Bea Underwood Family Newsletter
December 2024
Dear Bea Underwood Families,
The holiday season is upon us, and we are excited to share all of the wonderful things happening in our school community this December. As we wrap up 2024, we want to express our gratitude for your continued support and partnership. Here's a look at what’s coming up this month.
Warm regards,
Amber Scott - Principal
Ioana Costas - Assistant Principal
Note from our School Counsleors
Every Day Counts!
Regular school attendance in elementary school sets the foundation for a child’s academic and personal growth. It provides the opportunity for consistent learning, social development, and emotional support, which are all essential for success in the later years of education and in life. By showing up Every Day, children develop a sense of responsibility, build strong relationships, and gain the skills they need to thrive academically and socially.
Thank you Jessica, for supporting our BUE kids!! Our campaign for Second Semester begins Jan 7th!
From the Palette of Mrs. Schuckers
Greetings from the land of creative chaos...otherwise known as art. This month we are exploring our skills with collage and oil pastels in 2nd and 3rd. This helps build our fine motor skills along with our creativity. Independence is the name of the game for 4th and 5th. I want our artists to make their own decisions in the creative process. On a side note, the results for our fundraiser are in! Thanks to all of your support we were able to raise $422. That will help add supplies to continue our creative chaos.
Saludos desde la tierra del caos creativo... también conocido como arte. Este mes estamos explorando nuestras habilidades con collage y pasteles al óleo en 2nd y 3rd. Esto ayuda a construir nuestras habilidades motoras finas, junto con nuestra creatividad. Independencia es el nombre del juego para 4th y 5th. Quiero que nuestros artistas tomen sus propias decisiones en el proceso creativo. Como nota al margen, ¡ya tenemos los resultados de nuestra recaudación de fondos! Gracias a todo su apoyo hemos sido capaces de recaudar $422. Eso ayudará a añadir suministros para continuar nuestro caos creativo.
Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor DeepL.com
Mrs. Schuckers
Music News from Mrs Humphrey
Winter Concerts at BUE: Dec. 17th & 19th
Winter Concert
- 2nd Grade (Spencer, Austin, Strong, Mayerle): Dec. 17 at 6pm
3rd Grade (Helzer, Bordelon, Sigmon, C. Myers) & Scilla (all of Scilla’s class): Dec. 17 at 7pm
Musical: A Pirate Christmas
4th Grade (Aldrich, Morris, Fazzi, Reed) & Drake: Dec. 19 at 6pm
5th Grade (Mendoza, Nelson, Emmalyn & T. Myers) Dec. 19 at 7pm
Penguin Patch 12/10 - 12/13
Our Annual Penguin Patch is back! Dec 10th - Dec 13th. The Penguin Patch is a fun way for students to purchase in-expensive gifts for their families. Students will get the opportunity to browse the shop and make a wish list.
We are looking for parent volunteers to help support this activity for our students. Please reach out to BUE if you would be available to help (970)285-5703.
Holiday Spirit Week
BUE K-Kids Soup Drive 2024 - Dec 3rd - 12th
BUE K-Kids and the Family Resource Center Sponsored
BUE K-Kids will be partnering with the the Family Resource Center to host a Soup Drive. Please bring in soup cans or dry soup mixes to BUE or GVHS before Dec 12th to help our community out. There will be specially marked boxes located by the school offices for drop off. Thank you for your support!
Reading Intervention Updates
Intervention groups with Mrs. Severson and Mrs. Jacoby are making great strides in phonemic awareness (hearing the sounds in words) and phonics skills. Second graders are progressing through short vowels and silent e words as well as and blending blending sounds to read more fluently. The 3rd, 4th and 5th graders are working on reading and writing words with prefixes and suffixes to improve vocabulary comprehension. Several of Mrs. Severson's 3rd, and 4th grade groups are applying their growing reading skills to a novel called The Chocolate Touch, while a group of 5th graders are reading Midnight Magic. These students are getting lots of practice in breaking up multisyllabic words and figuring out their meaning as they read. We have seen all groups increased their ability to read, and comprehend what they are reading.
English Language Learners @ BUE
Our English Language Learners are diving into exciting topics while building their English skills! Each grade is exploring a unique theme:
- 2nd Grade is learning about survival and the incredible ways living things adapt to their environments.
- 3rd Grade is discovering the balance of nature and how ecosystems work together in harmony.
- 4th Grade is investigating animal intelligence and the amazing ways animals communicate and problem-solve.
- 5th Grade is harnessing the sun’s power, studying its energy and impact on Earth.
Through these themes, students are practicing reading, writing, listening, and speaking, making great progress in their English skills!
Did you know? Reading at home—whether in English or Spanish—provides incredible benefits for your child! Reading in their mother language strengthens their vocabulary, comprehension, and overall brain development. Research from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (https://www.actfl.org/) shows that bilingualism enhances cognitive skills, improves memory, and even boosts academic performance.
It’s also a myth that learning English will cause your child to forget Spanish. In fact, the opposite is true! A strong foundation in their first language supports their ability to learn and excel in a second language. Reading and speaking Spanish at home enriches their bilingual abilities, setting them up for long-term success in school and beyond.
Let’s keep reading at home and celebrating the amazing benefits of bilingualism!
Actualización del Programa ELL
¡Nuestros estudiantes del programa de Aprendizaje del Idioma Inglés están explorando temas emocionantes mientras desarrollan sus habilidades en inglés! Cada grado está estudiando un tema único:
- 2.º Grado está aprendiendo sobre la supervivencia y las formas increíbles en que los seres vivos se adaptan a su entorno.
- 3.º Grado está descubriendo el equilibrio de la naturaleza y cómo los ecosistemas trabajan en armonía.
- 4.º Grado está investigando la inteligencia animal y las asombrosas maneras en que los animales se comunican y resuelven problemas.
- 5.º Grado está aprovechando el poder del sol, estudiando su energía y su impacto en la Tierra.
A través de estos temas, los estudiantes están practicando lectura, escritura, escucha y habla, ¡logrando grandes avances en sus habilidades en inglés!
¿Sabías que? Leer en casa—ya sea en inglés o en español—proporciona beneficios increíbles para tu hijo/a. Leer en su idioma materno fortalece su vocabulario, comprensión y desarrollo cerebral en general. Investigaciones del American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (Consejo Americano para la Enseñanza de Idiomas Extranjeros) (https://www.actfl.org/) demuestran que el bilingüismo mejora las habilidades cognitivas, refuerza la memoria e incluso aumenta el rendimiento académico.
También es un mito que aprender inglés hará que tu hijo/a olvide el español. ¡De hecho, sucede lo contrario! Una base sólida en su primer idioma apoya su capacidad para aprender y sobresalir en un segundo idioma. Leer y hablar español en casa enriquece sus habilidades bilingües, preparándonos para el éxito a largo plazo en la escuela y más allá.
¡Sigamos leyendo en casa y celebrando los increíbles beneficios del bilingüismo!
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Important Dates
Dec 10th - 13th- Star and NWEA Benchmark Testing
Penguin Patch
Dec 14th- Holiday Parade of Lights - Downtown Parachute
Dec 17th- Winter Concert (2nd & 3rd)
Dec 19th- Winter Concert (4th & 5th)
Dec 20th- End of 2nd Quarter
Classroom Holiday Parties
Dec 23rd - Jan 3rd - Winter Break
Jan 7th - School Resumes
3rd Quarter Begins
We wish all of our BUE families a wonderful, safe, and relaxing holiday season! Thank you for your continued support and involvement.
Warm wishes,
Mrs. Scott and Ms. Costas
Principal and Assistant Principal