhall; Boys and Girls Water Polo vs Las Lomas; Flag Football vs Benicia and CVCHS @ CVCHS
Thursday October 31- Mr. Woerner's Bday; Halloween; First Day of Diwali;
Friday November 1st- Dia De Los Muertos; NO SCHOOL- STAFF WORKDAY Football @ Alhambra HS; Boys Waterpolo vs Cal High
Saturday November 2nd- Dance department Gala @ the Greenery 6pm
Sunday November 3rd- Daylight Savings Time Ends
Monday November 4th- Drama I presents, 'Oedipus Rex 7pm; NHS AAPAC Meeting 6pm in the library
Tuesday November 5th- Election Day; Site Council Meeting 3:45pm (SPSA Plan approval);
Wednesday November 6th- Blood Drive; Flag football v San Francisco
Thursday November 7th- MDUSD String Festival @ DVC
Friday November 8th- Football DAL Championships 7pm
Drama I Presents 'Oedipus Rex'
Drama I Presents:
King Oedipus Rex
Monday, November 4th @ 7:30
Northgate Little Theatre
Suggested Donation $5
Monday, Nov 4, 2024, 07:00 PM
Northgate High School, Castle Rock Road, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Parent Faculty Club Events
Don't forget to donate to the Ed Fund!
The PFC Ed Fund is used to fund the Wellness Center, our site technician, and other classroom goals!
In case you missed it- Student Journalism
Congratulations to Caroline Donahoe, who was recently published by 'Local News Matters Bay Area' - check out the article here!
Congratulations to both Caroline and Sylvana Vuong for being among thirteen students across 10 high schools (and the only students within MDUSD )to be selected for Contra Costa Youth Journalism Program. Sponsored by the Contra Costa County Office of Education (CCCOE) in collaboration with various California news organizations and the Dean & Margaret Lesher Foundation, this six-month program offers high school students an opportunity to report on their schools and local communities.
A huge thank you to our resident Journalism instructor and mentor, Karen Jenkins, who works with the students to publish the Northgate Sentinel, all on extra-curricular time.
Athletics Updates
Don't miss a thing in athletics! With 20 active teams this seasons, and also our spirit teams, there is a lot to stay up on!
Follow athletics on Instagram @northgate.athletics and check out the athletics newsletter HERE!
More details to come- Junior prom includes mandatory charter bus transportation.
Saturday, Mar 29, 2025, 05:00 PM
Senior Families- Put an Ad in the Yearbook!
Dear Northgate Senior Families,
While the deadline has passed for cap and gown orders, you can still hold your sizes for borrowing.
*USE promo code: SENIORSHIP25 with these graduation packages (Silver, Gold, or Mascot) and receive FREE SHIPPING/HANDLING & A FREE GIFT HOME!
*Additional options at checkout include interest-free, installment plans over a 3 or 4 month period.
Here’s a quick video with some helpful information on the graduation ordering process: HOW TO VIDEO
(*Discount will be determined by your metal choice)
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or prefer to borrow a loaner cap & gown from the school.
Congratulations Class of 2025!
Martin Oliveira/Jostens
Phone: (925) 838-1835/Email: martin.oliveira@jostens.com
Senior Portraits
As a reminder- the ONLY senior portraits that can be included in the yearbook are those taken by Studio One. They will be on campus taking portraits in November during the break, and again in January during the school day, or seniors can make an appointment to go to the studio in Dublin.
October To -Do list from Mrs. Santos
Seniors: Continue to explore colleges to add to your list and determine deadlines for applications to your schools. Decide if you are applying to any schools' early action, early decision or regular decision.
Application Action Sheet (Before Applying to colleges)
University Action Planning Sheet (After submitting applications)
Not sure what you want to do? Take a career interest profiler and skills survey in CaliforniaColleges.edu
Finalizing your College Lists
Request letters of rec. (If Needed)
Meet with Colleges visiting Northgate
Work on College applications
Planning on DVC? Register on the class of 2025 Google Classroom for the DVC application Workshop
Mock Congress (photo cred: senior Devan Sughiarto)
A Note to our Senior Families
"Parents of Seniors of the Class of 2025:
As you know, Northgate seniors all take U.S. Government during the first semester to fulfill part of their Social Studies graduation requirement. During this first semester, all Seniors participate in Mock Congress- a capstone project and Northgate tradition going back more than 35 years. This year, Mock Congress will take place on December 4 and 5, 2025.
These dates are mandatory and cannot be rescheduled, so your students' attendance is imperative. During these two days, seniors are expected to dress professionally as members of the U.S. Senate do, and participate in 2 days of debating, amending, and passing bills to simulate the legislative process. It is an amazing experience to see the 12th graders step into these roles and display their skills in professionalism, speech, and dialogue.
We ask that all seniors attend. Please avoid scheduling any trips or appointments during these two days. If seniors have a job after school, we ask that they speak with their managers to ensure they will not be asked to work during the school day (even if they do not have a 6th period- Mock Congress takes place during periods 1-6.)
If you would like to donate any used professional attire that is still in good condition- blazers, trousers, shirts, ties, blouses, or shoes- please reach out to Mrs. Dillon dillonp@mdusd.org or Mr. Woerner at woernerm@mdusd.org. We appreciate any and all donations, and so do our students!"
Leave your mark- buy a legacy brick for your family, support the stadium project!
Northgate High School turns 50 this year, and to celebrate, we want to commemorate our families and community with a custom brick pathway, 'Legacy Lane' in our stadium.
The sale of these bricks will fund our new planned stadium bathrooms, concession building, and video scoreboard.
Grad Night
Parents of Seniors-the committee landed on - SUNSET BOAT CRUISE for Grad Night . It's going to be a fun night on the bay with everyone together one last time. We are opening up early bird tickets now - date TBD but trying for the night after graduation. QR code below or link here > https://bit.ly/GradNight25 #classof25
Senior Ball- SAVE THE DATE
Save the date- Senior Ball is May 24th, which is a holiday weekend. The class cabinet has selected a gorgeous venue for this event, and dates were limited. We know that this timing is not ideal, so we wanted to get the date out early so that families could plan ahead.
All seniors will be provided with transportation (Charter Bus) to the venue, and will need to be at Northgate by 5pm.
Saturday, May 24, 2025, 04:00 PM
Graduation- Class of 2025
As a reminder, we do not get our graduation dates until late January/Early February due to scheduling complications with the Concord Pavilion. We are fortunate to be able to host our graduation ceremony is this wonderful venue, and the downside is we are given our dates a bit late in the school year. We will make many announcements as soon as we know.
Morning rainbow over the Broncos
Our Royal Family!
Congrats to girls cross country!
1st place finish at Mt Sac!
Have a wonderful week, Broncos!
If your student is going to be absent all day, please call the all day attendance line at (925) 939-6911 or email nhsattendance@mdusd.org.
If your student needs to leave school for any reason, please call the partial absence attendance line, with at least one hour notice- (925) 938-0900 x 3505 or email nhsattendance@mdusd.org.
Absences must be cleared within 3 days, or they become truant.
For more details and instructions around attendance- click here.
Dates to avoid absences:
For Seniors- Mock Congress December 4-5
All Students- Final Examinations- December 17-20
For Seniors- Senior Projects May 21-22
All Students- Final Examinations- May 29-30, June 2-3
We are unable to offer early finals for those students who will not be there for any reason- missed finals will result in an incomplete grade until they are taken (within 6 weeks after finals week)
2024-25 COVID Guidelines
If students experience COVID symptoms, they should test as soon as possible. Take-home tests are available in the main office. Students should not attend school while they have symptoms.
If a COVID test is positive, students must quarantine for a minimum of five days from the first day of symptoms or positive test.
After five days, students may return as long as they have been symptom free for 24 hours.
Students who are still showing a positive test, but are symptom free after five days, may return to school, but should wear a tight fitting mask to school to protect others from exposure.
Please contact the school if your student is ill by emailing nhsattendance@mdusd.org or calling extension 3505.
Northgate High School
Email: cooperk@mdusd.org
Website: northgatehighschool.org
Location: 425 Castle Rock Rd, Walnut Creek, CA, USA
Phone: 925 938-0900
Instagram: @northgatehs